Mayfair Civic Association last week rejected one zoning proposal and gave preliminary approval to two others.
The group met on Aug. 8 at the Mayfair Community Center.
Anthony and Ana DiGiulio own a corner property on the 3300 block of Brighton St. (at Crispin Street). It’s a duplex with a basement that was built decades ago for a barbershop, though it never opened.
The DiGiulios and zoning expediter Beditza Cadillo told the crowd that they are looking for a barber to work weekdays and Saturday morning hours.
Neighbors weren’t receptive, noting the tenants’ past failure to cut grass and shovel snow. They also pointed to several other hair salons in the area and cited traffic concerns, particularly with the lack of a stop sign at the corner. And they worried about vehicles driving up a back alley where children play.
Residents of Brighton Street and Princeton Avenue presented petitions with signatures on eight sheets of paper opposing the idea.
After hearing the neighbors balk, the DiGiulios asked about the possibility of a professional office, which would not be as busy as a barbershop. But that idea was dismissed as well.
Attorney John Sabatina had better luck presenting cases for two clients.
An eat-in and takeout sandwich shop will open at 6716–18 Frankford Ave. (near Knorr Street). The property, which includes residential space on the second floor, formerly housed a “cash for gold” business.
Neighbors had some concerns, such as late hours of operation, trash in a Dumpster and more circulars dropped off at doorsteps.
One woman, formerly of Gilham Street, said blight is “creeping up” from her former block.
“We’re going down, and it’s a sin,” she said, though others rejected her statement.
Sabatina showed petitions and letters of support from nearby residents and business owners.
The shop would be open from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m., and some neighbors questioned that late closing hour.
“If no one wants a sandwich after nine o’clock, they’re going to close,” Sabatina responded.
In the end, neighbors gave their OK.
Residents also backed a bid by Casper’s Place, at 3510–12 Cottman Ave., to renew a permit that allows the bar to continue using a jukebox. Last year, the bar was cited by the Department of Licenses and Inspections for unknowingly letting the permit expire.
Bar operators explained that they are good neighbors. They have not been cited by the state Liquor Control Board for allowing underage drinking, adding that agents have carded patrons who were, indeed, of legal drinking age.
In other neighborhood news, Mayfair Town Watch recently held elections for board members.
The new board consists of Anna Stacey (president); Joe Conboy (vice president); Stephanie Kramer (secretary); Mia Hylan (treasurer/fundraising coordinator); Donna Conboy (community relations/recruitment); Joann Wyjadka-Candy (member coordinator); John Jenkins (public relations); and Rob Pasco (equipment/logistics).
The group still is looking for someone to be the education/certification coordinator.
Members thanked former president Milt Martelack for his contributions. They plan to work with Capt. Frank Bachmayer, commander of the 15th Police District, and neighboring Town Watch groups.
Mayfair Civic Association will meet on Monday, Sept. 17, at 7 p.m., at the Mayfair Community Center, at 2990 St. Vincent St.
The city commissioners’ office will bring a voting machine and show a video on the election process. Voter registration forms will be available, and there will be a discussion of the new voter identification law.
The group will also talk about a planned Business Improvement District and the neighborhood’s upcoming farmers market.
Also, members will debate a zoning issue on the 7600 block of Roosevelt Blvd. A property that once housed Dr. Stanley Feldman’s dental office and HG Realty Services has been purchased for possible use as a duplex. ••