A couple of recent Normandy Civic Association events were plusses and minuses for the organization’s finances.
Reporting to members May 13, association treasurer Theresa Olsen said the May 2 Normandy reunion at the FOP lodge on Caroline Road was successful and brought in several hundred dollars.
However, a designer bag bingo night in March, she said, drew only 25 people. The costs of setting up such event were far higher than the funds brought in, she said, and the association lost about $2,000.
Olsen said she expected a higher turnout for both the bingo and reunion. Before the association’s May 13 session, the civic’s president, John Wisniewski, said the reunion drew about 125 people.
“We have events, but we don’t get attention,” Olsen said.
It was not for lack of trying to get the word out, Wisniewski said. Olsen and other board members sent out notices, distributed fliers and put items in the Northeast Times’ community calendar.
Olsen said the association uses its funds for neighborhood programs, including bringing Santa to Normandy and an annual Easter Egg Hunt.
She is trying to get a two-day permit from the city for a neighborhoodwide flea market in the fall and perhaps another for the spring. She hopes to have information for members attending the association’s June 10 meeting at the Norcom Community Center on Norcom Road. ••