Home News City Web site can be resource for community projects

City Web site can be resource for community projects

The city has a Web site that gives a rundown of eighborhood projects — or ideas for projects — to help residents join forces and look for resources to get things done.

You might have an idea for a dog park in your neighborhood, said Jeff Friedman, chief of staff for the Office of Innovation & Technology, and somebody who lives a couple blocks from you might already be working on doing the same thing.

The city’s www.philly.changeby.us site helps residents find out about projects in or near their neighborhoods, Friedman told members of the Parkwood Civic Association during their meeting Nov. 30 at St. Anselm’s R.C. Church on Dunks Ferry Road.

“This tool will direct you toward similar projects,” he said, adding the reason for the Web site is to connect people who are starting neighborhood projects with city agencies, non-profits and others who might have useful experience.

The site is still under construction, Friedman said, and it’s just for Philadelphians to use. City workers monitor it to see if the city can offer help to people trying to get things done in their neighborhoods.

Also, Felicia Parker-Cox, community outreach manager for Recyclebank, talked up the city’s Recycling Rewards program.

Those who sign up for the citywide program get stickers to put on their recycling bins. The stickers are scanned when their recyclables are collected and those in the program share in the points awarded by the weight of the material collected.

Participants can redeem points for discounts at stores or tickets to events in the city, Parker-Cox said.

A few residents said they already had signed up for Recycling Rewards but had never gotten the stickers to put on their bins. Parker-Cox said she could give the stickers to any residents who sign up with her.

Information on the program is available at 1–888–769–7960.

The Parkwood Civic Association will not conduct meetings in December or January, said Mike Hatala, the group’s president. The group’s next session will be Wednesday, Feb. 15, in the basement of St. Anselm’s R.C. Church Dunks Ferry Road. ••