Home News Editorial: What a bonehead

Editorial: What a bonehead

It was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve
Love and marriage know no boundaries

Those two schools of thought represent the powerful dichotomy in the debate over same-sex marriage. The first one says marriage can only be between one man and one woman; the second one places no such limitations.
In the wake of the Chick-fil-A brouhaha, free speech is under severe attack by some powerful, pandering pointy-headed politicians whose quest for political correctness has pushed them off the deep end — merely because Dan Cathy, the president and chief operating officer of the national fast-and-scrumptious-chicken-sandwich chain Chick-fil-A, had the audacity to say he believes in traditional marriage. And with that, politicians including the mayors of Boston and Chicago, told Chick-fil-A the company is not welcome in their cities. Hello? Weren’t they elected to represent all the people?
Even the City of Brotherly Love’s very own quality-of-life councilman from South Philly, Jim Kenney, chimed in, telling Mr. Cathy, in a letter, to “take a hike.” Shame on Mr. Kenney for putting his nose where it does not belong, for trying to stifle Mr. Cathy’s free speech, and creating a hostile environment for a legitimate business. If Jim Kenney doesn’t like Chick-fil-A he doesn’t have to eat there, plain and simple. Mr. Cathy has the right to his views, religious-based or not. Perhaps more American businesses should follow the lead of Mr. Cathy, who keeps all of his stores closed on Sundays, Thanksgiving and Christmas so his employees can have some down time.
We elect politicians to debate the big issues. The rest of us can vote, with our feet, where we want to eat.
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