HomeNewsThief steals car containing child, 6

Thief steals car containing child, 6

An attempted car theft became a child abduction on Monday night in Mayfair when a bandit stole a woman’s car with her 6-year-old son sitting in the backseat.

The unidentified thief ditched the car and the boy a short distance from the crime scene, allowing a good Samaritan to reunite mother and son.

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It happened at about 8:45 p.m. outside the Wells Fargo bank in the Mayfair Center at 6420 Frankford Ave. The 26-year-old motorist parked her 2013 Nissan Altima and left it running as she went to use an ATM. That’s when the thief slipped into the driver’s seat undetected and drove away.

NBC10 interviewed a witness who said he followed the stolen car for a couple of blocks. The thief stopped, exited the car and ran eastbound through a driveway behind homes on the 6400 block of Charles St. The witness led the boy back to his mother, who had called police. No injuries were reported.

The thief made off with the woman’s wallet containing her ID and cash. Police described him as a white man in a gray hooded sweatshirt. Call 215–686–3153 to report information to police. ••

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