HomeNewsEvents (June 20, 2012)

Events (June 20, 2012)

Thursday, June 21


Art Program Lawncrest Library, 6098 Rising Sun Ave. Sponsored by Philadelphia Arts in Education. 2:30 p.m. Also on June 28, July 5, 19 and 26, and Aug. 2, 9 and 16. Space is limited, register at the library. 215–685–0549.

Chicken Dinner Philadelphia Protestant Home, 6500 Tabor Ave. Adults $9, children $4. Takeout $9.50. Sponsored by Women’s Auxiliary. 3:30 to 7 p.m. 215–697–8000.

German Protestant Service Philadelphia Protestant Home chapel, 6500 Tabor Ave. 11 a.m. 215–698–8000.

Silver Sneakers MSROM Class Philadelphia Protestant Home, Gateway Basement, 6500 Tabor Ave. 10:15 a.m. 215–697–8007.

Small Business Conference Community College of Philadelphia, Northeast Regional Center, 12901 Townsend Road. Features networking and breakfast, keynote address, workshops and more. Free. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Register in advance. 215–972–6254.


Friends of Pennypack Park Lafayette-Holy Redeemer Center, 8580 Verree Road. Program will feature an update on the Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed. 7:30 p.m. Light refreshments follow the meeting. 215–934-PARK.

Friends of Summerdale Civic Association Houseman Playground, Summerdale and Godfrey avenues. 7 p.m. 215–685–1240.

Friday, June 22


American Red Cross Blood Drive Rhawnhurst Presbyterian Church, 7701 Loretto Ave. 2 to 8 p.m. 1–800-RED CROSS.

Concert Danube Swabian Association, 1277 Southampton Road. Features The Cardinal Dougherty Alumni Band with classical, Sousa and Broadway tunes. Free. Will be held indoors if inclement weather. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. 7 to 9 p.m. 215–969–9356.


Higher Liberty Group for Men 4716 Tyson Ave. This is a City Church of Philadelphia Ministry. Program is for men that hunger for a real experience with a real God. Fridays. 7 p.m. 215–695–0531, 215–331–7575.

Saturday, June 23


Community Celebration Max Meyers Community Center, 1601 Hellerman St. Hosted by Take Back Your Neighborhood group. Features groups representing historical landmarks, food, activities for kids, music and community organizations that provide services to our neighborhood. Free. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 215–205–2167, [email protected]

Beginners Botany Walk Tacony Creek Park entrance at 5150 Tabor Road, across from Whitaker Mills. Join naturalist Peter Kurtz from Pennypack Environmental Center for a tour through the park. Wear sturdy walking shoes. Hosted by Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership, Inc. 215–844–8100.

Friends of Pennypack Park Monthly Cleanup Rowland Avenue and Welsh Road, near Father Judge High School. Volunteers are invited. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 215–934-PARK.

Housing Fair St. William School Memorial Hall, Robbins and Argyle streets. Door prizes and free raffle for KINDLE. Registration at 11 a.m. Program begins at 11:30 a.m. Features a housing resource fair, round table discussions, on-the-spot free credit check, banking experts and more. Event is in partnership with the Greater Philadelphia Association of Realtors. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Info: Office of Councilwoman Marian B. Tasco, 215–686–3454.


Holy Redeemer Lafayette 8580 Verree Road. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 215–214–2822.

Tacony Civic Association Disston Park, 6900 Keystone St. 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. No rain date. 215–338–2575.

Whitehall Baptist Church 3541 Avalon St. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Spaces available at no charge. 215–969–3836.

Sunday, June 24


Classroom Thrift Shop Half-price Sale Temple Menorah Keneseth Chai, 4301 Tyson Ave. Continues June 25 and 26. A bag sale will be held June 27, 28 and 29. Open Monday through Friday 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., closed Saturday. Shop is closed during July and August. 215–624–9600.

Amici Opera Company Performance of Herold’s “Zampa” Holmesburg United Methodist Church, 8118 Frankford Avenue (at Welsh Road). Wheelchair accessible. $25. 4 p.m. Advance reservations: 215–224–0257.

Fox Chase Reading Series Ryerss Museum and Library, 7370 Central Ave. J.C. Todd and Hayden Saunier are the featured poets. 2 p.m.

Safe Boating Classes Wissinoming Yacht Club, 5200 Devereaux Ave. (basement). Hosted by United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 210. Continues July 1. 1 to 5 p.m. 215–349–0982.

Zumbathon The Ballroom at Bridgemen’s Hall, 11600 Norcom Road. Benefits Fox Chase Cancer Center. Minimum donation $10. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. Event starts at 10 a.m. The public is invited. Info: [email protected]


Friendship Singles Club Individuals ages 50 plus are invited. 3 p.m. Call for location information. 215–969–7167.

Monday, June 25


“Arthritis of the Shoulder: Non-Surgical and Surgical Management” Lecture and Discussion Cheltenham Friends Meetinghouse, Jeanes Hospital campus, 7600 Central Ave. Space is limited. Free parking available in Lot C. Light refreshments available. 7 to 8:30 p.m. Register. 215–728–4861.

Breathe Easy Program Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Learn about asthma, the environmental triggers, medications and warning signs. Brought to you by Public Health Management Corp. 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. 215–698–7300.

Bridge Games Old York Road Temple-Beth Am, 971 Old York Rd, Abington. Hosted by Brotherhood. Come and meet pleasant people and enjoy a competitive game. 7:15 p.m. 215–886–8000.

“Canning Basics for the Home Cook” Lecture Glen Foerd on the Delaware, 5001 Grant Ave. Lecture class only, no cooking. Participants can sample a variety of products made by the instructor. Prepayment and registration required. Members $5, non-members $10. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. 215–632–5330.

“Creating Positive Mealtimes for Your Family” Program Oxford Circle Christian Community Development Association, 900 E. Howell St. Learn to make mealtimes positive, enjoyable and healthy. Also, discuss healthy foods to feed your child and family, how to manage weight challenges and what to do with picky eaters. 6:30 to 8 p.m. Register. 267–265–1709.

Nature Walk Led by David Hewitt, a botanist from the Academy of Natural Sciences, and Tony Gordon, local tree enthusiast. Meet at Wissinoming Park, Comly Street and Frankford Avenue entrance, at 3 p.m.

Sing and Move along with Pete Moses Lawncrest Library, 6098 Rising Sun Ave. The entire family can enjoy original and traditional sing-a-longs. Part of this year’s Summer Reading Program kick off. 11 a.m. 215–685–0549.

Vacation Bible School Lehigh Baptist Church, 934 Alburger Ave. Program is for children age 5 to those completing seventh grade. Registration is free. Continues through June 29. 9 a.m. to noon. Daily offerings will be taken for a missionary project. 215–673–9552.

Tuesday, June 26


Birthday Party Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center, 4744 Frankford Ave. Cake, ice cream and entertainment at 10 a.m. Seniors are invited. 215–831–2926.

Cheerleading and Football Registration Holmesburg Boys Club, 7756 Ditman St. Registration for ages 5–16 continues on Tuesdays and Thursdays through July. 6:30 to 8 p.m.

Children’s Summer Reading Game Programs Bustleton Library, Bustleton Avenue and Verree Road. Continues July 17, 24 and 31 and Aug. 7. 7 p.m. 215–685–0472.

Concert Glen Foerd on the Delaware, 5001 Grant Ave. Features harmony with the Pine Barons Chorus. Premium seating in the air-conditioned tent is free for members, $3 for non-members. 7 p.m. 215–632–5330.

Matinee with Friends Fox Chase Library, 501 Rhawn St. Join Friends of the Fox Chase Library for a screening of “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close”. Noon.

Pizza and Prayer for Women Provincialate of the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer, 521 Moredon Road, Huntingdon Valley. Free. Single, Catholic women interested in learning more about religious life are invited for dinner and prayer. 6 to 7 p.m. Register. 215–914–4109.

Preschool Story Time Holmesburg Library, 7810 Frankford Ave. Stories, rhymes and coloring for children 3–5 with accompanying adult. Groups are welcome, but must call in advance to assure space is available. Program also held July 17, Aug. 7 and Aug. 21. 10:30 a.m. 215–685–8756.

Program for Seniors Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center, 4744 Frankford Ave. A representative from PGW will discuss ways to save money on your gas bill and payment options. 10 to 11 a.m. 215–831–2926.

Silver Sneakers MSROM Class Philadelphia Protestant Home, Gateway Basement, 6500 Tabor Ave. 10:15 a.m. 215–697–8007.

Total Joint Replacement Seminar Jeanes Hospital, 7600 Central Ave. Learn about the benefits of total joint replacement, what can be expected after discharge and more. 6 to 7 p.m. Register. 215–728–4818.

Wednesday, June 27


Bingo Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. The public is invited. Prizes awarded. 12:45 to 1:45 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Gymnastics Camp Lawncrest Recreation Center, 6000 Rising Sun Ave. Beginners camp for ages 6 to 15 Wednesday evenings from 6 to 7 p.m. 215–685–0597.

“How to Build a Better Plate for Better Health” Program Provincialate of the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer, 521 Moredon Road, Huntingdon Valley. Learn to balance calories, reduce foods high in sodium and sugar and more. $20. 7 to 8:30 p.m. Pre-register. 1–800–818–4747.

Mah Jongg Games Old York Road Temple-Beth Am, 971 Old York Road, Abington. Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Bring your card. Mah Jongg sets and cards for sale. 215–886–8000.

Michael Woods’ “Story of India” Northeast Regional Library, 2228 Cottman Ave. 3 p.m. The library will be holding a retrospective of Paul Scott’s Series “The Jewel in the Crown” Wednesdays at 3 p.m. beginning July 11. 215–685–0512.

Pages to Pirouettes Holmesburg Library, 7810 Frankford Ave. In this ballet performance, “Sleeping Beauty” will be read aloud and brought to life by music and dancers in full costume. This is a program for children. 4 p.m. 215–685–8756.

Pennypack Park Music Festival Bandshell near the entrance at Cresco Avenue and Welsh Road. Features The Glimmer Twins, a Rolling Stones tribute band. Free. Bring a lawn chair or blanket. 7 p.m. 215–574–2100.

Silver Sneakers Tai Chi Philadelphia Protestant Home, 6500 Tabor Ave., Gateway Basement. 1 to 2 p.m. 215–697–8007.


Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group Holy Redeemer St. Joseph Manor, 1616 Huntingdon Pike, Meadowbrook. Free. 6 to 7:30 p.m. Register. 1–800–818–4747.

Holme Circle Civic Association St. Jerome’s School library, Stamford and Colfax streets. Prospective members are invited. 7 p.m.

Thursday, June 28


Afternoon at the Movies Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Free. The public is invited. Features “Born on the Fourth of July” starring Tom Cruise and Tom Berenger. 12:45 to 2:15 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Butterfly Release Memorial Service Falls Center, 3300 Henry Ave. Hundreds of butterflies will be released simultaneously as memories are shared between families and friends. Hosted by Hospice of Philadelphia. A donation of $30 is accepted for each butterfly released and an acknowledgement will be sent to the designated recipient. 3 p.m. 215–581–2080.

Claymobile Claymation Workshop Tacony Library, 6742 Torresdale Ave. Six-week workshop is for ages 12–18. Participants must be able to attend all sessions scheduled for Thursdays through Aug. 2. 2 p.m. Pre-register. 215–685–8755.

Cooking with Books Program for Children Holmesburg Library, 7810 Frankford Ave. Interactive program incorporates the magic of reading with the science of cooking. Includes story time, hands-on cooking, crafts and more. Parents, be aware of potential allergies. 3 p.m. Pre-register. 215–685–8756.

Independence Day Celebration Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. The public is invited. 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Pajama Party Story Time Lawncrest Library, 6098 Rising Sun Ave. Children are invited to wear their pajamas and enjoy prince and princess stories, an easy craft and snack. 6:30 p.m. 215–685–0549.

Respiratory Program for Seniors Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center, 4744 Frankford Ave. “Every Breath you Take” will provide information on asthma, respiratory issues and treatment options. Part 2 of 2. 10 to 11 a.m. 215–831–2926.

Silver Sneakers MSROM Class Philadelphia Protestant Home, Gateway Basement, 6500 Tabor Ave. 10:15 a.m. 215–697–8007.

Teen Thursdays! Bustleton Library, 10199 Bustleton Ave. Robotics, movies, gaming and more for teens and tweens. Thursdays through Aug. 9. 3 to 5 p.m. 215–685–0472.


Photography Club of Old York Road Temple-Beth Am, 971 Old York Rd, Abington. Photographers of all levels and skills are invited. 7 p.m. 215–886–8000.

Friday, June 29


Family Movie Fridays Bustleton Library, 10199 Bustleton Ave. Continues Fridays through Aug. 31. 2 p.m. 215–685–0472.

Produce from Lancaster Farms Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. The farm is back with fresh fruits and vegetables for sale. 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 215–698–7300.


Lawncrest Recreation Center Rising Sun Avenue and Comly Street. July 4. Flea market and craft show. 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sponsored by Lawncrest 4th of July Committee. 267–467–0034 or 215–287–7056.

Pilgrim Baptist Church Comly Street and Rising Sun Avenue. July 4. Flea market. Will be held on the church lawn. Spaces $15. Proceeds benefit church missionaries. 215–745–4975.

St. James Lutheran Church Castor Avenue and Pratt Street. July 7. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Spaces $10, $15 with table. 267–205–1121 or 215–743–1828.

Oxford Circle Christian Community Development Association 900 E. Howell St. Flea markets. July 14, Aug. 11 and Sept. 8. 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Vendor spaces available. 215–756–7292. ••

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