HomeNewsLetters to the Editor: October 15, 2014

Letters to the Editor: October 15, 2014

Enough is enough

Philadelphia City Council has picked some more pockets again using total discrimination against smokers to do it. Putting a $2 additional tax per pack of cigarettes is a disgrace and Gov. Corbett should be ashamed that he gave his OK to do this by singling out one group of people.

Over the years, the School District of Philadelphia received plenty of taxpayers money, but for years there have been theft, corruption, lies, money mismanagement, waste and the worst is that they are not doing a good job of educating our children.

One proof of that are the principals and teachers that are changing test scores so that their school looks like it is doing a better job than before.

I feel sorry for the teachers and honest people that really try to do what’s right for our children and schools, because they have to suffer for others doing the wrong things within the district.

It’s not the smokers who put the schools in this financial mess, the school district did it themselves with their dishonest and untrustworthy people they have in there.

It’s not the responsibility of just the smokers to bail out the Philadelphia schools. If they used their budget wisely over the years they would not have to cry all the time for more money and could do a better job and educate our children better. It’s time to root out the bad apples and put in good ones.

Judy Brock


Group open to vets

Rhawnhurst-Castor Post 754 is open to any veteran who would like to join the American Legion. Our membership is open to anyone who served in the military.

Our post is the largest Legion post in Philadelphia. We have 675 members. Men or women who would like to join can call 215–632–7781. Dues are $25 for the year.

William Cole

Commander, Post 754

School funding a disgrace

You have to really feel sorry for Philadelphia teachers.

For over 50 years the state paid into their pension. However, in the past 18 years the state of Pennsylvania has not paid one dime into their pension fund. The current governor attacks their pensions and claims that they are unsustainable.

The state passed Act 46, which supposedly provides the SRC with “special powers” over the teachers and their contracts, especially if the district is “financially distressed.” The current governor then reduces the school district’s reimbursements for charter schools. He then demands that the teachers pay some portion of health care. But no one takes into consideration that their salaries are among the lowest in the state.

For almost two years of negotiating, there has not been any new contract made between the teachers and the SRC/administration. On Oct. 6, the SRC canceled the teachers’ contract and has unilaterally required various changes in their benefits. This was done without enough of a time frame for any taxpayers’ input before the SRC vote.

If you were a teacher, would you sign a contract with people on the other side of it?

Mayer Krain

Modena Park

Lawn signs are a problem

I want to know why Dee Adcock thinks it’s acceptable to put half a dozen of those obnoxious political signs on the middle of Woodhaven Road.

Those signs are meant for grass and have no business being there, never mind that someone is placing volunteers in real danger on a busy highway just to get the signs up. One of them fell onto the road and hit my bumper, leaving a 4-inch-long scratch.

When the campaign wants to contact me to fix my scratch, they can get my email and phone number through the Northeast Times.

In the meantime, I don’t know who I’m voting for in the upcoming election, but I know for sure that it won’t be for Adcock.

Jenn Michaelson


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