HomeNewsCalendar of Events: October 19, 2016

Calendar of Events: October 19, 2016

Thursday, Oct. 20


Adult Painting Classes Resurrection Regional Catholic School, Castor and Shelmire avenues. Beginners and more experienced students will receive individualized instructions in their choice of media. Ten-week sessions available Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. or Fridays from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Cost and inf.: 215–742–1127.

American Red Cross Blood Donations 1401 Rhawn St. 12:30 to 7:30 p.m. Also Monday through Wednesday, 12:30 to 7:30 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.; and Saturday and Sunday, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. 1–800-RED CROSS or redcrossblood.org

Arts & Crafts Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. 9 to 11 a.m. 215–685–0576.

Ballroom Dance Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. 12:30 to 2 p.m. $2. 215–685–0576.

Bingo Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Road. Sponsored by Die Alten Herren des Cannstatters. Doors open at 5 p.m.; games start at 6:30 p.m. 215–332–0121.

Bingo St. Anne Senior Community Center, 2607 E. Cumberland St. Lunch at 11:30 a.m. Bingo at 12:30 p.m. Also Mondays. Free transportation. 215–426–9799.

Ceramics Vogt Recreation Center, 6700 Cottage St. 6 to 9 p.m. $8 a class. 215–685–8753.

Chess Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. 11:30 a.m. 215–685–0576.

Computer Class Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. 1:30 to 4 p.m. 215–685–0576.

Dance Classes Torresdale Playground, 9550 Frankford Ave. Jazz, ballet and tap. 6–7 p.m. (ages 3–7), 7–8 (ages 7–13), 8–9 (teens/adults). $5 registration fee. $20 per month. 215–685–9392.

Enhance Fitness St. Anne’s Senior Center, 2607 E. Cumberland St. Every Thursday and Friday at 10:30 a.m. For age 50 or older. 215–426–9799.

Farm Stand Jeanes Hospital, 7600 Central Ave. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursdays through November. 215–728–2131.

Girl Scouts Immanuel Lutheran School, 1015 Cottman Ave. For girls in grades one to 12. 7 p.m. [email protected]

Healing Exercise KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. Free. 9:30 a.m. 215–698–7300.

Karaoke Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Free. Thursdays (except third Thursday) from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. 215–685–0576.

Knitting Club Mitchell Playground, 3700 Whitehall Lane. 6–8 p.m. $5. 215–685–9394.

Lecture Sponsored by RSVP Philadelphia. 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Geared to veterans. KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. Lunch. Held every third Thursday. 267–345–7787.

Low Visions. KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Support group led by Bette Homer of the Associated Services for the Blind & Visually Impaired. $1 donation. Lunch is available. 215–698–7300, Ext. 184.

Lunch and Entertainment KleinLife: Rhawnhurst, 2101 Strahle St. Noon to 2 p.m. 215–745–3127.

Mayfair CDC Market 3500 Ryan Ave. 5–9 p.m. Music, food, beer, crafters, dog bones.

Moving On Post Bereavement. 10:30 a.m. KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. Free. 215–698–7300.

Philadelphia’s First Toastmasters Club Philadelphia Protestant Home, 6500 Tabor Road. 7 to 9 p.m. Members learn to improve public speaking and leadership skills and develop effective communication skills. Refreshments. $5. Continues every first and third Thursday of the month. 215–518–9319.

Pinochle KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. 12:45 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Range of Motion Exercise KleinLife: Rhawnhurst, 2101 Strahle St. 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. 215–745–3127.

SilverSneakers Muscular Strength and Range of Motion KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. Free for SilverSneakers. There is a fee for guests. 12:45 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Spaghetti supper Our Lady of Consolation church hall, 7051 Tulip St. Takeuts 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dinner 3–7 p.m., with takeouts available. $10 for adults, $5 for children. Prizes, 50/50. Volunteer waitresses needed. Donations of homemade pies and cakes accepted. 215–338–2449 or 215–333–0442.

Wii Bowling Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center, 4744 Frankford Ave. 12:30 p.m. 215–831–2926.

Yoga Picariello Recreation Center, 10811 Calera Road. Yoga for all levels. Bring your own mat. $25 per month or $8 per class. 6:50 to 8:15 p.m. 267–738–8393.

Zumba Gold for Seniors Catholic Social Services, 7340 Jackson St. 11 a.m. to noon. $3 per session. 215–624–5920 or [email protected]


AL-Anon Beginners Meeting Nazareth Hospital (Marian Hall), 2601 Holme Ave. For anyone affected by a loved one’s drinking. 7 to 7:45 p.m. Handicapped accessible.

Al-Anon Crossroads Community Church, 7721 Torresdale Ave. 1 to 2:30 p.m.

Al-Anon Beginners. 7:30–9 p.m. Livengrin Foundation, 4833 Hulmeville Road, Bensalem.

Friends of Pennypack Park Deer Meadows Retirement Community, 8301 Roosevelt Blvd., main entrance (rear of complex), 7:30 p.m., 215–934-PARK. Group meets third Thursday every month.

Nicotine Anonymous Paul’s Run, 9896 Bustleton Ave. This is a 12-step support program for those who want to stop using nicotine. 4:30 p.m. 215–939–6491.

Rhawnhurst Eyes and Ears Blockwatch Rhawnhurst Presbyterian Church, 7701 Loretto Ave. 6:30 p.m.

Upper Holmesburg Civic Association St. Dominic’s Marian Hall, 8532 Frankford Ave., 7 p.m. The group meets monthly on the third Thursday except July and August.

Friday, Oct. 21


American Red Cross Blood Donations Aria Health Torresdale Campus, 10800 Knights Road. 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1–800-RED CROSS or redcrossblood.org

Bingo American Legion Post 366, 7976 Oxford Ave. Refreshments are available. Proceeds benefit veterans’ needs. Fridays. 7 p.m. 215–728–9412. Also at: Ukrainian Catholic Church, 8th and Brown streets. Games also played Mondays. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Games begin at 7 p.m. Kitchen on premises. 215–829–8103. Also at: St. John Neumann Nursing Home, 10400 Roosevelt Blvd. $10. Doors open at 6 p.m. Games begin at 6:30 p.m. 215–698–5631, 215–698–5630.

Children’s Tumbling Vogt Recreation Center, 6700 Cottage St. Children 4 and older can learn tumbling. 6 to 8 p.m. 215–685–8753.

Civil Air Patrol 8501 State Road. Learn aerospace, military leadership, drill and more. For boys and girls ages 12 through 19. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. 267–250–6311.

Clay Creations St. Anne’s Senior Center, 2607 E. Cumberland St. Fridays 12:30 to 2 p.m. 215–426–9799.

Dance Classes for Children Lower Mayfair Playground, Robbins Avenue and Hawthorne Street. Jazz and hip-hop for ages 4 to 6 at 6:15 p.m. and ages 7 to 10 at 7:15 p.m. 215–685–1227.

Dance Classes Philadelphia Dance Center, 8702 Crispin St. Boys hip-hop. 6–7 p.m. 267–475–7005.

Kingdom Keepers Christian Kids Club Bethesda Presbyterian Church, 808 Red Lion Road. 7–8:30 p.m. Stories, music, art, sports, games, crafts, snacks, contests, fellowship and monthly seasonal activities. For kids in first through fifth grades. 215–464–3131 or bethesdapc.com

Line Dance Party Johnny Tocco oldies/line dance party hosted by Miss Susan’s Entertainment & Dance. Albert’s Cafe, Grant and Academy. $5 cover/cash bar. 7 to 11 p.m. Free lessons available. 215–335–3232 or [email protected]

Line Dancing Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Free. Fridays at 9:30 a.m., Mondays at 10:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. 215–685–0576. Also at: St. Anne’s Senior Center, 2607 E. Cumberland St. Every Friday at 10:30 a.m. 215–426–9799.

Meet the Author with children’s author Ame Dyckman and illustrator Zachariah Ohora at Torresdale Branch Library, 3079 Holme Ave., 11 a.m., 215–685–0494. Meet the creators of Wolfie the Bunny and Horrible Bear.

Reading Program 2 p.m. at Holmesburg Library, 7810 Frankford Ave. Appearances by children’s book creators Ame Dyckman and Zachariah O’Hora, authors and illustrators of Wolfie the Bunny and The Horrible Bear.

Senior Citizens Club Lower Mayfair Recreation Center, 3015 Robbins Ave. 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 215–685–1227.

Shuffleboard Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. 2:30 to 4 p.m. Board available to members at other times. 215–685–0576.

SilverSneakers Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Muscular strength training class. Fridays from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m., Mondays and Wednesday from 8:30 to 9 a.m. and 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. $2 per class if not covered by your insurance. 215–685–0576. Also at: Aria Health, Torresdale Campus. 10800 Knights Road. Fridays. $6 per class. 9 to 10 a.m. 215–612–4576.

SilverSneakers Cardio Circuit Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. 10 a.m. 215–698–3012.

SilverSplash Klein Life, 10100 Jamison Ave. Free for SilverSneakers. $5 for guests. 8:45 a.m. Also Mondays and Wednesdays. 215–698–7300.

Texas Hold’em Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Also Tuesdays. 215–685–0576.

Youth Group Ministry Bethesda Presbyterian Church, 808 Red Lion Road. 7–9 p.m. For students in sixth through 12th grades. Sports, fellowship, music and art. 215–464–3131 or bethesdapc.com

Zumba Gold KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. Zumba Gold with Miriam Martinez. Free for Silver & Fit. Fee for guests. 10:30 a.m. 215–698–7300.


Widow & Widower Support Group Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. 10 a.m. 215–685–0576.

Saturday, Oct. 22


Amici Opera Company 4 p.m. Massenet’s Marie-Magdeleine. United Methodist Church of the Redeemer, 1128 Cottman Ave. (at Lawndale Avenue). $20. 215–224–0257 or http://www.amiciopera.com/events.html

Arts and Crafts Class for Children Vogt Recreation Center, 6700 Cottage St. First month and registration is $25, then $20 per month. 11 a.m. to noon. 215–685–8753.

Book Sale 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Welsh Road Library. CDs and DVDs also for sale. 215–685–0498. Sponsored by the Friends of Welsh Road Library.

Brownies Dorsey Playground, 6501 Hegerman St. Suitable for girls in first and second grades. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 215–685–8734.

Buffet Spaghetti Dinner Holy Nativity, 205 Huntingdon Pike, Rockledge. 5 to 8 p.m. 215–663–9903. $12, $6 for ages 6–12 and free for kids under 6.

Concert Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel, 8339 Old York Road, Elkins Park. Jennifer Koh on violin and Shai Wosner on piano performing Beethoven, Debussy and other composers. Concert at 7:45 p.m. Adults $30, students through age 23 free with ID. Free parking. 215–887–8700.

Craft and Vendor Show 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Delaware Valley Veterans Home, 2701 Southampton Road. Treat bag for kids who come in costume. Tables $20 or two for $30. 215–856–2746.

Crocheting/Knitting/Looming Third Reformed Presbyterian Church, Byberry and Barbary roads. 10 a.m. to noon. Nursery will be provided. Bring own materials. Free instruction. Light refreshments. 215–637–2266.

DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Event. Dispose of unwanted or unused prescription drugs safely at a dropoff site hosted by state Rep. John Taylor. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the intersection of Frankford and Cottman avenues. 215–708–3139.

Flea Market VFW Post 1597, 901 Bellevue Ave., Croydon. 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. No charge for space rentals. Donations accepted for veterans table. 267–307–7916.

Gymnastics Dorsey Playground, 6501 Hegerman St. Suitable for ages 5 to 8. $5. 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. 215–685–8734.

Pennypack Cleanup Volunteers welcome. Friends of Pennypack Park. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Different meeting place each fourth Saturday, March through November. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Continues Nov. 26. www.friendsofpennypackpark.org or 215–934-PARK.

Pilates Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. 10 a.m. $5 per class drop-in fee. 215–613–1070.

Preschool Program Registration Mitchell Playground, 3700 Whitehall Lane. Four- and 5-year-old Pre-K program on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9 a.m. to noon. $95 per month. 3-year-old preschool program on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. to noon. $70 per month. 215–685–9394.

Tumbling Dorsey Playground, 6501 Hegerman St. Tumbling for kids ages 4 to 14. 10 a.m. 215–685–8734.


Singles 55+ Breakfast Call for location. 10:30 a.m. 215–695–0510.

Social Group Call for location. Not dating anyone but want to? 60s-70s singles are invited to a dance. 215–380–9144.

Sunday, Oct. 23


Amici Opera Company 2:30 p.m. Verdi’s Ernani. Dock Woods, 275 Dock Drive, Lansdale. $20. 215–224–0257 or http://www.amiciopera.com/events.html

Dance Classes Philadelphia Dance Center, 8702 Crispin St. Ballet, acrobatics, tap. 1:30 to 3 p.m. 267–475–7005.

Film Making a Killing: Guns, Greed and the NRA. Sponsored by Ambler Area Coalition for Peace. 9:30 to a.m. to noon at Ambler Theater, 108 E. Butler Ave., Ambler. $1, includes snack bag. Discussion. Doors open 9 a.m. [email protected]

Kid’s Club St. Petri-Hope Church 6816 Jackson St. Kids from kindergarten through sixth grade are welcome. Hear stories of our faith, make crafts, and learn how to play hand bells. 4 to 5 p.m. 215–333–4103.

Muscular Strength & Range of Movement Class KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. Free for members. Guests $5. 9:30 a.m. 215–698–7300.

Run for Research Warminster Community Park. 5K run and 1-mile walk to benefit multiple sclerosis research. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Halloween costumes optional. Cheerleaders, awards, farm animals, reptiles, karate demonstrations, crafts, giveaways, DJ, live music, dancing, carnival games, face painting, Moonbounce, obstacle course, storytelling, vendors, appearances by Elmo and SpongeBob. Proceeds to the Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. Cost and information: msrunforresearch.org

Thrift Shop Temple Menorah Keneseth Chai, 4301 Tyson Ave. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Also weekdays from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. 215–624–9130.

Thrift Store Memorial Church of St. Luke’s,1946 Welsh Road. Sundays from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. 215–969–3645.

Yoga 5 p.m. St. Luke’s Parish Hall, 1946 Welsh Road. $10 per class, bring mat. 215–969–3645.

Yoga Philadelphia Dance Center, 8702 Crispin St. 7 p.m. 267–475–7005.


Overeaters Anonymous Nazareth Hospital 2nd floor conference room, 2601 Holme Ave. 12-step program for all eating disorders. 10:30 a.m. Also on Fridays at 6 p.m. 215–745–9661.

Women’s Al-Anon Meeting 4945 Friendship St. Meeting for women affected by a loved one’s drinking. 3 to 4 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 24


Ab Blast Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. There is a $5 per class drop-in fee. 5:30 p.m. 215–613–1070.

Aerobic Yoga KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. $5. Mondays at 7 p.m. Also held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 215–698–7300.

Are You Saved? Studying Biblical salvation at a location in the Northeast. 7:30 p.m. Call for appointments. 215–941–4710.

Beginner Bridge Game/Tutorial St. Leo Church rectory, Keystone Street and Unruh Avenue. Free. 7 p.m. 215–333–0340.

Bingo Ukrainian Catholic Church, 8th and Brown streets. Games also played Mondays and Fridays. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Games begin at 7 p.m. Kitchen on premises. 215–829–8103. More at: Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 12:30 p.m. Two cards cost $1. 215–685–0576. More at: Mayfair Community Center, 2990 St. Vincent St. Mondays at 12:45 p.m. and Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. $3. 215–683–1994.

Bridge Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. 1 to 3 p.m. 215–685–0576.

Carmella Tot Recreation Program Carmella Tot Recreation Preschool, 2150 Wakeling St. This is a learn and play preschool program for ages 3 to 5. Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon. $100 per month plus a one-time registration fee of $15. 215–685–1235.

Cat Adoption Petco, 9717 Roosevelt Blvd. (at Grant Avenue). 6–8 p.m. Sponsored by ACCT Philly.

Ceramics and More Mitchell Playground, 3700 Whitehall Lane. 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. Ceramics class, in addition to a variety of arts and crafting projects, will be offered. No previous experience required. $5 per night, plus minimal charge for materials. 215–685–9395.

Charity Concert Presented by Showtime Charities Inc.’s Pink Double Ds (Divas and Divos). 7 p.m. at Katie O’Donnell’s Irish Pub, 4501 Woodhaven Road. Performance by comedienne Chris Rich. All proceeds benefit the Linda Creed Breast Cancer Organization. Tax-deductible tickets $20. Chinese auction. 215–637–5151.

CPAP Clinic Holy Redeemer Hospital, 1648 Huntingdon Pike, Meadowbrook. Free weekly clinic for people having problems with CPAP equipment. 3 to 7 p.m. by appointment. 215–938–3748.

Hebrew Language Classes KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. Intermediate classes in Hebrew. Free. 1 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Jewelry Making Class Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. 10 to 11:30 a.m. $6, includes supplies and expert instructor. 215–685–0576.

Kids Kettlebells Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. $5. 6 p.m. 215–698–3012.

Latin Rhythm Dance Cardiovascular workout. St. Anne’s Senior Center, 2607 E. Cumberland St. Continues Oct. 31 and Nov. 7, 14, 21 and 28. 215–426–9799.

Magical Illusions of Kyle and Kelly Holmesburg Library, 7810 Frankford Ave., 5 to 7 p.m. Magic, music, comedy, illusion, crafts, candy. Sponsored by Friends of Holmesburg Library. 215–685–8756.

Mah Jong KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. Have fun with friends in this tile matching game. 12:45 p.m. 215–698–7300.

New Visions. KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Support group led by Amy Juarez of the Associated Services for the Blind & Visually Impaired. $1 donation. Lunch is available. 215–698–7300, Ext. 184.

Pinochle KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. 12:45 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Scrabble KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. 12:45 p.m. 215–698–7300.

SilverSplash KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. 8:45 and 9:45 a.m. No swimming ability required. $5. Also, Fridays at 8:45 a.m. 215–698–7300.

Silver and Fit KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. Wayne Leister is the class instructor. Class fee varies. Also Wednesdays. 9:15 a.m. 215–698–7300.

SilverSneakers Muscular Strength/Range of Motion Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. 1 to 2 p.m. 215–698–3012.

Snacking with the President 4 p.m. Olney Library, 5501 N. 5th St. 215–685–2845.

Tai Chi Lower Mayfair Recreation Center, 3015 Robbins Ave. 7:30 to 8 p.m. $5 a class. 215–685–1227.

Yoga Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. $5 drop-in. 215–698–3012.

Zumba Lower Mayfair Recreation Center, 3015 Robbins Ave. 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. $5 a class. 215–685–1227.

Zumba Vogt Recreation Center, 6700 Cottage St. 7:30–8:30 p.m. Latin-inspired, easy to follow, calorie burning, dance fitness. $5 registration fee, $5 per class. Also Tuesdays 7:30–8:30 p.m. 215–685–8753.

Zumba with Denise Norcom Community Center. 10980 Norcom Road. $5 drop-in fee. 7:15 p.m. 215–698–3012.

Zumba 7 p.m. Good Shepherd Methodist Church, 10910 Calera Road. 267–304–8553. Walk-ins are welcome. $6.


Al-Anon St. Anselm Church, 12670 Dunks Ferry Road. 7:30–9 p.m.

Supportive Older Women’s Network (S.O.W.N.) Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. 9:30 a.m.

Tuesday, Oct. 25


Adult Healthy Living Series Sponsored by Nazareth Hospital and Wesley Enhanced Living Pennypack Park. Free. Lecture on stress, dementia, depression/flu vaccines. Light refreshments. 9:30 a.m. to noon at WEL Pennypack, 8401 Roosevelt Blvd. Pre-register: 1.866.NAZARETH.

Adult Martial Arts Classes Max Myers Recreation Center, 1601 Hellerman St. Classes held Tuesday and Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons. $45 per month. Call for time and inf.: 215–685–1242.

Book Review and Dinner Sponsored by Fox Chase Cancer Center’s Marlyn Fein Chapter. Maggio’s Restaurant, 400 2nd Street Pike, Southampton. 6:30 p.m. Book discussion on The Golden Son, by Shilpi Somaya Gowda. Dinner and dessert. $30. 215–677–4522.

Ceramics Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. $2. 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. 215–685–0576.

Ceramic Classes Disston Recreation Center, 4423 Longshore Ave. Tuesdays and Thursdays. 7 to 9 p.m. 215–335–1163.

Chair Yoga St. Anne’s Senior Center, 2607 E. Cumberland St. 9:30 a.m. For age 50 or older. No class on second Tuesday of the month. 215–426–9799.

Computer Assistance Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center, 4744 Frankford Ave. 1 p.m. One-on-one sessions available by appointment. 215–831–2926.

Creating with the Color Wheel St. Anne’s Senior Center, 2607 E. Cumberland St. 12:30 to 2 p.m. Participants will mix paint to create a color wheel and use this color technique to create a design. 215–426–9799.

Cub Scout Pack 160 Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1013 Cottman Ave. Family-oriented program is designed for boys ages 7 to 10. 7 p.m. 215–783–6405.

Dance Classes Philadelphia Dance Center, 8702 Crispin St. Adult hip-hop. 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. 267–475–7005.

Exercise Class Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Free. Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. 215–685–0576.

Greater Philadelphia Chorale Rehearsals St. Jerome school hall, 8100 Colfax St. All singers are invited. 7–8:30 p.m. 215–313–5363.

Knitting Nook KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. Make lap covers, hats, shawls and booties for children and adults who are receiving treatments for serious illnesses at local hospitals. 12:45 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Life Coach Training Seminar Learn how to change lives while embracing your own. Seminars held in the Northeast. Inquire for location. Register. 7 p.m. 215–725–1995 or email [email protected].

Lunch & Bingo KleinLife: Rhawnhurst, 2101 Strahle St. Lunch 11:30 a.m., bingo 1 p.m.

Nonprofit Resources Workshop Northeast Regional Library, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. 2228 Cottman Ave. Free. No reservations required. 215–685–0522.

Pinochle KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. 12:45 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Sculpt & Tone Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. 6 to 7 p.m. $5 per class drop-in fee. 215–698–3012.

SilverSneakers Cardio Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. 1 p.m. $3 drop-in fee if not a member. 215–613–1070.

Singing St. John Neumann Home, 10400 Roosevelt Blvd. The Sounds of Liberty men’s a cappella chorus is holding open auditions for spring performances. 7 to 10 p.m. 267–423–4254.

Tai Chi Mayfair Community Center, 2990 St. Vincent St. 10 a.m. 215–683–1994.

Tai Chi Easy for Seniors Catholic Social Services, 7340 Jackson St. Through Nov. 22. 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. $3 per session. 215–624–5920 or [email protected]

Tone Class KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. $3. 9:30 a.m. 215–698–7300.

Turbo Kick. Mitchell Playground, 3700 Whitehall Lane. 6:15–7:15 p.m. Bring a mat. $5. 215–685–9394.

Yoga Boyle Recreation Center, 13024 Stevens Road. 7 to 8 p.m. $10. [email protected]

Yoga Lackman Playground, 1101 Bartlett St. Class is for all levels. Bring a yoga mat. $5 per class. 7 to 8 p.m. 215–971–0404.

Zumba Jardel Recreation Center, 1400 Cottman Ave. Open to the public. $5 per session. 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. 215–685–0596.

Zumba Gold KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. Free for Athletic, SilverSneakers and Silver & Fit members. $5. 10:30 a.m. 215–698–7300.

Zumba with Denise Norcom Community Center. 10980 Norcom Road. $5 drop in fee. 7:15 p.m. 215–698–3012.


Al-Anon Meeting St. John’s Lutheran Church, Hawthorne and Tyson avenues. 1 to 2:30 p.m.

Anger Management Groups for Teens Center for Families and Relationships, 1600 Magee Ave. Suitable for boys and girls ages 13 to 17. 6 p.m. Appointments: 215–537–5367.

N.A. Meeting for Friends and Family of Addicts Aria Torresdale, Mansion House conference room, Red Lion and Knights roads. 7 to 8:20 p.m. 215–535–2962.

Morning Glories Vogt Recreation Center, Cottage and Unruh streets. For men and women 50 or older. 10:30 a.m. Speakers, refreshments, bingo. 215–338–4767.

Rotary Club of Frankford-Northeast Cannstatter’s, 9130 Academy Road. The group meets for lunch every Tuesday from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m.

Weight Loss Group Trevose Behavior Modification Program. 5:30 p.m. Bucks County Technology Park, 4800 Street Road, Trevose. For an application, send a stamped self-addressed envelope to P.O. Box 11674, Philadelphia, PA 19116.

Wissinoming Civic Association, 7 p.m. at Grace City Church, 6035 Walker St. Group meets on the last Tuesday of the month. 215–288–6468.

Women’s Empowerment Group The Share Center, 7137 Torresdale Ave. 7 p.m. 856–308–5650.

Wednesday, Oct. 26


Ab Blast Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. There is a $5 drop-in fee. 5:30 p.m. 215–698–3012.

Art Class Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. $2. Class is taught by a professional instructor. 2 to 4 p.m. 215–685–0576.

Bingo Club Pelbano Recreation Center, Bustleton and Solly avenues (use ramp entrance on Solly Avenue). Join the Rhawnhurst Senior Citizens Bingo Club for those 55 and older. 10:30 a.m. 215–742–9928.

Boot Camp Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. All fitness levels. 7:15 p.m. $5 per class drop-in fee. 215–613–1070.

Cardio Kettlebells Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. 6 to 7 p.m. $5 drop-in. 215–698–3012.

Cardio Workout KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. Fee. 1 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Chess KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. 2 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Child and Teen Acting Classes Portside Arts Center, 2531 E. Lehigh Ave. Acting classes for kids ages 5 to 17. Classes are sorted by age. 4 to 8 p.m. 215–427–1514.

Core Training KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. $5. 7 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Dance Classes Philadelphia Dance Center, 8702 Crispin St. Contemporary, musical theater, jazz and improv. 267–475–7005.

Dance and Tone Mayfair Community Center, 2990 St. Vincent St. 6:30 p.m. $5. 215–683–1994.

Drama Class Lower Mayfair Recreation Center, 3015 Robbins Ave. 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Ages 8 to 14. Call to register. 215–685–1227.

Haunted Library at Torresdale Branch, 3079 Holme Ave., 6 p.m., 215–685–0494. Get spooked at this haunted house for older children and adults. Not recommended for kids under age 9. Wear your costume. Enjoy some treats.

Heal Your Heart From Loss James E. Kinney Senior Center, 165 Township Road in Richboro, 6:30–8:30 p.m. Also, Nov. 9 at Free Library of Northampton Township, 25 Upper Holland Road in Richboro. 6:30–8:30 p.m. Donna Glatz, widow of slain Lawncrest jeweler William Glatz, will share the story of her husband’s murder. [email protected]

KIDS Fit Mix Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. There is a $5 drop-in fee. 6:45 p.m. 215–698–3012.

Kim Reddin Yiddish KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. Conversational and informal group celebrating Yiddish in song and speech. 10:40 a.m. 215–698–7300.

Life Coach Introduction Learn how to move forward in relationships career and challenges. Seminars held in the Northeast. Inquire for location. 7 p.m. 215–725–1995 or email [email protected].

Line Dancing. KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. 1:15 p.m. Free. 215–698–7300.

Mah Jongg. Old York Road Temple-Beth Am, 971 Old York Road, Abington. 7 p.m. Bring your card or buy one. 215–886–8000.

Mah Jongg Rosemary Montagno Senior Center, 12601 Townsend Road. 10 a.m. 215–673–7734.

Piano Lessons Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. Free. 1:30 p.m. 215–685–0576.

Pinochle KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. 12:45 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Pinochle Rosemary Montagno Senior Center, 12601 Townsend Road. 10 a.m. 215–673–7734.

Play Screening and Discussion Northeast Regional Library, 2228 Cottman Ave. 2 p.m. Edward Albee’s A Delicate Balance. 215–685–0522.

Scrabble KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. 12:45 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Second-Hand Shop Ann’s Attic, Holmesburg United Methodist Church, 8118 Frankford Ave. 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Donations accepted. Proceeds benefit the church’s daily meal program and weekly food cupboard.

Seniors Singles Dance Associated Polish Home, 9150 Academy Road. 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Open to ages 50-plus. Admission is $12. Parking behind building. 215–834–7310.

SilverSneakers Mayfair Community Center, 2990 St. Vincent St. 11 a.m. $3 if not a member. 215–683–1994.

SilverSneakers Yoga Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. 9 to 10 a.m.

Smoking Cessation Classes Nazareth Hospital, seventh floor, 2601 Holme Ave. 6 to 7:30 p.m. 215–335–7727.

Spanish Classes Mayfair Community Center, 2990 St. Vincent St. Classes for both advanced and beginner levels. $5. 215–683–1994.

Speaker Series Rydal Park, 1515 The Fairway, Jenkintown. 10:30 a.m. Andrew J. Baker, chief operating officer, The Philadelphia Zoo. www.RydalPark.org

Tai Chi St. Anne’s Senior Center, 2607 E. Cumberland St. 10 a.m. For age 50 or older. 215–426–9799.

That’s Life KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. 10:40 a.m. Discussion led by Lorraine Stein. 215–698–7300.

Truancy Prevention Workshop CORA Services, 8540 Verree Road, 1 to 2:30 p.m. Parents and children welcome. RSVP to Serena Lofton at 215–701–2774. Lunch will be provided. Free child care onsite. Gift card raffles.

Tumbling Program Vogt Recreation Center, 6700 Cottage St. $20 per month plus a one-time registration fee of $5. 7 p.m. 215–685–8753.

Visitation, Prayer and Veneration. Golden-domed Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 830 N. Franklin St. 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. View the Vatican-authorized full-size replica of the Shroud of Turin. Also open Saturdays from 2 to 4:30 p.m.

Yoga Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. $5 drop-in.

Young at Heart Single Seniors. Dinner. Also breakfast on Saturdays. 215–695–0510.

Zumba Mitchell Playground, 3700 Whitehall Lane. Drop-ins welcome. $5. 7 to 8 p.m. 215–685–9394.

Zumba with Zuly Good Shepherd Methodist Church, 10910 Calera Road. $6 walk-in fee. 7 p.m. 215–612–0728.


Anger Management Groups for Children Center for Families and Relationships, 1600 Magee Ave. Suitable for boys and girls ages 7 to 12. 6 p.m. Appointments: 215–537–5367.

Depression Bipolar Support Group 8220 Castor Ave, fourth floor. 5:45 to 7:45 p.m. 267–343–7558.

GRASP St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church, 7965 Fillmore St. Meeting for anyone grieving who has lost someone to drugs or alcohol disease. 7:30 to 9 p.m.

Greater Bustleton Civic League, American Heritage Federal Credit Union community room, 2060 Red Lion Road, 7 p.m. Meets on fourth Wednesday of the month. www.gbcleague.com

Holme Circle Civic Association, St. Jerome’s School Hall, 3031 Stamford St. (at Colfax Street), 7 p.m. Usually meets the fourth Wednesday of the month. 215–518–0914.

Jewish Culture Club Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. 10:30 a.m. 215–685–0576.

S.O.S. Catholic Singles Over Sixty Lunch at Cracker Barrel Restaurant, Neshaminy Mall, 3611 Horizon Blvd., Trevose. 2 p.m. 215–742–5798.

Sunshine Club KleinLife: Rhawnhurst, 2101 Strahle St. 9:30 a.m. 215–745–3127.

Supportive Older Women’s Network (S.O.W.N.) KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. A forum for women to support each other. Free. 215–698–7300.

Zumba Houseman Recreation Center, 5091 Summerdale Ave. (at Godfrey Avenue). 7 to 8 p.m. $5 each class. 215–685–1240.

Thursday, Oct. 27


Aerobic Yoga KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. $5. 7 p.m. 215–698–7300.

American Red Cross Blood Donations Aria Health Frankford Campus, 4900 Frankford Ave. 7 a.m. to noon. 1–800-RED CROSS or redcrossblood.org

Ballroom Dance Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. 12:30 to 2 p.m. $2. 215–685–0576.

Bingo Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Road. Sponsored by Die Alten Herren des Cannstatters. Doors open at 5 p.m.; games start at 6:30 p.m. 215–332–0121.

Board games Northeast Regional Library, 2228 Cottman Ave. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Also on Fridays and Saturdays. 215–685–0522.

Computer Class Northeast Older Adult Center, 8101 Bustleton Ave. 1:30 to 4 p.m. 215–685–0576. 215–698–7300 Ext. 129.

Diabetes Prevention KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. 215–698–7300.

Girl Scouts Immanuel Lutheran School, 1015 Cottman Ave. For girls in grades one to 12. 7 p.m. [email protected]

Joint Replacement Surgery Seminar Jeanes Hospital, 7600 Central Ave. 6 to 7 p.m. 215–728–2000.

Knitting Club. Mitchell Playground, 3700 Whitehall Lane. 6–8 p.m. $5. 215–685–9394.

Low Visions. KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Support group led by Bette Homer of the Associated Services for the Blind & Visually Impaired. $1 donation. Lunch is available. 215–698–7300, Ext. 184.

Moving On Post Bereavement. 10:30 a.m. KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. Free. 215–698–7300.

Pinochle KleinLife, 10100 Jamison Ave. 12:45 p.m. 215–698–7300.

Senior Expo Sponsored by state Sen. Tina Tartaglione. 10 a.m. at Community Academy of Philadelphia Charter School, 1100 E. Erie Ave.

SilverSneakers Muscular Strength/Range of Motion. Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road. 9–10 a.m. 215–698–3012.

Zumba Jardel Recreation Center, 1400 Cottman Ave. Open to the public. $5 per session. 8 to 9 p.m. 215–685–0596.

Zumba with Denise Norcom Community Center. 10980 Norcom Road. $5 drop-in fee. 7:15 p.m. 215–698–3012.


Alanon Paul’s Run boardroom, 9896 Bustleton Ave. 7–8 p.m.

Nar-Anon Northeast Philadelphia Livengrin Foundation, 9140 Academy Road. For anyone affected by someone’s drug addiction. 7:15 to 8:45 p.m.

St. Cecilia Seniors 535 Rhawn St. New members always welcomed. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 215–742–5018.


St. David’s Fall Flea Market Saturday, Oct. 22. 9169 Academy Road. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Spaces $15. Tables $5, first come, first served. 267–275–2303.

Flea Market Oct. 22, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bethesda Presbyterian Church, 808 Red Lion Road. Spaces $15 or two for $25. 215–464–3131.

Craft and Vendor Show Saturday, Oct. 22. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Delaware Valley Veterans Home, 2701 Southampton Road. Treat bag for kids who come in costume. Tables $20 or two for $30. 215–856–2746.

Craft Fair Holy Innocents St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 7701 Torresdale Ave. (at Tyson Avenue). Saturday, Oct. 22, from noon to 4 p.m. Face painting and photo booth. Tables $20. [email protected] or 215–651–5159.

Craft Show St. Anselm Church, 12670 Dunks Ferry Road. Saturday, Oct. 29, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tables $25 or two for $45. Rose, 215–632–0255.

Holiday Bazaar Rhawnhurst Presbyterian Church, 7701 Loretto Ave. Saturday, Nov. 5. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 215–742–2112.

Craft Fair Saturday, Nov. 12, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Holmesburg Baptist Church, 7927 Frankford Ave. Spaces with tables $20. 215–698–8391.

Holiday Craft Show St. Cecilia Church, 535 Rhawn St. Nov. 12. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Handcrafted items only. $30 a table or space [email protected]

Craft Show Sponsored by Maternity BVM Home & School Association. Saturday, Nov. 19, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in parish hall, 9322 Old Bustleton Ave. $30 per space, two for $50. Bring own tables. Cathy Boyle, 267–446–0482.

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