Dalia Diaz and Jayden Huynh play with fruit counters during a recent ribbon-cutting event.
Special People In Northeast Inc. recently opened a new Pre-K Counts classroom at its Early Childhood Learning Center, 10521 Drummond Road.
The classroom was designed in space formerly occupied by the human resources department. Money came from the Fund for Quality, which aims to expand the availability of quality early childhood education and care opportunities for low-income families living in Philadelphia.
SPIN is now able to serve 20 more children, ages 3–5, at no charge to their families. The 41-week program runs from September through June. There are 120 kids in the Pre-K Counts program, which runs weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and includes playground activity.
At a recent ribbon-cutting ceremony, the children recited the alphabet and sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Five Little Monkeys, the Barney theme and Row, Row, Row Your Boat.
In addition to Pre-K Counts, SPIN offers childcare, Head Start, early intervention and autistic support. All of SPIN’s early childhood programs have achieved a STAR 4 level from the state Department of Education.
SPIN is a nonprofit human services organization that, besides its education offerings, provides support for children and adults with intellectual, developmental and autism spectrum disabilities.
For more information or to apply for the Pre-K Counts program, visit www.spininc.org or contact Kathy DiKun at 215–612–7583 or [email protected] ••

Learning is fun: At left, Jude Linahan plays with dinosaurs in a new Pre-K Counts classroom that opened at SPIN’s Early Childhood Learning Center. The organization is now able to serve 20 more children, ages 3–5, at no charge to their families. MARIA POUCHNIKOVA / TIMES PHOTOS