Words of wisdom: Pat Farrell, executive vice president of Huntingdon Valley-based Delaware Valley Advisors, and Wade Hartz, a registered representative for Delaware Valley Advisors, encouraged members of the Rhawnhurst Naturally Occurring Retirement Community to design well-rounded financial plans during their visit on Aug. 22. MARIA POUCHNIKOVA / TIMES PHOTOS
Two financial advisers last month encouraged members of the Rhawnhurst Naturally Occurring Retirement Community to design well-rounded financial plans.
“Everybody needs an estate plan, no matter how small,” said Pat Farrell, executive vice president of Huntingdon Valley-based Delaware Valley Advisors.
Farrell was joined at the Aug. 22 luncheon by Wade Hartz, a registered representative for Delaware Valley Advisors.
The topic was, Leaving Your Legacy. Members also had the chance to have their blood pressure checked by a licensed practical nurse from St. John Neumann Nursing Home.
The guest speakers used a slide show and provided paperwork for the senior citizens in the crowd. They urged the older folks to plan investments, retirement income and expenses, federal income taxes, an emergency fund and provisions for disability or for family members in the event of death.
NORC members filled out forms with general questions that were not answered during the discussion.
The advisers said clients benefit from a patient professional can who explain the pluses and minuses of any plan.
“That’s what we do. We can be a tremendous resource for you. There’s a lot of little intricacies with legacy planning. We bring strong expertise to the table,” said Farrell, who has worked in the industry for about 20 years.
In other news from the meeting, held at Congregations of Ner Zedek:
• Rhawnhurst NORC will hold caregiver support group meetings every Wednesday in October from noon to 1:30 p.m. at its office at 7520 Bustleton Ave. For more information, call Abby Gilbert at 215–320–0351 or Virginia Harr at 215–426–8610, Ext. 207.
• Senior Companions, a program of the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging, is looking for men and women age 55 or older to keep a homebound individual company for 20 hours a week. Duties could include conversation, reading, reminiscing, taking walks and accompanying the individual to medical appointments. A stipend is given, and transportation is provided.
For more information, call Susan at 215–698–7300, Ext. 189.
• Rhawnhurst NORC will meet again on Wednesday, Sept. 25, at noon at Rhawnhurst Presbyterian Church, at 7701 Loretto Ave. Sonia DeVan, of Gateways Health, will discuss “Affordable Care Act — What Does It Mean For Seniors.”
The meeting after that is set for Thursday, Oct. 24, at Ner Zedek Synagogue, at 7520 Bustleton Ave. City elections commissioner Stephanie Singer will discuss the importance of voting. ••

Wade Hartz a registered representative for Delaware Valley Advisors, encouraged members of the Rhawnhurst Naturally Occurring Retirement Community to design well-rounded financial plans during their visit on Aug. 22. MARIA POUCHNIKOVA / TIMES PHOTOS

Words of wisdom: Pat Farrell executive vice president of Huntingdon Valley-based Delaware Valley Advisors encouraged members of the Rhawnhurst Naturally Occurring Retirement Community to design well-rounded financial plans during their visit on Aug. 22. MARIA POUCHNIKOVA / TIMES PHOTOS