HomeNewsCalendar of Events: April 1, 2015

Calendar of Events: April 1, 2015

Thursday, April 2


Adult Painting Classes Resurrection Regional Catholic School, Castor and Shelmire avenues. Beginners and more experienced students will receive individualized instructions in their choice of media. Ten-week sessions available Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. or Fridays from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Cost and inf.: 215–742–1127.

Conversations with Ruth. 12:45 p.m. Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Free. 215–698–7300.

Girl Scouts Immanuel Lutheran School, 1015 Cottman Ave. For girls in grades one to 12. Thursdays. 7 p.m. E-mail [email protected] for more information.

Healing Exercise Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Thursdays. Free. 10:40 a.m. 215–698–7300.

Karaoke Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Free. Thursdays (except third Thursday) from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. 215–685–0576.

Karate Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. Thursdays and Fridays. 8:15 p.m. $10 per class drop-in fee. 215–613–1070.

Knitting Club Mitchell Playground, 3700 Whitehall Lane. Learn to knit or learn some new skills. All ages invited. $5 per class. Thursdays. 6 to 8 p.m. 215–685–9394.

Low Visions. Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Support group led by Bette Homer of the Associated Services for the Blind & Visually Impaired. $1 donation. Lunch is available. 215–698–7300, Ext. 184.

Lunch and Entertainment Klein JCC Tabas House Satellite, 2101 Strahle St. Thursdays. Noon. 215–745–3127.

Moving On. Post Bereavement. 10:30 a.m. Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Free. 215–698–7300.

Pinochle Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Enjoy a friendly game of pinochle. 12:45 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Silver Sneakers Muscular Strength and Range of Motion Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Free for Silver Sneakers. There is a fee for guests. 12:45 and 3 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Silver Splash Klein JCC 10100 Jamison Ave. Free for Silver Sneakers. $5 for guests. 8:45 a.m. 215–698–7300.

Tap Classes Philadelphia Dance Center, 8702 Crispin St. Ages 5 to 9 at 5 p.m. Ages 10 to 11 at 6 p.m. Ages 12 to 17 at 7 p.m. Adult classes at 8 p.m. 267–475–7005.

Wii Bowling Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center, 4744 Frankford Ave. Thursdays. 12:30 p.m. 215–831–2926.

Yoga. Mayfair Community Center, 2990 St. Vincent St. All levels. 7:30–8:30 p.m. $5. Bring your own mat. 215–683–1994.

Yoga Picarello Recreation Center, 10811 Calera Road. Yoga for all levels. Bring your own mat. $25 per month. 6:50 to 8:15 p.m. 267–738–8393.


Al-Anon Crossroads Community Church, 7721 Torresdale Ave. 1 to 2:30 p.m.

Nicotine Anonymous Paul’s Run, 9896 Bustleton Ave. This is a 12-step support program for those who want to stop using nicotine. Thursdays. 4:30 p.m. 215–939–6491.

Friday, April 3


Bingo American Legion Post 366, 7976 Oxford Ave. Refreshments are available. Proceeds benefit veterans’ needs. Fridays. 7 p.m. 215–728–9412. Also at: Ukrainian Catholic Church, 8th and Brown streets. Games also played Mondays. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Games begin at 7 p.m. Kitchen on premises. 215–829–8103. Also at: St. John Neumann Nursing Home, 10400 Roosevelt Blvd. $10. Doors open at 6 p.m. Games begin at 6:30 p.m. 215–698–5631, 215–698–5630.

Children’s Tumbling Vogt Recreation Center, 6700 Cottage St. Children 4 and older can learn tumbling. Friday evenings. 6 to 8 p.m. 215–685–8753.

Civil Air Patrol 8501 State Road. Learn aerospace, military leadership, drill and more. For boys and girls ages 12 through 19. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. 267–250–6311.

Dance Classes for Children Lower Mayfair Playground, Robbins Avenue and Hawthorne Street. Ballet and jazz for ages 4 to 6 at 6:15 p.m. Jazz and Hip-hop for ages 7 to 10 at 7:15 p.m. $120. 215–685–1227.

Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Fundraiser 7 to 11 p.m. Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5, 11630 Caroline Road. $30, includes food, beer, wine and music. 267–671–8323/[email protected] or 267–671–8736/[email protected]

Paint Your Own Pottery Mitchell Playground, 3700 Whitehall Lane. Call for more information, 6 to 8 p.m. 215–685–9394.

Passover Seder Dinner Temple Beth Ami, 9201 Old Bustleton Ave. 7 p.m. $35, or $12 for children under 13. Reservation: 215–673–2511.

Sabbath Service/Lunch/Piano Playing Klein JCC Tabas House Satellite, 2101 Strahle St. Fridays. Noon. 215–745–3127.

Zumba Gold Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Zumba Gold with Miriam Martinez. Free for Silver & Fit. Fee for guests. 10:30 a.m. 215–698–7300.


Supportive Older Women’s Network (S.O.W.N.) Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. A forum for women to support each other. Free. 215–698–7300.

Widow & Widower Support Group Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Fridays at 10 a.m. 215–685–0576.

Saturday, April 4


After-school Program Vogt Recreation Center, 6700 Cottage St. Homework help, games and educational learning. $20 per month. 3 to 6 p.m. 215–685–8753.

Alzheimer’s Support Group For current or former caregivers. Every Saturday. 10:30 a.m. to noon. Holy Innocents St. Paul’s Church, 7001 Torresdale Ave. [email protected] or 928–282–3435.

Tap-ercize Class Our Lady of Consolation, 4816 Princeton Ave. No experience needed. Teens and adults. $10. 11 a.m. 215–335–3232.

Tumbling Dorsey Playground, 6501 Hegerman St. Tumbling for kids ages 4 to 14. 10 a.m. 215–685–8734.


Northeast Philadelphia Walking Club People 50 and older are invited to join. 267–251–9198.

Social Group Call for location. Not dating anyone but want to? 60’s — 70’s singles are invited to a dance. 215–380–9144.

Sunday, April 5



Kid’s Club St. Petri-Hope Church 6816 Jackson St. Kids from Kindergarten through 6th grade are welcome. Hear stories of our faith, make crafts, and learn how to play hand bells. 4 to 5 pm. 215–333–4103.

Sunrise Easter Service. Far Northeast Philadelphia Ministerium outdoor riverside non-denominational Easter celebration. Glen Foerd on the Delaware, 5001 Grant Ave. 6:30 a.m. 215–632–5330 or www.glenfoerd.org

Worship Service. New Life Community Church, 2680 Huntingdon Pike, Huntingdon Valley. 10:30 a.m., preceded by Adult Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. Children’s worship and nursery provided. Continues April 12, 19, 26. 215–947–1880.

Monday, April 6


Ab Blast Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. There is a $5 per class drop in fee. 1 p.m. 215–613–1070.

Are You Saved? Studying Biblical Salvation At a location in the Northeast. Mondays. 7:30 p.m. Call for appointments. 215–941–4710.

Bridge Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Mondays. 1 to 3 p.m. 215–685–0576.

Children’s Arts and Crafts Mitchell Playground, 3700 Whitehall Lane. All ages are welcome. 6:30 p.m. 215–685–9394.

Enhance Fitness St. Anne’s Senior Center, 2607 E. Cumberland St. Every Monday and Thursday at 9:30 a.m. 215–426–9799.

Hebrew Language Classes Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave.. Intermediate classes in Hebrew. Free. 1 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Kids Kettlebells Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. $5. 6 p.m. 215–698–3012.

Lifelong Learning Class Holy Redeemer Lafayette, 8580 Verree Road. 7:30 p.m. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction with Jamie Roberts. Eight classes for $40. 215–214–2822.

Mah Jong Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Have fun with friends in this tile matching game. 12:45 p.m. 215–698–7300.

New Visions. Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Support group led by Amy Juarez of the Associated Services for the Blind & Visually Impaired. $1 donation. Lunch is available. 215–698–7300, Ext. 184.

Silver and Fit Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Wayne Leister is the class instructor. Free for members. $2 non-members. Mondays. 9:15 a.m. 215–698–7300.

Theology On Tap Gearo’s Grille, 1913 Welsh Road. Food, drink and faith-based discussion for people in their 20s and 30s. Topic: How I Met Your Mother (and Mine). 7:30 p.m. 215–667–2300 or Theology on Tap Northeast on Facebook.

TLA RHAWNHURST (To Live Again) is for all widows and widowers. Meetings first Monday of every month at 1 p.m. at Rhawnhurst Presbyterian Church, Loretto Avenue and Lansing Street. 215–744–7838 or 267–722–8764.

Women’s Self-Defense Seminar. Congregations of Shaare Shamayim, 9768 Verree Road. 7:30–8:30 p.m. Continues April 13, 20 and 27. $25 for all four classes. 215–677–1600.

Zumba with Denise Norcom Community Center. 10980 Norcom Road. Mondays. $5 drop in fee. 7:15 p.m. 215–698–3012.

Zumba with Zuly. Every Monday at 7 p.m. Good Shepherd Methodist Church, 10910 Calera Road. 215–612–0728. Walk-ins are welcome. $6.


Supportive Older Women’s Network (S.O.W.N.) Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. The group meets Mondays at 9:30 a.m.

Tuesday, April 7


Adult Martial Arts Classes Max Myers Recreation Center, 1601 Hellerman St. Classes held Tuesday and Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons. $45 per month. Call for time and inf.: 215–685–1242.

Aquatic Arthritis Exercise Plus Basic Class Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Free for Silver & Fit, Silver Sneakers and athletic members. Class instructor is Eileen Depalma. Tuesdays. 2 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Ceili Dance Lessons for Adults Fox Chase Recreation Center, 7901 Ridgeway St. Dance classes with the Fox Chase Ireland Dancers. First class is free. $5 after first class. 7:45 to 9:30 p.m. 215–945–8163.

Ceramics Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Tuesdays. $2. 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. 215–685–0576.

Ceramic Classes Disston Recreation Center, 4423 Longshore Ave. Tuesdays and Thursdays. 7 to 9 p.m. 215–335–1163.

Chair Yoga St. Anne’s Senior Center, 2607 E. Cumberland St. Every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. 215–426–9799.

Chance Auction. Jeanes Hospital Auxiliary. Hospital main lobby, 7600 Central Ave. 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 25 tickets and one grand prize ticket for $10. Need not be present to win. 215–728–2131.

Computer Assistance Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center, 4744 Frankford Ave. Tuesdays at 1 p.m. One-on-one sessions available by appointment. 215–831–2926.

Cub Scout Pack 160 Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1013 Cottman Ave. Family-oriented program is designed for boys ages 7 to 10. Tuesdays. 7 p.m. 215–783–6405.

Exercise Class Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Free. Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. 215–685–0576.

Exercise with Elayne Klein JCC Tabas House Satellite, 2101 Strahle St. Tuesdays. 10:45 a.m. 215–745–3127.

Greater Philadelphia Chorale Rehearsals St. Jerome school hall, 8100 Colfax St. All singers are invited. Tuesdays. 7–8:30 p.m. 215–313–5363.

Karate Class Torresdale Playground, 9550 Frankford Ave. Classes with Master Drew Johnson. Karate styles include Shotokan Karate, Aiki Jujitsu and Koga Ryu Ninjutsu. All levels welcome. Ages 5 to Adult. Tuesdays and Thursdays. 6 to 7:30 p.m. $20 per month. $5 registration fee.

Knitting Nook Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Make lap covers, hats, shawls and booties for children and adults who are receiving treatments for serious illnesses at local hospitals. Tuesdays. 12:45 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Life Coach Training Seminar Learn how to change lives while embracing your own. Seminars held in the Northeast. Inquire for location. Register. Tuesdays. 7 p.m. 215–725–1995 or email [email protected].

Nutrition Education Program Klein JCC Tabas House Satellite, 2101 Strahle St. 10 a.m. 215–745–3127.

Party Bridge Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Have fun with a sociable bridge game. 12:45 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Preschool Story Time Holmesburg Library, 7810 Frankford Ave. Features stories, songs and finger plays. For preschool children ages 3 to 5. Must be accompanied by an adult. 10:30 a.m.†215–685–8756.

Preschool Storytime. Katharine Drexel Branch Library, 11099 Knights Road. 11:30 a.m. Stories and songs for children aged 2–5 and their caregivers. Continues April 14 and 21. 215–685–9383.

PIDC breakfast 7:30 a.m. Community College Northeast Regional Center, 12901 Townsend Rd. John Grady, president of the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation, will give an overview of the agency and discuss development projects in the Northeast. Free parking.

Sculpt and Tone Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. Tuesdays at 6 p.m. 215–613–1070.

Silver & Fit Class Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Intermediate class instructor is Herb Caplan. Free for Silver & Fit, Silver Sneakers and athletic members. Tuesdays and Fridays. 10:30 a.m. 215–698–7300.

Silver Sneakers Cardio Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. Tuesdays at 1 p.m. and Fridays at 10 a.m. $3 drop-in fee if not a member. 215–613–1070.

Singing Tuesday Nights St. John Neumann Home, 10400 Roosevelt Blvd. The Sounds of Liberty a cappella chorus is holding open auditions for spring and summer concerts of popular music. 7 to 10 p.m. 215–636–9012.

Tai Chi Mayfair Community Center, 2990 St. Vincent St. 10 a.m. 215–683–1994.

Yoga Lackman Playground, 1101 Bartlett St. Class is for all levels. Bring a yoga mat. $5 per class. Tuesdays. 7 to 8 p.m. 215–971–0404. More: Norcom Community Center. 10980 Norcom Road. $5 drop in fee. 6:15 p.m. 215–698–3012.

Yoga for Kids Mitchell Playground, 3700 Whitehall Lane. All ages are welcome. 6:30 p.m. 215–685–9394.

Zumba Jardel Recreation Center, 1400 Cottman Ave. Open to the public. $5 per session. 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. 215–685–0596. Also at: Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. 7:15 p.m. 215–698–3012.


Al-Anon Meeting St. John’s Lutheran Church, Hawthorne and Tyson avenues. 1 to 2:30 p.m.

Anger Management Groups for Teens Center for Families and Relationships, 1600 Magee Ave. Suitable for boys and girls ages 13 to 17. Tuesdays. 6 p.m. Appointments: 215–537–5367.

N.A. Meeting for Friends and Family of Addicts Aria Torresdale, Mansion House conference room, Red Lion and Knights roads. Tuesdays from 7 to 8:20 p.m. 215–535–2962.

Rotary Club of Frankford-Northeast Cannstatter’s, 9130 Academy Road. The group meets for lunch every Tuesday from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m.

Short Stories. Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. 12:45 p.m. Group discussion follows stories. Free. 215–698–7300.

Turbo Kick. Mitchell Playground, 3700 Whitehall Lane. Tuesdays. 6:15–7:15 p.m. No registration required. $5. 215–685–9394.

Women’s Empowerment Group The Share Center, 7137 Torresdale Ave. Group meets every Tuesday. 7 p.m. 856–308–5650.

Wednesday April 8


Ab Blast Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Rd. There is a $5 Drop in fee. 5:30pm. 215–698–3012

Art Class Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. $2. Wednesdays. Class is taught by a professional instructor. 2 to 4 p.m. 215–685–0576.

Bingo Club Pelbano Recreation Center, Bustleton and Solly avenues (use ramp entrance on Solly Avenue). Join the Rhawnhurst Senior Citizens Bingo Club for those 55 and older every Wednesday. 10:30 a.m. 215–742–9928.

Bokwa Group Exercise Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. High-energy cardio class where participants dance the alphabet and sweat the digits. Wednesdays at 6 p.m. and Sundays at 10 a.m. $10 per class drop-in fee. 215–613–1070.

Boot Camp Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. Class is high intensity interval training. Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. $5 per class drop-in fee. 215–613–1070.

Boxing and Ballet Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. Yago boxing and ballet workout. $5 per class drop in fee. 6 p.m. 215–613–1070.

Canasta Lessons. Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. A card game of the rummy family, believed to be a variant of 500 Rummy. 12:45 p.m. Continues April 15, 22 and 29. $15. 215–698–7300.

Cardio Kick Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Rd. There is a $5 Drop in fee. 6 pm. 215–698–3012.

Cardio Workout Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Wednesdays. Fee. 1 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Chess Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Keep your brain active with a fun and friendly game of chess. 2 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Child and Teen Acting Classes Portside Arts Center, 2531 E. Lehigh Ave. Acting classes for kids ages 5 to 17. Classes are sorted by age. 4 to 8 p.m. 215–427–1514.

Finding Your Funding Women’s Business Development Center, 1315 Walnut St., Suite 1124. 6 to 8 p.m. Workshop on loans for start-up and existing businesses. $10. Register: 215–790-WBDC or www.womensbdc.org

KIDS Fit Mix Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Rd. There is a $5 Drop in fee. 6:45pm. 215–698–3012.

Kim Reddin Yiddish Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Conversational and informal group celebrating Yiddish in song and speech. 10:40 a.m. 215–698–7300.

Klein Music Makers Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. If you play an instrument or can read music, join the group on Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. 215–698–7300, Ext. 134.

Life Coach Introduction Learn how to move forward in relationships career and challenges. Seminars held in the Northeast. Inquire for location. Wednesdays. 7 p.m. 215–725–1995 or email [email protected].

Line Dancing. Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. 1:15 p.m. Free. 215–8–7300.

Nutrition in Cancer Care. Nazareth Hospital Marian Conference Center, 2601 Holme Ave. 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. For cancer patients and families. Refreshment. Free. Register: 1–866-NAZARETH.

Nutritious & Delicious. Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. 11:45 a.m. Free. [email protected] or 215–698–7300, Ext. 157.

Spanish Classes Mayfair Community Center, 2990 St. Vincent St. Classes for both advanced and beginner levels. $5. 215–683–1994.

Tumbling Program Vogt Recreation Center, 6700 Cottage St. Wednesdays. $20 per month plus a one-time registration fee of $5. 7 p.m. 215–685–8753.

Wellness and Depression Screening Career Link, 3210 Red Lion Road. Free, anonymous wellness and depression screenings. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 215–728–4669 or visit www.pathcenter.org.

Young at Heart Single Seniors. Dinner. Also breakfast on Saturdays. 215–695–0510.

Zumba Mitchell Playground, 3700 Whitehall Lane. No registration required. $5. 7 to 8 p.m. 215–685–9394.

Zumba with Zuly Good Shepherd Methodist Church, 10910 Calera Road. Wednesdays. $6 walk-in fee. 7 p.m. 215–612–0728.


Anger Management Groups for Children Center for Families and Relationships, 1600 Magee Ave. Suitable for boys and girls ages 7 to 12. Wednesdays. 6 p.m. Appointments: 215–537–5367.

Depression Bipolar Support Group 8220 Castor Ave, fourth floor. Group meets every Wednesday from 5:45 to 7:45 p.m. 215–698–9744.

GRASP St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church, 7965 Fillmore St. Meeting for anyone grieving who has lost someone to drugs or alcohol disease. 7:30 to 9 p.m.

Jewish Culture Club Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. 215–685–0576.

Thursday, April 9


Adult Karate Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Rd. There is a $5 Drop in fee. 8:15pm. 215–698–3012.

Aerobic Yoga Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Thursdays. $5. Call for time. 215–698–7300.

Ballroom Dance Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Thursdays from 12:30 to 2 p.m. $2. 215–685–0576.

Bingo Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Road. Sponsored by Die Alten Herren des Cannstatters. Thursdays. Doors open at 5 p.m.; games start at 6:30 p.m. 215–332–0121.

Computer Class Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Thursdays from 1:30 to 4 p.m. 215–685–0576. 215–698–7300 Ext. 129.

Conversations with Ruth. 12:45 p.m. Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Free. 215–698–7300.

Girl Scouts Immanuel Lutheran School, 1015 Cottman Ave. For girls in grades one to 12. Thursdays. 7 p.m. [email protected].

Karate Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. Thursdays at 8 p.m. $10 per class drop-in fee. 215–613–1070.

Knitting Club. Mitchell Playground, 3700 Whitehall Lane. Thursday. 6–8 p.m. $5. 215–685–9394.

Low Visions. Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Support group led by Bette Homer of the Associated Services for the Blind & Visually Impaired. $1 donation. Lunch is available. 215–698–7300, Ext. 184.

Moving On. Post Bereavement. 10:30 a.m. Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Free. 215–698–7300.

Pinochle Klein JCC, 10100 Jamison Ave. Enjoy a friendly game of pinochle. 12:45 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Yoga Classes Picariello Recreation Center, 10811 Calera Road. Suitable for all levels. Bring a yoga mat. Thursdays. $20 per month. 6:50 to 8:15 p.m. 267–738–8393. More: Norcom Community Center. 10980 Norcom Road. $5 drop in fee. 6:15 p.m. 215–698–3012.

Youth Karate Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Rd. There is a $5 Drop in fee. 7:15pm. 215–698–3012.

Zumba Jardel Recreation Center, 1400 Cottman Ave. Open to the public. $5 per session. 8 to 9 p.m. 215–685–0596.

Zumba with Denise Norcom Community Center. 10980 Norcom Road. Mondays. $5 drop in fee. 7:15 p.m. 215–698–3012.


Burholme Town Watch and Civic Association UMC Redeemer, 1128 Cottman Ave. 7 p.m. 215–722–4901.

Depression Bipolar Support Group PATH, 8220 Castor Ave. The group meets on the fourth floor every Wednesday. 5:45 to 7:45 p.m. 215–698–9744.

Philadelphia Community Sustainability Initiative. American Heritage Federal Credit Union, 2060 Red Lion Road. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. City Councilman Brian O’Neill will be on hand. 215–686–3422.


Flea market/car show. United Methodist Church of the Good Shepherd, 10910 Calera Road. April 25. 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Rain date May 2. $20.00 per space. 215–632–5094 or 215–612–7991.


Knights of Columbus St. Albert the Great Council Indoor flea market. April 11. St. Albert’s auditorium, 212 Welsh Road. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tables $18 each or two for $35. 215–677–1147 or 215–947–6447.

Craft, Home and Gift Show. Delaire Landing Recreation Center, 9355 State Road. April 18, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Benefit March of Dimes. 267–307–6200.

Rockledge Fox Chase Business Association Annual Art in the Park. April 18. Lyons Park, Rockledge. 1 to 4 p.m. Tables free. Rain date April 19. 215–722–4566.

Flea market. Faith Lutheran Church, 4150 Woodhaven Road. April 25 8 a.m. to noon. Vendors $10 with own table, $15 to rent table. 215–637–4210.

Aria Health Auxiliary Flea Market, Knights and Red Lion roads parking garage. Saturday, May 2. 8 a.m. to noon. $20 per space. 215–831–2179 for reservation packet by April 15.

Flea market. Saturday, May 2, Northeast High School, Cottman and Algon avenues. 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Rain date May 9. Inside and outside spaces $20. 215–338–6523 or [email protected]

Flea Market. Saturday, May 2. Bridesburg Recreation Center, 4500 Richmond St. Spaces $15. 215–743–3972.

Flea Market. Holmesburg Baptist Church, 7927 Frankford Ave. Saturday, May 9 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Spaces $20. Tables provided. 215–338–1775.

Flea market. Saturday, May 9, Wissinoming Presbyterian Church, Torresdale Avenue and Howell Street. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Spaces $15.00, inside or outside, ask about $5.00 refund end of day. 215–288–9192.

Community yard sale. Lawncrest Recreation Center, 6000 Rising Sun Ave. Saturday, May 16. 8 x 10 space $15 if reserved by May 9. $20 after May 9. Used items only — no vendors. [email protected]

Craft Fair and Flea Market. Navy Support Activity Base, 700 Robbins St. Saturday, May 16. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. $20 per space, $10 each additional space, if received by May 4. $25 per space, $15 each additional space, if received after May 4. Rain date June 13. 267–736–7643 or [email protected] ••

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