HomeNewsLetters to the Editor: August 31, 2016

Letters to the Editor: August 31, 2016

Hillary is poorly qualified

In reponse to Carlton Wil-li-ams’ letter, “Hil-lary is more qual-i-fied,” published in the Aug. 17 edition of the Northeast Times:

Mr. Williams, in his editorial letter, makes several points, but I just couldn’t find one point that said why she is more qualified. He mentions that at least Obama was a senator and a constitutional lawyer. Obama was a senator for less than five months and voted no on everything because as a new inexperienced senator he didn’t know what else to do.

Obama did not teach constitutional law. He was never a professor nor ever had the credentials to be one. He was just a lecturer, never a full-time college teacher and only taught on the subject of race. One course dealt with race in the Constitution and because of this he tries to portray himself as a constitutional scholar.

But Mr. Williams is right that Hillary is more qualified in certain areas such as: hiring private investigators to find and intimidate the women her husband slept with so they wouldn’t take their stories public. Some champion for women’s rights!

Being allowed to make a $99,000 profit in cattle futures while other investors went belly-up during the beginning of her husband’s first term as governor because some of the biggest power brokers in Arkansas wanted to get in good with the new governor.

Having the State Department buy and sell favors through the Clinton Foundation when she was the Secretary of State. Telling the families of those men who died in Benghazi that it was because of a video when she had already told her daughter that it was terrorist attack. Racking up more non-work flyer miles than just about any past Secretary of State. It is in those areas that I agree with Mr. Williams that Hillary is definitely more qualified.

Peter DiGiuseppe


SRC is failing the public

Without debate or comment from the public (to include parents), the unelected School Reform Commission imposed a sweeping policy to allow children to use the bathroom, locker room and locker room showers of their choice.

This is no small policy to be promulgated like an edict. Rather, this is a huge policy decision that warranted parental and community input.

To say the least, such a policy raises legitimate safety concerns. When it comes to the education and safety of our children, political correctness does not trump discussing legitimate concerns and having a robust and full public discussion.

Danny Alvarez


The smacks of hypocrisy

During the Democratic National Convention, we have heard raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour to help bring people out of poverty. While doing this, we will cause some small businesses to either close or simply not give raises.

Then we have heard debt-free, or rather government handout higher education. It helps to remember that government raises money through taxes. Nothing is free.

Those doing the free education mantra know the only way to pay for this is to take more taxes out of the hard-working taxpayer’s paychecks, including those who just got $15 per hour to end their poverty will lose their newfound wealth to pay for other people’s education.

Perhaps the greatest hypocrisy is that many Catholics and evangelical Christians will support the Democratic Party, perhaps because of this bait-and-switch scheme. The Democratic platform includes reprehensible support for abortion on demand and same-sex marriage.

If it is not hypocritical to support and vote for those who stand for positions that oppose these religious views, especially the sanctity of life, pray tell what is it?

Daniel Page


This country needs jobs

Those of us who where born after the second World War can remember a time when Philadelphia was the most industrialized city in the United States, if not the world. Companies that made stockings, rugs and lace were just a few that offered opportunity for people to provide for families.

As in all things, change came about.

Technology was a beginning in pushing people out of work. But the major change was companies started to pull up their stakes, and moved overseas. Everything we buy is made in countries all over the world. Our government needs to create jobs and provide tax breaks to promote companies to return to the United States. This would give people hope for their future and the future of their children.

Marie Patton

Fox Chase

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