HomeNewsAround town: March 18, 2015

Around town: March 18, 2015

See a pothole, report a pothole

The city’s Streets Department is getting ready to repair potholes. So far, more than 9,000 have been identified and filled since Jan. 1, according to Streets. Last year, about 51,000 were repaired.

To report a pothole, visit potholes.phila.gov, call Streets Department’s Customer Service at 215–686–5560 or call 311/Mobile App: Philly 311. ••

Easter egg hunt is in Mayfair

There will be an Easter egg hunt on Saturday, March 21, from noon to 2 p.m. at Mayfair Memorial Playground, on the grounds of Abraham Lincoln High School, at Rowland Avenue and Vista Street.

The rain date will be March 22.

Viriva Community Credit Union is sponsoring the event, which is geared to children under 10. Tickets cost $3 per child, and kids are asked to bring their own basket.

The afternoon will include pictures with the Easter Bunny, games, raffle baskets, prizes, a bake sale and a basket decorating contest. All proceeds will be used to buy playground equipment. ••

Beef-and-beer at Maternity BVM

Maternity BVM Elementary School’s alumni will sponsor a beef-and-beer on Saturday, March 21, from 8 p.m. to midnight in its parish hall, 9220 Old Bustleton Ave. Tickets cost $40 and include music by The Exceptions, buffet, beer and soda. For information, call 215–969–6757 or 215–904–7248. ••

Police forum is Thursday

State Rep. Mark Cohen will host a public forum on police-community relations at the Lawncrest Recreation Center, 6000 Rising Sun Ave., from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, March 19.

Speakers will include Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey, District Attorney Seth Williams and the commanders of the 2nd, 8th and 15th police districts. ••

Comedy show to benefit Crescenz statue

Mike Dougherty Productions will present a comedy night on Saturday, March 21, from 8 to 11 p.m. at Michael Crescenz VFW Post 2819, at 6850 Martins Mill Road (at Longshore Avenue) in Lawndale.

Tickets cost $30 and include beer, wine and the show.

Proceeds go to a fund for a statue to honor Army Cpl. Michael J. Crescenz, a Cardinal Dougherty High School graduate who earned the Medal of Honor for bravery in the Vietnam War.

Congress passed a bill signed into law that will rename the Philadelphia VA Medical Center, at 3900 Woodland Ave. in West Philadelphia, in memory of Crescenz. The official renaming ceremony will take place on May 2.

The show will feature Ed McGonigal, Big Jim McCauley and Kensington’s favorite son, Sudsy.

For information, call 215–642–2106 or visit [email protected] ••

Adult healthy living events scheduled

Wesley Enhanced Living and Nazareth Hospital are co-sponsoring an Adult Healthy Living Series.

On Thursday, March 19, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Wesley Enhanced Living Pennypack Park, 8401 Roosevelt Blvd., will offer Advance Health Care Planning, Heart Health and Nutrition. To register, call toll-free 1–866-NAZARETH.

On Thursday, March 26, from 6:30 to 8 p.m., Wesley Enhanced Living Burholme, 7040 Oxford Ave., will host Stress Reduction and Relaxation Techniques. To register, call 267–348–3345. Both events are free. ••

Free water ice at Rita’s on March 20

On Friday, March 20, Rita’s will offer free water ice for the 23rd year in a row to mark the first day of spring.

The offer will be open from noon to 9 p.m.

The most popular flavors at Rita’s are mango, cherry, cotton candy, lemon and Swedish Fish.

Rita’s uses more than 300,000 pounds of mangoes annually to create its №1 flavor, mango. ••

Holmesburg Library offering GED classes

Holmesburg Library, 7810 Frankford Ave., will begin offering GED preparation classes.

There will be an orientation on Wednesday, March 25, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Classes will take place Wednesdays from 5:15 to 7:45 p.m. and Saturdays from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., from April 1 to May 23.

Registration is required. Call 215–685–8756. ••

Recycling day is on March 21

The Friends of Pennypack Park asks the public to help with the group’s next recycling day on March 21 at Abraham Lincoln High School, as well as the first park cleanup day of the year on March 28 at the ballfield behind Nazareth Hospital. Recycling days are held on the third Saturday each month, rain or shine, from 9 a.m. to noon in the Ryan Avenue parking lot at Lincoln, just west of Rowland Avenue.

Organizers accept clothing, towels, linens, paper, cardboard, aluminum cans, scrap metal, batteries (button type and rechargeable only), cell phones, magazines and books, packing peanuts, bubble wrap, printer cartridges and toys (must be in good condition and no bigger than a microwave oven). Some items are recycled while others, like clothing and toys, are repurposed.

Park cleanup days are held on the fourth Saturday each month from March through November from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at various locations. On March 28, volunteers will meet at the ballfield on the north side of Holme Avenue, to the rear of the Nazareth Hospital property. Volunteers should wear long pants, long sleeves and closed-toe shoes or boots. Those under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

Call 215–934-PARK to check for cancellations in case of bad weather. Visit www.friendsofpennypack.org for information. ••

Pub collecting supplies for SPCA

O’Mare’s Irish Pub at 10253 Bustleton Ave. is collecting donations of pet-friendly supplies to benefit the Pennsylvania SPCA. O’Mare’s is in the Bustleton-Somerton Shopping Center.

The SPCA’s wish list includes dog toys such as tennis balls, Frisbees, Kongs, food puzzles and Nylabones. There is also a need for dog and cat treats, dog and cat food, newspapers, leashes, collars, peanut butter, oatmeal, kitty litter, catnip, towels, blankets and linens.

All items should be delivered to the drop box at O’Mare’s. ••

Healthy Trails 5k registration

Registration has opened for the third annual Healthy Trails 5k in Tacony Creek Park on Sunday, April 19. The event will start and finish on the campus of Friends Hospital, 4641 Roosevelt Blvd., with the running race to begin at 9 a.m. and the fun walk to step off shortly thereafter. Sign-ins begin at 8 a.m.

The course is fully paved and accessible for strollers and pets. Proceeds will support the Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership. Collaborators include Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, the Philadelphia Water Department, the Scattergood Foundation, Friends Hospital and Latinas in Motion.

The registration fees are $30 for runners with a “Broad Street Run” bib (first 50 registrants only), $20 for runners with no bib, $50 for a family of four runners with no bibs, $10 for students, free for runners 12 and under and free for all walkers. Awards are scheduled for 10 a.m.

To be eligible for a bib, runners must register via www.runtheday.com. Those who receive a bib will gain guaranteed entry into the 2015 Broad Street Run. Those entering the Broad Street Run will be given a code to access online registration and will still have to pay that event’s registration fee. ••

PHA names new police chief

The Philadelphia Housing Authority has named veteran Philadelphia police officer Dr. Branville G. Bard Jr. as its new chief of police. Bard will oversee PHA’s police force and direct the agency’s public safety efforts.

Bard most recently was commanding officer of the PPD’s forensic science unit. He served 21 years in the PPD and rose to the rank of inspector. Previously, he commanded the 22nd district, which has the most officers and highest crime rate in the city.

Bard holds a doctorate in public administration from Valdosta State University in Georgia. His doctoral studies in political science and public administration focused in part on racial profiling, racially biased policing, immigration, the Bill of Rights and public policy. He has authored a comprehensive methodology to eradicate racial profiling, particularly in areas where policy makers deem it necessary to implement aggressive stop-and-frisk campaigns. The methodology uses advanced but simple metrics to measure each officer’s stop habits. ••

CORA to hold family festival

CORA Services, 8540 Verree Road in Fox Chase, will host a family festival on Saturday, April 25, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The rain date is May 2.

There will be games, raffles, music/entertainment, activities for all ages, food trucks and beverages. Admission is free, with nominal fees for games/activities and food.

For more information, call 215–701–2560. ••

Concert at Bull Shooters

The rock band Haken will be in concert on Friday, May 1, at Bull Shooters, 14000 Bustleton Ave. in Somerton. Other bands in concert that night will be Next to None, In the Presence of Wolves and Tungsten.

Tickets cost $15 in advance and $18 at the door. Parking is free, and there will be drink specials.

For more information, visit www.dvtevents.com or the DVT Entertainment page on Facebook. ••

Art contest for high schoolers

U.S. Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-13th dist.) is encouraging high school students in his district to participate in his inaugural congressional art competition.

High school students residing in the 13th Congressional District may submit one entry each. A panel of district artists will select the winning entries.

Winners are recognized both in their district and at an annual awards ceremony in Washington, D.C. The winning works are displayed for one year at the U.S. Capitol.

All entries must be received no later than April 17 to be considered.

All submitted entries must meet the following criteria: be two dimensional; be no larger than 28 inches wide by 28 inches tall by 4 inches thick; not weigh more than 15 pounds, including frame; and be original in concept, design and execution and not be in violation of any U.S. copyright laws.

For more information or to enter the competition, contact Anthony Luker at 215–517–6572 or [email protected] ••

DRCC holding spring fling

Delaware River City Corporation will hold its fifth annual spring fling on Thursday, May 14, at Glen Foerd on the Delaware.

The Philadelphia Federal Credit Union will be title sponsor.

At the event, DRCC will present four awards to community members and organizations.

Former U.S. Rep. Allyson Schwartz will receive the Robert. A. Borski Award for Lifetime Achievement. James Donaghy will be given the Outstanding Service Award. The Wooden Boat Factory will accept the Community Organization of the Year Award. Joseph Jennings will receive a certificate of appreciation for volunteerism.

The funds raised by the spring fling will support DRCC’s work to maintain and enhance the North Delaware Riverfront Greenway. ••

Learn to play adapted golf

NAGA’s “First Swing/Learn to Golf” clinic and workshop for individuals with physical disabilities and their families will take place on Thursday, April 16, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Burlholme Golf Center, 401 Cottman Ave.

The cost is $5, which includes lunch and equipment.

To register or for more information, call 215–742–2380 or 215–663–6295. ••

Scholarships available for Tacony residents

The Joseph C. McCloskey Charitable Fund will be providing four college scholarships for students who live in Tacony.

Two women will receive money from the Elizabeth McCloskey Memorial Scholarship, while two men will receive money from the John C. Sullivan Jr. Scholarship.

The deadline to apply is April 15.

To obtain an application or for information, call 856–461–7720 or visit jcmcccftacony.org/contact-us ••

Pastor appointed to prison board

The Rev. Dr. Damone B. Jones, senior pastor at Bible Way Baptist Church in West Philadelphia, has been appointed chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Philadelphia Prison System by Mayor Michael Nutter. The board’s primary role is to provide guidance and oversight of operations within the PPS, including measuring and controlling the prison population and educating and preparing inmates for re-entry into society.

Jones earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Philadelphia Biblical University, as well as a doctor of ministry from Palmer Theological Seminary. He has a passion for helping at-risk youth, which fostered his commitment to serve as coordinating chaplain at the Philadelphia Youth Detention Center. He has also served on a Youth Aid Panel and as president of the Police Clergy Program in the 19th Police District. He has been a board director for the Carroll Park Community Council.

Jones succeeds attorney and philanthropist Steven Madva, who retired as the PPS’ trustee chairman in January. ••

Men’s softball league looking for teams

The Sunday Vogt Recreation Center Men’s Softball League is looking for teams. The games are played at 9:30 and 11 a.m. at Vogt, 6700 Cottage St. in Tacony.

The league fee is $975, which covers ASA registration and Philadelphia Parks and Recreation field fees.

Call 267–697–9774. ••

St. Chris to hold Walk/Run

St. Christopher Elementary School in Somerton will hold a Dragon Dash 1-mile walk or 5K run on Saturday, April 11. The event is open to all ages.

The 1-mile walk begins at 8 a.m., and the 5K run starts at 8:30. from Trainer Hall, next to the school at 13305 Proctor Road. Cash prizes and awards will be given to winners. Register online at www.pretzelcitysports.com

Those who register by March 31 will receive a T-shirt. You may also register the day of the race in Trainer Hall from 7 to 7:45 a.m. ••

Designer bag bingo is April 16

Louis H. Farrell Elementary School will sponsor designer bag bingo on April 16 at Cottage Green, 9001 Ashton Road.

Doors open at 6 p.m., and bingo starts at 6:30.

Tickets cost $40 and include dinner and bingo. There will be a cash bar. Reservations must be made by April 9.

Call Erica at 267–707–3226 or 215–437–9599. ••

FOP to host MS fundraiser

A fundraiser will be held for the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation on Friday, April 3, from 7 to 11 p.m. at Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5, 11630 Caroline Road.

Tickets cost $30 and includes food, beer, wine and music.

Contact Mike Tomlinson at 267–671–8323 or [email protected] or Dana Tomlinson at 267–671–8736 or [email protected] ••

Sign up for adult softball league

The Not Quite Over the Hill Softball League is recruiting players age 49–65 for its 25th anniversary season.

Games are played Mondays through Thursdays.

Call Bill at 215–722–8859. ••

Judge HS to hold theater show

The Father Judge Theater Arts Club will present four performances of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.

Showtimes are 7 p.m. on March 26–28 and 2 p.m. on March 29. The shows will take place in the Judge auditorium, at 3301 Solly Ave.

Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. Call 215–338–9494, Ext. 1128. ••

Register to attend Maternity BVM

Maternity BVM Elementary School, 9322 Old Bustleton Ave., will be holding registration for new students and re-registration for returning students on Wednesday, March 25, and Thursday, March 26, from 9 to 10:30 a.m. and 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall.

Registration forms can be accessed through the school’s website, www.maternitybvm.net ••

Lunch with the Easter Bunny

The community is invited to lunch with the Easter Bunny on Saturday, March 28, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at St. Christopher School, 13305 Proctor Road in Somerton.

The event will take place in Holy Family Hall behind the church.

Children ages 2–8 can take a picture with the Easter Bunny, play games, get their face painted, enjoy arts and crafts and join an Easter egg hunt. Hot dogs, pretzels and cookies will be served.

Cost is $5 per person. ••

St. Martha holding fundraiser

St. Martha, 11321 Academy Road, will hold a ticket picnic and auction on Saturday, March 28.

There will be a preview at 6 p.m. The event will start at 7.

Tickets cost $20 in advance and $25 at the door, and include light picnic fare, drinks and 10 basket auction tickets.

Individuals must be 21 or older to attend.

For tickets or more information, contact Sue at [email protected], Joanne at [email protected] or St. Martha rectory at 215–632–3720. ••

Scrapbook workshop is March 28

Holmesburg Library, 7810 Frankford Ave. (at Hartel Avenue), will be having a scrapbook workshop on Saturday, March 28, at 1 p.m.

Participants will learn how to lay out scrapbook pages using embellishments and colorful background paper.

To register, call 215–685–8756. ••

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