HomeNewsLetters to the Editor: March 2, 2016

Letters to the Editor: March 2, 2016

Best candidate is Cruz

I must have missed it. When did your newspaper become the spokesman for Donald Trump? (Referring to the cartoon published on Feb. 24.)

The sad irony is that of all the people running in the Republican primary, the only one who can be trusted is Ted Cruz. This man has fought valiantly for the people of his home state, and is not a “business as usual” politician, which is why the GOP establishment hates him.

Democrats hate Cruz because he stands for solid moral principles and will not back down the way Republican RINOs have. The Republican establishment hates him because he refuses to tell voters back home one thing and then do what he wants in D.C. He is the only decent man running.

The low info voters of the GOP, Democrats, and independents want Trump, a man who publicly ridiculed a disabled reporter with a palsied hand. He has made many anti-woman comments and is a sexist pig. He insults everyone and anyone and is the last person who should have access to nuclear codes. It is the suspicion of many that considering his long track record of supporting Democrats financially, that he was sent to pose as a Republican to confirm the worst stereotypes many have of the GOP. I assure you that most Republicans are not hateful, bigoted and obnoxious like him.

This election is the last real chance to restore America to the great nation it once was. Ted Cruz is the only man running who can do the job. Our family of four registered Republicans (soon to be five) feels so strongly that only Cruz can save this country, that we are all voting for him in the GOP primary. If by chance he does not win for the general election, we will write his name in one by one. We will not stay home, we will not vote for Trump, but we will make our voices heard.

Annette Ravinsky


Please curb your dog

I have a dog and I walk it around Max Myers Playground. There are a lot of people who walk their dogs around there who don’t pick up after their dogs. I wish the police officers would enforce the laws for people to pick up their dog poop. They could make a lot of money for the city.

Gary Gelb

Castor Gardens

Voters need all the facts

The April 26 primary election in Pennsylvania is fast approaching, and advertisements that aim to shape voters’ opinions are beginning to appear on television, in newspapers and in mailboxes. Some of these advertisements come from dark money groups — organizations that can raise unlimited amounts of money without disclosing the sources of their finances.

I believe voters should have access to the identities of people who spend money to shape the outcome of elections. That’s why I introduced House Bill 1695, which would require dark money groups to file campaign finance reports listing the names of donors contributing $100 or more, and details of spending that exceeds $1,000. In addition, my bill, which has bipartisan co-sponsors, would require ads from these organizations to include a statement informing people where they can review their campaign finance reports.

The National Institute on Money in State Politics gave Pennsylvania an “F” for its lack of disclosure requirements on independent spending.

I believe my bill would bring transparency and openness to Pennsylvania elections, and allow our residents to better evaluate ads before they cast their ballots.

State Rep. Neal P. Goodman

123rd Legislative District

Pope, politics don’t mix

How dare the pope call Donald Trump a non-Christian. It is easy telling other people what to do when what they’re preaching doesn’t affect them.

Sure, open your borders to all the refugees and illegals, give them homes. Why doesn’t he give up some of the vast wealth of the Vatican and buy an island, build homes, take them in and give them their own country. Easy to expect hard-working taxpayers to make change and pay more when you are living in a tax-exempt world.

Why doesn’t the pope worry about the thousands of Catholics he has lost and all the Catholic churches and schools that have closed. Why isn’t he more concerned about the young who are not being taught about God?

The pope lives in a “compound” of wealth beyond belief. Why not open the gates to the poor who need a home? It’s always the poor working man and woman who are paying the taxes that get the shaft.

Carol Malinowski

Morrell Park

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