Philly’s greatest: The Olympics-themed exhibit PhillyGold! Is now on display at the Hall of Fame gallery inside Spike’s, 2701 Grant Ave. The exhibit includes medals, photos, programs and tickets. MARIA YOUNG / TIMES PHOTO
The Philadelphia Sports Hall of Fame welcomes the public to view the Olympics-themed exhibit “PhillyGold! The exhibit is located at the Hall of Fame gallery inside Spike’s, a trophy and awards shop at 2701 Grant Ave.
PhillyGold! is a tribute to Philadelphia’s Olympic gold medalists. The exhibit includes medals, gear, photos, programs, tickets and issues of Sports Illustrated.
Philadelphia-area athletes have been a part of every Olympics since the 1900 summer games in Paris.
Among the gold medalists is swimmer Joe Verdeur, a 1944 North Catholic High School graduate who won the 200-meter breaststroke in the 1948 Summer Olympics. His swim trunks and gold medal are on display.
The pub-lic is in-vited to view PhillyGold! weekdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sat-urdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or by appointment. For in-form-a-tion, vis-it or call 215–254–5049, Ext. 10. ••

Philly’s greatest: The Olympics-themed exhibit PhillyGold! Is now on display at the Hall of Fame gallery inside Spike’s, 2701 Grant Ave. The exhibit includes medals, photos, programs and tickets. MARIA YOUNG / TIMES PHOTO

Philly’s greatest: The Olympics-themed exhibit PhillyGold! Is now on display at the Hall of Fame gallery inside Spike’s, 2701 Grant Ave. The exhibit includes medals, photos, programs and tickets. MARIA YOUNG / TIMES PHOTO