Home News Mayfair run is a success

Mayfair run is a success

Joe DeFelice told members at last week’s Mayfair Business Association meeting that the annual Mayfair Fallen Heroes Run was a “huge success.”

The event attracted about 600 runners and raised more than $10,000 for Hero Thrill Show Inc., which provides col-lege schol-ar-ships to the chil-dren of Phil-adelphia po-lice of-ficers and fire-fight-ers killed in the line of duty, and for May-fair Me-mori-al Play-ground.

For the first time, a portion of Frankford Avenue was closed during the race.

“People loved the new route,” said DeFelice, the race director and chairman of the Mayfair Community Development Corporation.

Next year’s run will be held in memory of Gerry Pellegrini, a Philadelphia police officer and Pennsylvania National Guard member who was killed in 2005 while serving in the war in Iraq.

In other news, the Mayfair Farmers Market will return on July 27 and take place every other Sunday through August from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Frankford and Ryan avenues.

The market is also open on the third Thursday of the month from 5 to 9 p.m. On July 17, there will be crafters, food trucks, a DJ and free ice cream.

Mia Hylan has left as executive director of the Mayfair CDC to take a job with state Rep. John Taylor. She will remain as a CDC consultant.

The new CDC executive director is Ruthanne Madway, who is also the corridor manager.

Mayfair Business Association will meet on Thursday, Sept. 11, at 10 a.m. at Beneficial Bank, at 7262 Frankford Ave. ••