The Harvey/DeLange family’s 23rd annual benefit to combat cystic fibrosis is approaching, and planners are hoping for another big night.
The yearly take is about $14,000.
“It’s been increasing over the years,” said April DeLange, one of the organizers. “It’s been a great success. We get about four-hundred people to the benefit.”
Among the other organizers is Jamie Lynne Harvey, 27. She and DeLange, 31, are sisters. Both were diagnosed with cystic fibrosis as infants.
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that primarily affects the lungs, along with the pancreas, liver and intestine. It is characterized by scarring and cysts within the pancreas. The most serious symptom is difficulty breathing, caused by lung infections.
The benefit is set for Saturday, Feb. 9, from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m., at Heroes Ballroom, at 11630 Caroline Road. The site is the new home of Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5.
The first benefit took place in 1991, after DeLange and Harvey lost their 9-year-old cousin, Jennifer, to the disease. Proceeds benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, which funds research into finding a cure for the disease and developing medicines to help people live better with CF.
“Cystic fibrosis is around, and we need help,” DeLange said. “A lot of people don’t realize what we go through. As people with CF get older, it gets a lot harder.”
Delange, of Pine Valley, and Harvey, of Sandyford Park, both work full time. They find time to each take about 30 to 40 pills a day, spend 30 to 60 minutes each day on airway clearance therapies and take about seven medications through nebulizer treatments. The two women really look forward to the annual event.
Tickets cost $40 and include a full open bar, a hot buffet, disc jockey Mike Long and door prizes. Money will also be raised through a 50–50 drawing and a Chinese auction.
“We appreciate everyone’s support,” DeLange said. “People pull together for a good cause. A lot of people donate door prizes and gift baskets. It means more than you can imagine.” ••
Tickets are available in advance or at the door. To make a donation, send checks to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, c/o 7807 Brocklehurst St., Philadelphia, PA 19152. For more information, contact Patty Harvey at 215–622–5170 or [email protected] or e-mail [email protected].