HomeNewsLetters to the Editor: April 2, 2014

Letters to the Editor: April 2, 2014

What happened to Marjorie?

In a recent column of Campaign Chatter by Tom Waring, Marjorie Margolies’ senior consultant said his candidate would not debate Republican and Democrat candidates at the Congregations of Shaare Shamayim.

To clear the record, I was the creator and host of the forum on Sunday, March 30, which was attended by five congressional candidates. At no time was this event planned as a debate.

I spoke to Ms. Margolies’ representative beginning in January. Dylan McGarry never expressed a concern over the format. He stated that the candidate could not make a Feb. 16 date and that they were very busy in March.

I met Ms. Margolies last fall. She is intelligent, personable and articulate. But, so are the residents of Northeast Philadelphia and Eastern Montco. We are entitled to meet every candidate that seeks our support and ultimately our votes.

So, join the crowd, Ms. Margolies. You may find out you like it, and the audience won’t bite!

Myles Gordon


In response to Obama cartoon

I read daily criticisms of President Barack Obama’s handling of the crisis in Crimea by people such as Mitt Romney and John McCain.

It is easy to say that an action or inaction is wrong. What is missing is their opinion as to what action should be taken at this point or should have been taken or what they would do differently had they been elected president.

Stiglich in his cartoon cites the 1962 JFK speech in which he declared, “Ich bin ein Berliner” and Reagan’s 1987 comment, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” — neither of which was of any actual consequence in the 1991 demise of the Soviet Union.

Stiglich then humorously puts the words ”Yoo Hooo” in Obama’s mouth as Obama calls on the world for sanctions against Russia.

Obama may be wrong, but at least he is trying to respond to the invasion of part of a country that leans toward the west as an ally rather than simply mouthing empty words.

Mel Flitter


Franklin Mills is a mess

Hey Franklin Mills mall,

Not only did you come into our neighborhood in 1989 and basically help destroy it, you can’t even run a nice or safe mall. Your parking lots are dangerous and a disgrace.

Don’t use the bad winter as an excuse for all the potholes, because it’s been like this for years. Do you think it’s safe to drive on the back road to get to the post office? How about the entrance by the Dollar Tree and Pathmark? I don’t think Neshaminy or Oxford Valley Mall would ever have a mall like yours. They could not get away with it. You ruined our neighborhood.

Brian McGeehan

Far Northeast

A big thank you to Vogt

Thank you to all the coaches for sharing their time. Coaching is a hard job and the players need you, the parents need you. There wouldn’t be a basketball season without you.

Thank you to the employees and volunteers who made this season a great one. This winter was a tough one and you made sure the gym was open and the season went on.

Thank you to the parents who came out and cheered the players on. They need your support at all ages and stages of the game.

We are so proud of our team members and hope you return for next year’s basketball season.

Shannon Weisler and Arnold Kirby


Why publish names of johns?

I would like to personally congratulate the officers of the Citywide Vice Unit for ruining the lives of the four men they arrested for solicitation in the Kensington area. How does releasing their names aid in ridding the area of prostitution, an essentially victimless crime? Why aren’t they arresting the prostitutes, the actual criminals here? Because publishing their names has no shock effect.

The families of these men will have to suffer the disgrace and humiliation of their acts. Is that fair?

I, in no way. am promoting prostitution which is and should be a crime. But let us punish the guilty, not the poor shmoes who are just trying to satisfy their needs.

Joe Orenstein


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