HomeNewsEvents (May 22, 2013)

Events (May 22, 2013)

Thursday, May 23


American Red Cross Bloodborne Pathogens Training for the Tattoo Artist Disston Recreation Center, 4510 Disston St. $25. 5 to 6 p.m. Register. 267–298–8235.

Bingo Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Road. Sponsored by Die Alten Herren des Cannstatters. Thursdays. Doors open at 5 p.m.; games start at 6:30 p.m. 215–332–0121.

Bravo Health Program for Seniors Bustleton Library, 10199 Bustleton Ave. 1:30 p.m. 215–685–0472.

Cardio Blast Aria Health, Torresdale Campus, Knights and Red Lion roads. Thursdays. 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. $6 per class. 215–612–4576.

Cardio Circuit Mayfair Community Center, 2990 St. Vincent St. Thursdays. 11 a.m. $3 if not a Silver Sneakers member. 215–683–1994.

Cardio Sculpt with Kettlebell Aria Health, Torresdale Campus, Knights and Red Lion roads. $6 per class. 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. 215–612–4576.

Chair Exercise Klein JCC Tabas House Satellite, 2101 Strahle St. Thursdays. 10:30 a.m. 215–745–3127.

Chess Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. 11:30 a.m. 215–685–0576.

Chit Chat Klein JCC Tabas House Satellite, 2101 Strahle St. 11 a.m. 215–745–3127.

Computer Class Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Thursdays from 1:30 to 4 p.m. 215–685–0576.

English Conversation Group Bustleton Library, 10199 Bustleton Ave. Also on May 30. 7 p.m. 215–685–0472.

Girl Scouts Immanuel Lutheran School, 1015 Cottman Ave. For girls in grades one to 12. Thursdays. 7 p.m. E-mail [email protected] for more information.

Healing Exercise Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Thursdays. Free. 10:40 a.m. 215–698–7300.

Karaoke Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Free. Thursdays (except third Thursday). 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. 215–685–0576.

Karate Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. Thursdays and Fridays. 8 to 9 p.m. $10 per class drop-in fee. 215–613–1070.

Karate for Kids Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. Thursdays. Suitable for ages 6 to 12. $10 per class drop-in fee. 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. 215–613–1070.

Knitting Club Mitchell Playground, 3700 Whitehall Lane (behind Hancock Demonstration School). Learn to knit or learn some new skills. All ages invited. $5 per class. Thursdays. 6 to 8 p.m. 215–685–9394.

Lunch Klein JCC Tabas House Satellite, 2101 Strahle St. Thursdays. Noon. Entertainment featuring Frank Sambuco begins at 1 p.m. 215–745–3127.

Mommy & Me Class Old York Road Temple-Beth Am, 971 Old York Road, Abington. Thursdays. 9:30 a.m. 215–886–0650.

Nutrition Bingo Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center, 4744 Frankford Ave. 1 to 2:30 p.m. 215–831–2926.

Silver Sneakers Aria Health, Torresdale Campus, Knights and Red Lion roads. Thursdays. $3 per class. 9 to 10 a.m. 215–612–4576. Also at: Mayfair Community Center, 2990 St. Vincent St. Thursdays. 9:30 a.m. $3 if not a Silver Sneakers member. 215–683–1994.

Silver Sneakers MSROM Philadelphia Protestant Home, Gateway Manor lower level, 6500 Tabor Ave. 10:15 a.m. 215–697–8000.

Youth Karate Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. Thursdays. 7:15 p.m. $10 drop-in fee. 215–613–1070.

Wii Bowling Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center, 4744 Frankford Ave. Thursdays. 12:30 p.m. 215–831–2926.

Yoga Mayfair Community Center, 2990 St. Vincent St. Thursdays. 10 a.m. $5 per class. 215–683–1994. Also at: Picariello Recreation Center, 10811 Calera Road. Suitable for all levels. Bring a yoga mat. Thursdays. $20 per month. 6:50 to 8:15 p.m. 267–738–8393.


8th District PSA3 Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. 7 p.m.

Business Network International (BNI), NE Philadelphia Networker Chapter Cottage Green, 9001 Ashton Road. Networking meeting held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Visitors invited. The only charge is the cost of your meal. Thursdays. 215–864–0500.

Nicotine Anonymous Paul’s Run, 9896 Bustleton Ave. This is a 12-step support program for those who want to stop using nicotine. Thursdays. 4:30 p.m. 215–939–6491.

Rhawnhurst Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC) Congregations of Ner Zedek, 7520 Bustleton Ave. Topics: “Holocaust Legislation and Poverty Issues in the State of Pennsylvania.” Guests are State Sen. Anthony Williams and State Rep. Brendan Boyle. Noon.

Friday, May 24


American Red Cross Family Caregiver Training Disston Recreation Center, 4510 Disston St. $50. 5 p.m. Pre-registration required. 267–298–8235.

Bingo American Legion Post 366, 7976 Oxford Ave. Refreshments are available. Proceeds benefit veterans’ needs. Fridays. 7 p.m. 215–728–9412. Also at: St. Josaphat, Disston and Ditman streets. Games also played Mondays and Wednesdays. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Games begin at 7 p.m. Kitchen on premises. 215–338–1125.

Bokwa Group Exercise Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. High-energy cardio class where participants dance the alphabet and sweat the digits. Fridays at 6:30 p.m. and Sundays at 10 a.m. $10 per class. 215–613–1070.

Dance Classes for Children Lower Mayfair Playground, Robbins Avenue and Hawthorne Street. Ballet and jazz for ages 4 to 6 at 6:15 p.m. Jazz and Hip-hop for ages 7 to 10 at 7:15 p.m. $120. 215–685–1227.

English Conversation Group Bustleton Library, 10199 Bustleton Ave. 10:30 a.m. 215–685–0472.

Fitness with Marvin Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Free. 11:55 a.m. 215–698–7300.

Job Fair Fountain of Life Christian Church gym, 7811 Frankford Ave. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 215–331–3351.

Let’s Talk Klein JCC Tabas House Satellite, 2101 Strahle St. Fridays. 1 p.m. 215–745–3127.

Line Dancing Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Free. Fridays at 9:30 a.m., Mondays at 10:30 a.m. and Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. 215–685–0576.

Literacy Class Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. 10 a.m. 215–685–0576.

Sabbath Service/Lunch/Piano Playing Klein JCC Tabas House Satellite, 2101 Strahle St. Fridays. Noon. 215–745–3127.

Senior Fair Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center, 4744 Frankford Ave. Sponsored by the office of state Rep. James Clay Jr. Features a barbeque, live entertainment, health information tables, screenings and more. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 215–831–2926.

Senior Stretch Klein JCC Tabas House Satellite, 2101 Strahle St. Fridays. 11:45 a.m. 215–745–3127.

Shuffleboard Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. 2:30 p.m. 215–685–0576.

Silver Sneakers Muscular Strength Training Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Fridays from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m., Monday and Wednesday from 8:30 to 9 a.m. and 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. $2 per class if not covered by your insurance. 215–685–0576.

Texas Hold’em Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Fridays and Tuesdays at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. 215–685–0576.


Friends of Fox Chase Farm Fox Chase Farm education building, 8500 Pine Road. Refreshments served. 7:30 p.m.

Widow & Widower Support Group Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Fridays at 10 a.m. 215–685–0576.

Saturday, May 25


American Red Cross CPR Training for the Professional Rescuer Disston Recreation Center, 4510 Disston St. $50. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Register. 267–298–8235.

Amici Opera Company Performance Redeemer United Methodist Church, 1128 Cottman Ave. Giordano’s “Fedora” will be staged at 4 p.m. $25 at the door, seniors and advance purchases $22, students $15, children age 12 and younger $10. 215–224–0257.

Arts and Crafts Class for Children Vogt Recreation Center, 6700 Cottage St. Saturdays. First month and registration is $25, then $20 per month. 11 a.m. to noon. 215–685–8753.

Beginner Yoga St. Luke’s Parish hall, 1946 Welsh Road. Bring a yoga mat. Saturdays. $20 per month. 10 a.m. 267–738–8393.

Brownies Dorsey Playground, 6501 Hegerman St. Suitable for girls in first and second grades. Saturdays. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 215–685–8734.

Farm Market Third Reformed Presbyterian Church, Byberry and Barbary roads. Saturdays through Oct. 26. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Friends of Pennypack Park Cleanup Meet at Sandy Run, Ryan Avenue and Sandyford Road. The public is invited. Wear long pants and closed-toe shoes. Gloves, equipment and refreshments will be provided. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 215–934-PARK.

Gymnastics Dorsey Playground, 6501 Hegerman St. Suitable for ages 5 to 8. Saturdays. 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. 215–685–8734.

Melvina’s Dance Class Dorsey Playground, 6501 Hegerman St. Saturdays. Ages 10 to 16 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.; adults and seniors from 3 to 4 p.m. 215–685–8734.

Mommy and Me Art Classes 7213 Frankford Ave. Parents and children age 3 and older are invited. $60 per month plus a $10 supply fee. Saturdays. 10:30 a.m. to noon. Register. 215–681–5293.

Patriotic Concert St. Anselm Church, 12670 Dunks Ferry Road. No admission fee. 7:30 p.m.

Pilates Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. Saturdays at 10 a.m. $10 per class drop-in fee. 215–613–1070.

Sunday, May 26


Muscular Strength & Range of Movement Class with Corrine Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. 9:30 a.m. Sundays. 215–698–7300.

Sculpt & Tone Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. Sundays at 11 a.m. and Tuesdays at 6 p.m. $10 per class. 215–613–1070.

Monday, May 27

Remember those who gave their lives for our freedom.


Memorial Day Remembrance Ceremony Philadelphia Protestant Home, Lawndale Manor, 6500 Tabor Avenue. The flag-raising ceremony remembers those who paid the ultimate price in service to America. Sponsored by the PPH veterans group. 10 a.m.

Tuesday, May 28


Ab Blast Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. This is a complete abdominal workout targeting the entire abdominal complex. Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. $10 drop-in fee. 215–613–1070.

Adult Martial Arts Classes Max Myers Recreation Center, 1601 Hellerman St. Classes held Tuesday and Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons. $45 per month. Inf.: 215–685–1242.

American Red Cross Psychological First Aid Training Disston Recreation Center, 4510 Disston St. $90. 5 p.m. Register. 267–298–8235.

Art Classes Diskin-Gallagher Community Art Center, 7143 Edmund St. Held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday through August at 4, 5 and 6 p.m. $12 per hour, includes materials. 215–624–0437.

Beginner Computer Classes Fox Chase Library, 501 Rhawn St. Basic classes are for those not familiar with the computer. Free. Continues June 4 and 11. Pre-register. 215–685–0547.

Bingo Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center, 4744 Frankford Ave. Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. 12:45 p.m. 215–831–2926.

Birthday Party Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center, 4744 Frankford Ave. Celebrate monthly birthdays with cake, ice cream and entertainment. 11:45 to 12:45 p.m. 215–831–2926.

Boys’ Tumbling, Hip-Hop and Funk Classes Philadelphia Dance Center, 8702 Crispin St. Suitable for ages 3 to 14. Tuesdays. Time and inf.: 267–475–7005.

Ceramics Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. $2. 9:30 a.m. 215–685–0576.

Computer Assistance Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center, 4744 Frankford Ave. Tuesdays at 2 p.m. One-on-one sessions available by appointment. 215–831–2926.

Cub Scout Pack 160 Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1013 Cottman Ave. Family-oriented program is designed for boys ages 7 to 10. Tuesdays. 7 p.m. 215–783–6405.

ESL Classes Oxford Circle Christian Community Development Association, 900 E. Howell St. Tuesdays and Thursdays. 6 to 8 p.m. 215–353–3235.

Exercise Class Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Free. Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. 215–685–0576.

Exercise with Elayne Klein JCC Tabas House Satellite, 2101 Strahle St. Tuesdays. 10:45 a.m. 215–745–3127.

Flip Fitness Aria Health, Torresdale Campus, Knights and Red Lion roads. $4.50 per class. Tuesdays. 7:05 to 7:50 p.m. 215–612–4576.

GED Classes Oxford Circle Christian Community Development Association, 900 E. Howell St. Tuesdays and Thursdays. 5 to 8 p.m. 215–353–3235.

Greater Philadelphia Chorale Rehearsals St. Jerome church hall, 8100 Colfax St. All singers are invited. Tuesdays. 7:30 p.m. 215–313–5363.

Hot Kosher Lunch, Activities and Entertainment Klein JCC Tabas House Satellite, 2101 Strahle St. Tuesday through Friday. $1 suggested donation for lunch. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 215–745–3127.

Joint Replacement Surgery Seminar Jeanes Hospital, 7600 Central Ave. Learn about the benefits of total joint replacement, what can be expected in the hospital and after discharge and take a tour of the orthopaedic unit. 6 to 7 p.m. Registration is required. 215–728–3944.

Kids Fitness and Youth Activities Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. $10 drop-in fee. 215–613–1070.

Nutrition Education Program Klein JCC Tabas House Satellite, 2101 Strahle St. 10 a.m. 215–745–3127.

Piloxing Aria Health, Torresdale Campus, Knights and Red Lion roads. $6 per class. Tuesdays. 6 to 7 p.m. 215–612–4576.

Senior Art Classes Diskin-Gallagher Community Art Center, 7143 Edmund St. Program continues Tuesdays at 10 and 11 a.m. and noon. 215–624–0437.

Silver Sneakers Aria Health, Torresdale Campus, Knights and Red Lion roads. Tuesdays. $3 per class. 9 to 10 a.m. 215–612–4576. Also at: Mayfair Community Center, 2990 St. Vincent St. Tuesdays. $3 if not a Silver Sneakers member. 11 a.m. 215–683–1994.

Silver Sneakers Cardio Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. Tuesdays at 1 p.m. and Fridays at 10 a.m. $3 drop-in fee if not a member. 215–613–1070.

Silver Sneakers MSROM Class Philadelphia Protestant Home, Gateway Manor lower level, 6500 Tabor Ave. 10:15 a.m. 215–697–8000.

Tai Chi Mayfair Community Center, 2990 St. Vincent St. Tuesdays. 10 a.m. 215–683–1994.

Tone Up Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Free. Tuesdays. 9:30 a.m. 215–698–7300.

Yoga Lackman Playground, 1101 Bartlett St. Class is for all levels. Bring a yoga mat. $5 per class. Tuesdays. 7 to 8 p.m. 215–971–0404.

Zumba Max Myers Recreation Center, 1601 Hellerman St. Taught by a licensed Zumba instructor. Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 7:30 p.m. Register. 215–685–1242.

Zumba Gold Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. $5. Tuesdays. 6 p.m. 215–698–7300.


Anger Management Groups for Teens Center for Families and Relationships, 1600 Magee Ave. Suitable for boys and girls ages 13 to 17. Tuesdays. 6 p.m. 215–537–5367.

Frankford Business & Professional Association Aria Health’s Frankford campus, second-floor conference room, 4900 Frankford Ave. Noon.

Rotary Club of Frankford-Northeast Cannstatter’s, 9130 Academy Road. The group meets for lunch Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m.

Wednesday, May 29


Aerobics Class Mitchell Playground, 3700 Whitehall Lane (behind Hancock Demonstration School). Space is limited. Wednesdays. $5 per class. 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. 215–685–9394.

American Red Cross Teen Lifeguard Sign-up Disston Recreation Center, 4510 Disston St. Teens can learn how to become certified lifeguards. $150. 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Register. 267–298–8235.

Archery Camp Registration Vogt Recreation Center, 6700 Cottage St. Wednesdays. 7 to 9 p.m. 215–685–8753.

Art Class Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. $2. Wednesdays. 2 to 4 p.m. 215–685–0576.

Beginner Spanish Class Mayfair Community Center, 2990 St. Vincent St. $5. Wednesdays. 1 p.m. 215–683–1994.

Bingo Pelbano Recreation Center, Bustleton and Solly avenues (use ramp entrance on Solly Avenue). Join the Rhawnhurst Senior Citizens Bingo Club for those 55 and older every Wednesday. 10:30 a.m. 215–742–9928.

Boot Camp Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. Class is high intensity interval training. Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. $10 per class drop-in fee. 215–613–1070.

Cardio Sculpt with Kettlebell Aria Health, Torresdale Campus, Knights and Red Lion roads. $6 per class. 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. 215–612–4576.

Cardio Workout Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Wednesdays. Free. 1 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Chair Yoga with Relaxation Aria Health, Torresdale Campus, Knights and Red Lion roads. $4.50 per class. 7:20 p.m. 215–612–4576.

Core Training Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Wednesdays. $5. 7 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Eat Better/Move More Program Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center, 4744 Frankford Ave. Learn about healthy alternatives to fatty foods and participate in low-impact exercises. Wednesdays. 10 a.m. 215–831–2926.

Klein Music Makers Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. If you play an instrument or can read music, join the group on Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. 215–698–7300, Ext. 134.

Learn with the Rabbi Klein JCC Tabas House Satellite, 2101 Strahle St. Wednesdays. 12:45 p.m. 215–745–3127.

Line Dance Jam Tacony/Mayfair Sons of Italy, 4741 Friendship St. Wednesdays. $5 cover with free lesson. 6 to 10 p.m. 215–335–3232.

Open House Tours Glen Foerd on the Delaware, 5001 Grant Ave. Wednesdays at 11 a.m. and noon. Call ahead to be sure a special event is not scheduled. 215–632–5330.

Pennypack Park Music Festival Ed Kelly Amphitheater, park entrance at Welsh Road and Cresco Avenue. Features Jersey Bound (ZZ Top tribute) and Little Paradise (Pat Benatar tribute). Bring lawn chairs for seating. 7 p.m. 215–574–2100.

Piloxing Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. Wednesdays. 6 to 7 p.m. $10 per class drop-in fee. 215–613–1070.

Silver Sneakers Yoga Stretch Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. 9 a.m. $3 if not a member. 215–613–1070.

Silver Splash Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Silver Sneaker members free, $5 for guests. 8:45 and 9:45 a.m. 215–698–7300.

Stroke Awareness Month Celebration Jeanes Hospital main lobby, 7600 Central Ave. Free blood pressure screenings and educational information will be available. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 215–728–2000.

Stroke Risk Assessments Nazareth Hospital’s main lobby, 2601 Holme Ave. Free. 9 to 11 a.m. No appointment is required.

Tai Chi Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Free. Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. 215–685–0576. Also at: Philadelphia Protestant Home, Gateway Manor lower level, 6500 Tabor Ave. $8 for non-members of PPh Wellness Center. 1 to 2 p.m. 215–697–8007.

Tumbling Vogt Recreation Center, 6700 Cottage St. $20 per month plus a one-time $75 registration fee. 7 p.m. 215–685–8753.

Yoga Stretch Mayfair Community Center, 2990 St. Vincent St. Wednesdays. $3 if not a Silver Sneakers member. 11 a.m. 215–683–1994.

Youth Hockey Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. Wednesdays from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Cost and info: 215–613–1070.

Zumba Max Myers Recreation Center, 1601 Hellerman St. $5. Wednesdays. 7:30 p.m. 215–685–1242. And at: Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Wednesdays. $5. 6 p.m. 215–698–7300. Also at: Aria Health, Torresdale Campus, Knights and Red Lion roads. Wednesdays. $6 drop-in fee. 7:10 to 8:10 p.m. 215–612–4576.

Zumba with Zuly Good Shepherd Methodist Church, 10910 Calera Road. Wednesdays. $6 walk-in fee. 7 p.m. 215–612–0728.


Anger Management Groups for Children Center for Families and Relationships, 1600 Magee Ave. For children ages 7 to 12. 6 p.m. Wednesdays. Appointments: 215–537–5367.

Asian Senior Community Group Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch must be reserved in advance. 215–698–7300.

Sunshine Club Klein JCC Tabas House Satellite, 2101 Strahle St. Wednesdays. 9:30 a.m. 215–745–3127.

Thursday, May 30


American Red Cross Water Safety Sign-up Disston Recreation Center, 4510 Disston St. Participants will learn how to swim during the program. $75. 267–298–8235.

Arts & Crafts for Children Lower Mayfair Playground, Robbins Avenue and Hawthorne Street. Suitable for children in grades 1 to 5. $45. 6 to 7 p.m. Register. 215–685–1227.

Book Fair to Benefit C.C.A. Baldi Middle School Barnes & Noble, Neshaminy Mall, Bensalem. Twenty percent of proceeds from the sale of books, food and music from 5 to 8 p.m. will be used to purchase literacy materials for the school. Submit voucher ID# 11090636 at the register. 215–961–2003.

Cardio Blast Aria Health, Torresdale Campus, Knights and Red Lion roads. Thursdays. 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. $6 per class. 215–612–4576.

Computer Class Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Thursdays from 1:30 to 4 p.m. 215–685–0576.

Lunch Klein JCC Tabas House Satellite, 2101 Strahle St. Thursdays. Noon. Entertainment featuring Lenny King begins at 1 p.m. May birthdays will be celebrated. 215–745–3127.

Spanish Current Events Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Thursdays. 10:30 a.m. 215–685–0576.

Techmobile Visit Torresdale Library, 3079 Holme Ave. The Free Library’s Techmobile will be parked outside the library. Job seekers can receive assistance in filling out electronic employment applications and in preparation of resumes. Time permitting, instructions on downloading e-Books may be offered. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 215–685–0494.

Yoga Classes Picariello Recreation Center, 10811 Calera Road. Suitable for all levels. Bring a yoga mat. Thursdays. $20 per month. 6:50 to 8:15 p.m. 267–738–8393.


8th District Town Hall 8th Police District, 3100 Red Lion Road. Capt. Len Ditchkofsky, 8th district commander, will discuss neighborhood crime trends with area residents. 7 p.m. 215–685–9377 or e-mail [email protected]

Friday, May 31


Beef-and-Beer Benefit Waterfall Room, 2791 Southampton Road. Benefits the Abby Rose Fund, a charity whose mission is to help offset the uninsured costs associated with organ transplants in children and to raise awareness of the need for organ donors. $30 in advance, includes food, beer, soda and entertainment. A cash bar will be available. 8 p.m. to midnight. 267–770–6685, 267–978–7654, www.abbyrosefund.org

Memory Lane Oldies Show — Rockin’ for Our Warriors Benefit Cannstatter’s ballroom, 9130 Academy Road. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Show begins at 6:30 p.m. Features Charlie Graci, The Dovells, Soul Survivors, Purple Reign and other groups. $43. All proceeds benefit Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors, Inc. Food and a cash bar will be available for purchase. Call for tickets. 215–343–3649, 215–632–2537.

Outdoor Summer Concert Series Danube Swabian Association grounds, 1277 Southampton Road. Tonight’s free concert features No Irish Need Apply (Irish/Celtic rock). Food specials and refreshments are available for purchase. 7 to 9 p.m. 267–257–3094.


Bethesda Church 808 Red Lion Road. June 1. Flea market. Spaces $15 or two for $25. Rain date June 8. Inf.: 215–464–3131.

St. Andrews-in-the-Field Episcopal Church 500 Somerton Road. June 1. Strawberry festival. Vendors needed. Inf.: 215–673–5938.

Tacony Branch Library 6742 Torresdale Ave. June 1. Outdoor flea market. Spaces $10, bring your own table. Sponsored by Friends of Tacony Library. Inf.: 215–685–8755.

Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center 4744 Frankford Ave. June 8. Indoor/outdoor flea market and summer bazaar. Tables $15. Reserve by May 24. Inf.: 215–831–2926.

St. David’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 9169 Academy Road. June 8. Flea market. Proceeds benefit Lutheran charities. Spaces available. Inf.: 267–495–4151.

Memorial Church of St. Luke 1946 Welsh Road. June 8. Flea market. Spaces $15 in advance, $20 day of the event. Inf.: 215–969–3645.

Disston Park 6900 Keystone Street, between Longshore Avenue and Disston Street. Flea market. June 15. No rain date. Hosted by Tacony Civic Association. Spaces $10. Inf.: 215–338–2575 or [email protected]

Holy Redeemer Lafayette 8580 Verree Road. June 29. Outdoor flea market. Spaces $25. Inf.: 215–214–2822.

Lawncrest Recreation Center Rising Sun Avenue and Comly Street. July 4. All-day flea market. Spaces available. Inf.: 267–467–0034, 215–287–7056. ••

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