HomeNewsAround Town: April 27, 2016

Around Town: April 27, 2016

Bob Pantano Dance Party at Cannstatter’s

The St. Hubert Alumnae Association will sponsor a Bob Pantano Dance Party on Friday, April 29, from 7:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. at Cannstatter’s, 9130 Academy Road.

Tickets are $35 per person and include food, beer, wine and soda. For tickets, contact Louise at 610–724–6061 or [email protected] ••

PFCU art competition seeks entries

The Philadelphia Federal Credit Union is sponsoring its fifth annual art competition to coincide with National Financial Literacy Month.

PFCU’s “Picture of Success Art Contest” is open to Philadelphia-area students in grades 3–5. Each student will submit a work of art that depicts one of their financial goals. The deadline to submit entries is April 30.

On May 9, the artwork from the finalists will be posted on PFCU’s Facebook page for the public to vote on through May 23.

To enter the contest, read the rules and download the entry form at www.pfcu.com/artcontest

Entries must be mailed to PFCU’s Operations Center (Attention: Marketing Department, 12800 Townsend Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154) or delivered to a PFCU branch no later than April 30. ••

Holy Family University reschedules festival

Holy Family University’s 2016 Senior Class Legacy Committee has rescheduled its Spring Festival to Saturday, April 30, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 9801 Frankford Ave.

The day’s activities will include a flea market, silent auction, food, live entertainment and more. Flea vendor spaces are $15, or two for $25. For information, call 215–333–3155. ••

Women’s retirement series begins Monday

The Women’s Opportunities Resource Center and Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants will sponsor Retirement Income Solutions for Women at KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave.

Sessions will take place from 6 to 9 p.m. on Mondays, May 2, 9, 16 and 23. There will also be six monthly phone coaching sessions. The cost is $60.

Call 215–564–5500 or visit www.word-pa.com ••

Ryan awards ceremony planned for Sunday

Archbishop Ryan will host its annual Spirit of Ryan Awards on Sunday, May 1.

The honorees will be Sister Donna Breslin (class of 1973), the Rev. Joseph Devlin (1971), Maureen Berry Drumm (1983) and Hollie McDonald (1993).

The Father Rene Award for Dedication and Service will go to former principal James Meredith.

Police officer John Pawlowski will be honored posthumously.

The day will start with Mass at 10 a.m., followed by breakfast and the awards. Activities will take place in the auditorium and south gym.

Tickets cost $25. Contact Terri Evans at 215–637–1800, Ext. 221 or [email protected] ••

Photography classes the focus of library

Holmesburg Library, 7810 Frankford Ave. (at Hartel Avenue), will host photography classes on Mondays, May 2, 9 and 16, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

The program is designed for users of digital cameras or smart phones.

The classes are sponsored by the Friends of Holmesburg Library.

To register, call 215–685–8756. ••

John Birch Society meeting held on Tuesday

The John Birch Society will meet on Tuesday, May 3, at 7 p.m. at Holmesburg Recreation Center, at Rhawn and Ditman streets. A movie will be shown.

The motto of the John Birch Society is “Less Government, More Responsibility and — — With God’s Help — — A Better World.” ••

Water department meeting at PPH

The Philadelphia Protestant Home, 6401 Martins Mill Road, will host a meeting of the Philadelphia Water Department on Thursday, April 28, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

The discussion will be about the Lawncrest Green Infrastructure. Stormwater improvements are proposed for streets near the Har Nebo Cemetery and Philadelphia Protestant Home.

Refreshments will be served.

For information, visit www.phillywatersheds.org or email [email protected] ••

Make an appointment to help save lives

There will be an American Red Cross blood drive on Tuesday, May 3, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Philadelphia Protestant Home social hall, 6500 Tabor Road.

To make an appointment, call 215–697–8000. ••

Pancakes and shredding for breakfast

The Philadelphia Protestant Home, 6500 Tabor Road, will host a pancake breakfast and shredding event on Saturday, April 30, from 8 to 11 a.m. at its social hall.

The breakfast is sponsored by the Phil-Mont Kiwanis. It will include pancakes, sausage, juice, coffee and tea.

Admission is $8 for adults, $7 for Protestant Home residents and $5 for children 12 and under.

Proceeds benefit a scholarship fund.

Students will serve breakfast.

Call 215–697–8000. ••

Three scholarship winners named at BVM

Maternity BVM eighth-graders Adam Knuttel, Colin McNicholas and Amanda Sweeney won the Josephine C. Connelly Achievement Award.

The prize is a partial four-year scholarship to the Archdiocesan high school of their choice.

Adam and Colin will be going to Father Judge High School, while Amanda will spend her next four years at Little Flower.

Adam, Colin and Amanda have attended Maternity since preschool. ••

Two eighth-graders win scholarship

Maternity BVM eighth-graders Dan Price and Matthew Fehrle earned the Maguire Foundation High School Scholarship.

In the fall, Dan and Matthew will receive $3,000 per year for four years at Father Judge High School.

The Maguire Foundation, in partnership with the Faith in the Future Foundation, award scholarships to at least six students to each of the 18 Philadelphia-area Catholic high schools.

“I was pleased to hear about this wonderful opportunity for these two young men and their families. Catholic education is expensive, and I know this will be a huge help for these families,” said Mary Zawisza, Maternity BVM principal.

To qualify for the grant, the boys had to submit an essay and list their community service.

“I am very excited and thankful to be able to help my parents out, because both myself and my brother (Anthony) will be enrolling next year at Father Judge,” said Dan.

Matt said, “I am amazed by getting it. This will really help my family because I have three brothers, two who will be entering kindergarten next year and my older brother who also attends Father Judge.” ••

Heavily discounted legal services available

Freiwald Law has launched Community Legal Advisors to make life-planning services accessible and affordable to all individuals and families in Philadelphia and the suburbs. Community Legal Advisors is a business initiative that offers heavily discounted rates for legal services such as wills, powers of attorney and advanced healthcare directives.

“The goal of CLA is to give people power over important life decisions,” said Aaron J. Freiwald, managing partner of Freiwald Law. “We want to help our clients make vital decisions now so someone else doesn’t make decisions for them later.”

More information at www.freiwaldlaw.com/community-legal-advisors ••

MaST student wins science fair award

MaST Community Charter School fourth-grader Claudia Pyatigorsky was awarded the Health Partners Foundation Healthy Advances award for her research and solution regarding, “Is Your Backpack Too Heavy?” during the George Washington Carver Science Fair at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University.

The experiment was based on a random sampling of her fellow schoolmates, ranging from kindergarten through fourth grade. She found that many students’ backpacks “greatly exceed” the recommended guidelines — 15 percent of a child’s body weight. As a solution, Claudia suggested that heavier textbooks be made available online or in e-book format, reducing the weight of backpacks and the risk of body and muscle injuries.

“There were many great projects, but I think Claudia’s experiment focused on an issue that could affect our communities — especially young Health Partners Plans members,” said Mark Johns, director of systems design and development at Health Partners Plans and volunteer judge and member of the Carver Committee.

Both Claudia and her school received a monetary award. ••

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