HomeNewsLetters to the Editor: July 22, 2015

Letters to the Editor: July 22, 2015

Some neighborhoods are becoming a disgrace

I am writing today to ask what has happened to these areas. With all the road construction in the city and on I-95, I take many alternate routes to get home from Center City Philadelphia. I am embarrassed to say that I’ve lived in all three of these ZIP codes: growing up in 19124, later moving to 19135 and now have been a homeowner for 20-plus years in 19136.

These areas are a disgrace. I have never seen so much trash on the streets. The grass and weeds are so high, you can’t see if a child is playing behind them. I have seen weeds that look like small trees growing in between the pavement cracks. Vehicles with expired plates and no stickers are parked on city streets forever. The city painted white ‘X’s on many corners to avoid accidents, but the law is not enforced.

I have attended meetings with City Council members in regards to some of these issues and they were all in agreement that it is definitely a major problem and yet nothing is being done.

The city could make a fortune citing these property owners and writing tickets for parking illegally. The only time I’ve seen tickets being issued is if an accident takes place and an officer is called to the scene. Then anyone parked in the white ‘X’ area gets a ticket.

What happened to all the new police officers that were hired for the 15th Police District? Rarely do I see a patrol car down my street unless they’re on a call.

When was the last time you’ve seen people sweeping their pavement or just picking up trash if it’s blowing down the street or on their own pavement or curb?

People need to step up and be proud of where they live. Take pride in your neighborhood and homes. It doesn’t matter which ethnicity people are, or if you rent or own your home. Just take some time to clean up outside, cut your grass, pull the weeds, put the trash out every week on the day it gets picked up and be proud where you live.

Most of us cannot afford to move or don’t want to move because we like our neighborhood, neighbors and our homes.

Hopefully, a few readers will get the meaning of this letter and do something on their street to make it look better. If one reader tells another we can clean up these ZIP codes.

DM Taweel


Shame on Gym, Hite

Helen Gym is a candidate for City Council. During the primary she ran ads on a local radio station opposing Mayor Nutter’s nearly 10 percent request for increasing real estate taxes.

I believed her and was happy; She won the primary.

Now, she has come out in favor of the 4.5 percent tax increase. Why couldn’t she tell us this before the primary?

Dr. Hite has turned down his $60,000 bonus as schools chief. It would have been better if he had turned down his $300,000 salary.

This is in spite of the fact that City Controller Alan Butkovitz has discovered that the district has not paid past employees monies due to them for several years and school equipment/supplies are missing.

Shame on you, Helen Gym, Dr. Hite and the School Reform Commission!

If the district were bequeathed $1 billion, next spring they would be back with their hands out for our money again!

Myles Gordon

Philadelphia Taxpayers Association

Kenney is lackluster

While I agree with George Tomezsko that James Kenney will be an ineffective mayor my reasons are not the same as his.

I base my disapproval (and I probably won’t vote for him) on his lackluster years on City Council.

He has done nothing to demonstrate to me he is capable of leading this city anywhere but downhill.

That will not be (as Mr. Tomezsko says) because he helps the poor, tries to improve the schools or leads the city into “cultural dysfunction,” but rather because of his lack of imagination and general all around inability to lead.

He spouts the same old party lines because he doesn’t know any better. Once more, I agree Mr. Tomezsko, he is a poor choice.

Joe Orenstein


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