HomeNewsLetters to the Editor: September 10, 2014

Letters to the Editor: September 10, 2014

Thanks for celebration

Take Back Your Neighborhood wants to thank and acknowledge all of the volunteers, contributors and participants for the NE Celebration 2014. We served 1,000 attendees this year. We would also like to thank the staff at Max Myers for their assistance.

A special thanks to Maria Quinones Sanchez, TD Bank, Collins Shop Rite, Catholic Community Service and the TBYN leadership council for your dedication and contribution to our community.

Additionally, we want to thank: Eric Bamash, Larry Levin, Joan Keyser, Gail Klein, Patty O’Donnell, Mary Anne Ferraro, Trish Whitt, Ed Pierce, Don Stamm, Kevin Boyle, Mike Stack , Dan Baldwin, Mayfair Shop N Bag, Bottom Dollar, The Dining Car, Eppie’s Tire Center, Olive Garden, Grant Movie Theater, Red Lobster, Walgreen’s, Target, Giant, Costco, Staples, Home Depot, Settlement Music School, Puerto Rican Music Institute, Penn Private Security, I Heart Radio, Fox News, KYW, Naana’s Restaurant, Casa Brazil Restaurant, Lemoncello’s Restaurant, Spanish Island Restaurant, Picanha Restaurant, Al Sham Restaurant, Utz Co., Pepsi, Frito Lay, Dunkin Donuts, PBJ, Wawa, Nuts to You, Engine 71 of the Philadelphia Fire Department and the Philadelphia Free Library.

Pam Baranackie

Castor Gardens

Grant Ave. is dangerous

Your report on senior drivers and the Grant Avenue strip is right on the mark. This section of Grant Avenue is an unlimited access highway. That means cars enter Grant Avenue from many different exits to the street.

In my opinion, the biggest single cause of all these accidents is lack of depth perception in some older drivers.

Judging speed of approaching cars is critical to preventing accidents. We should all get our eyes checked in order to guard against this problem. This is a dangerous section of road and we must be aware of how quickly a car closes on us, it’s the key to survival.

Joe Orenstein


NRA cartoon is inaccurate

Your Sep. 3 cartoon falsely depicts the NRA gloating over the tragic accidental shooting of an instructor at a firing range. Nothing could be further from the truth.

There are over 10,000 NRA-certified police and security firearms instructors. Top law enforcement shooters compete each year in eight different pistol and shotgun matches at the National Police Shooting Championships in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

NRA continues to be the leader in firearms education for civilians. Over 55,000 certified instructors train about 750,000 gun owners annually. Nearly 2,800 certified coaches are specially trained to work with young competitive shooters.

Since the establishment of the lifesaving Eddie Eagle gun safety program in 1988, more than 21 million pre-kindergarten to sixth-grade children have learned that if they see a firearm in an unsupervised situation, they should leave immediately and tell an adult.

Over the past seven years, NRA’s seminars have helped more than 15,000 men and women develop their own personal safety plan using common sense strategies.

Leo Iwaskiw


A perfect time to explore

The Northeast borders some wonderful walking trails, and autumn is the perfect time to enjoy the birds and wild flowers. My favorite is little Lorimer Park, which borders Fox Chase Farm. The park has many walking trails ranging from the flat, easy Pennypack Trail, to the south park hikes along the farm’s pastures and cows. I’m embarrassed to say after living in the NE for 30 years, I discovered this little gem only last year.

Lots of history here — George Lorimer ran the Saturday Evening Post Magazine and Norman Rockwell and Scott Fitzgerald stayed at a house still on site. In 1920, an epic train crash occurred here. The park has deer, owls and red fox, and scheduled nature walks. The next bird walk is Sept. 24.

If anyone has any favorite little parks like this, let me know, at: [email protected]. I’m ready to explore!

Richard Iaconelli


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