Hillary is historic mistake
It’s a far cry from the truth when both Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton endorsed Hillary for president at the DNC. It should be called the Deceitful National Convention.
According to Michelle’s DNC speech, she trusts Hillary to lead this country because of her “lifelong devotion to our nation’s children.” Mrs. Obama continued to say that Hillary “proudly stepped up to serve our country once again as Secretary of State, traveling the globe to keep our kids safe and every child needs a champion.”
First of all, as Secretary of State, while traveling to Benghazi, Hillary didn’t keep those four Americans safe. And she was no champion to the fight on terrorism.
How can Michelle have Hillary talk ethics to a group of children when a parent such as herself knows that children should not tell a lie and if they do, they must wash out their mouth with soap. In Hillary’s case, for her mountain of lies, she needs a barrel-full.
Mrs. Obama continues to say that Hillary is an inspiration to her two female kids. According to her, Hillary is a role model to all females, especially when Hillary condones Bill Clinton’s extra-marital affairs? Is that a good message to send to female kids, especially when marriage adheres to the sacred oath of marriage vows and not committing adultery? A nice role model, Mrs. Obama.
Now moving on to Bill Clinton’s speech: it was all one happy love story for the love-struck man from Arkansas when he first met and married Hillary. What a joke.
What scares me is how Hillary portrays Donald Trump in her ads, showing scared children as they watch Trump. But the fact is, the DNC is so duped into electing Hillary as their nominee for a historic moment, when in reality, she is a nominee of a historical mistake.
What scares me to death is the fact that the DNC touts Hillary as their commander in chief, when she can’t even handle her email server. God save us when she pushes the launch button by mistake and claims that she didn’t know any better.
Al Ulus
We need cops on the street
To all you people out there who hate the police, let the police all take a week vacation, then you will see why we need the police.
Who are you going to call if you have a problem? Hillary?
You haters would be begging for them to return to duty. Thank God they’re out there 24/7/365.
Fred Wollner
Trump is bigoted, ignorant
I am 79 years old and a Democrat. I’ve been interested in politics since I was a teenager. Never do I remember an election like this one.
It boggles the mind that there are so many supporters of Donald Trump. He called Ted Cruz a liar and yet he lies over and over again. He calls Hillary crooked, but was he honest when he cheated people out of payments for work done and conning people with his “university?”
Have supporters of him as the outsider candidate, considered how far outside he is? Have they thought about their children and grandchildren’s future if this man is entrusted with the power of presidency? Oh yes, he wants the power.
He grew up the son of a rich man who probably never was taught better. Sacrifice is a word Donald Trump doesn’t know the meaning of and as Will Rogers said, “You can fool some of the people some of the time and most of the people most of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.”
Rational, competent, reasonable, thoughtful — none of these adjectives describe this man. Bigoted, ignorant, self-serving — that is the description of Donald Trump.
Yes, Hillary Clinton has her flaws, but she has what it takes to lead this country and God Almighty, let her win.
Marcia Levin
No sanctuary in this city
In response to Joe Peters’ op-ed, Philadelphia’s sanctuary city policy is irresponsible and dangerous, printed on July 20:
I am an 85-year-old widow, living on social security. The letter from Joe Peters in the Northeast Times was the best-ever on Philadelphia being a sanctuary city. How do these people earn a living or are they getting money from my taxes? Am I still waiting to see what the feds will do? The present government has done nothing about it.
I know America will not last until the next century. The people who hate us should stay away from here. At least the Romans lasted 900 years and left behind things that are around to this day. But the trash we are letting in will kill our culture and leave chaos forever.
Philomena Amati