HomeNewsTacony woman raped in Pennypack Park

Tacony woman raped in Pennypack Park

A Tacony woman was beaten and assaulted sexually in Pennypack Park after accepting a ride from a strange man in a pickup truck early on Aug. 2, Philadelphia police say.

The victim, who is in her 20s, was standing outside a convenience store on the 6900 block of Torresdale Ave. at about 2:30 a.m. when the stranger approached her and struck up a conversation, said Capt. John Darby, commander of the special victims unit.

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The woman told police that the man called himself “Rob” and offered her a ride to her nearby home. She accepted.

The man allegedly drove her about two miles to the 8100 block of Cresco Ave., stopped his truck, dragged her to a park bench, beat her with his fists and raped her. He also stole $20 from her.

Following the attack, the rapist threatened to hurt the woman further and ordered her not to move as he re-entered his truck and fled. She then called 911 on her mobile phone, Darby said.

The victim suffered broken bones and cuts to her face, along with other injuries consistent with a struggle and sexual assault. She was treated at Episcopal Hospital and released.

Police believe the attacker is white, 30 to 40 years old and 5 feet 8 inches to 5 feet 10 inches tall. He has a medium build and reddish-brown hair. He had some facial hair and was driving a white pickup truck with ladders in the rear, Darby said.

Detectives are investigating possible links between the case and other unsolved sexual assaults, but have made no definitive connections. Call the special victims unit at 215–685–3247 to report information about the case. ••

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