HomeNewsNeighborhood Advisory Committee to discuss zoning

Neighborhood Advisory Committee to discuss zoning

Members of the Frankford Neighborhood Advisory Committee will look at two zoning variance applications.

A re-quest for a vari-ance to op-er-ate an auto mech-an-ic shop on Wor-rell Street was sum-mar-ily shot down in January be-cause the ap-plic-ant didn’t show up for the NAC zon-ing ses-sion at the Second Baptist Church of Frank-ford, 1801 Mead-ow St.

NAC mem-bers had twice be-fore been will-ing to hear about a pro-pos-al, but the own-er did not shown up. The prop-erty at 4117–29 Wor-rell St. is currently com-mer-cially zoned as an auto junk-yard.

As a courtesy, the committee will give the owner one last chance, ac-cord-ing to Christine Deje-sus, NAC co-ordin-at-or.

Also during the March 12 NAC meeting, members will consider a request to allow a duplex in 1362 Kennedy St., which is currently zoned for a single-family dwelling. No other properties on that block are duplexes.

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. ••

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