HomeNewsLetters to the Editor: November 2, 2016

Letters to the Editor: November 2, 2016

Protect our police officers

I strongly support legislation sponsored by state Rep. Martina White to protect police officers and their families when officers are involved in the discharge of their firearms or other use of force. I applaud the PA Legislature for recently passing the bill, which now awaits Gov. Wolf’s signature.

We live in dangerous times. Incidents of gun-related violence between police and the public seem to be happening almost daily. Investigating authorities can take months — sometimes years — to review these cases, but police officers must decide in a split second whether to fire or not. It’s often the difference between life and death. To me, all lives matter, including the lives of our police officers.

House Bill 1538 would merely delay police departments and public officials from releasing the names of officers involved in violent confrontations while an investigation remains ongoing. Public officials would be able to release the identification of the officer once the investigation is complete and criminal charges have been filed, or the life of the officer and his or her family members are deemed to no longer be in danger. Contrary to the opinions of some editorial boards, this legislation does not further erode the public’s confidence in law enforcement. It simply protects the identities of our law enforcement officers and their families’ until the completion of the investigation.

As the father of a state trooper who knows firsthand that these valorous men and women of our police department lay their lives on the line for us every day, supporting this legislation is the right and sensible thing to do.

Al Taubenberger

City Councilman

Hillary is not the answer

How did all of these women just remember they were groped by Trump? Now if you’re an inmate in some Virginia prisons, you can vote. Are high schoolers voting? You don’t need ID. Who knows how old you are. Any illegals out there voting?

This is just a smokescreen to keep Hillary’s dirty laundry out of the news. And Hillary is a role model. If so, a lot of people must have lowered their standards. Amazing, when Hillary comes to Philadelphia, she runs right to the black community. Too many black people still live in poverty, have no jobs and no supermarkets. Where’s Hillary? If Hillary is elected, you still won’t have these things.

Fred Wollner


Constitution entitles people to practice their religion freely

This letter is in response to Peter DiGiuseppe’s letter: Foreigners need to assimilate. In his letter, Mr. DiGiuseppe complains that foreigners “demand that we allow you to lay a mat on the floor wherever and whenever you please so that you can engage in a prayer ritual. Do it on your own time and in your own private place. You do not demand that we allow you to come to work or enter any establishment covered from head to foot.”

Mr. DiGiuseppe, enjoy the richness of our country where one of the established rights of anyone in this country is freedom of religion. The complaints you mention target specifically Muslim religious practices. Muslims, as anyone else in this country, are entitled to practice their religion both in public and private spaces. As for some Muslim women’s practice of being entirely covered, they are entitled as nuns, Mennonite women, Amish women and Orthodox Jewish women to dress as they see fit under the eyes of God and humanity.

Please, Mr. DiGiuseppe, study the Constitution and study American history. The Constitution entitles individuals to practice freely their religion. American history shows time and time again that whenever a new large group comes in with their practices, they are subject to bias and discrimination.

A clear example of this situation was when the Irish emigrated in large numbers to America after the potato famine. They were subject to discrimination. There were enormous fears that Catholicism would transform, corrupt and tarnish America. America continued on and added to its rich heritage.

Catholics came up with their own institutions to allow Catholic practices and expressed their version of Christianity in the public square. Catholic and Jewish followers have added customs and religious holidays to the business place. They became integrated into the American fiber of life. Likewise, Muslims are doing the same. The Khan family lost their son, Capt. Humayun Khan, in service to this country.

Likewise, President Obama has just nominated Abid Riaz Qureshi as the first Muslim-American to serve as a federal judge on the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Let it be, Mr. DiGiuseppe.

Paulette M. Rodriguez

Castor Gardens

Martina is better than Matt

I have never written an editorial before, but after reading the Northeast Times last week, I felt compelled to. When did it become the norm to sling mud and outright lie about your opponent? It seems that in all of the TV and radio ads no one is giving solutions, only raging on about what an evil person the opponent is.

Matthew Darragh has paid for a full-page ad to malign Martina White. He said she does not own a home so of course she does not pay property tax. How is that a reason not to vote for her? Martina has sponsored community programs and social events. She is involved. She comes from a financial background, so she understands business.

As for the salary differences, well, Martina is an elected official while Mr. Darragh is still working his way up the political ladder. After all, he started his political career right out of high school never having a real job. He is in favor of programs like sanctuary city, but where will he stand when the government cuts all funding to sanctuary cities?

And if she is so dangerous, why are so many police organizations supporting her? Mr. Darragh has the support of Philadelphia’s political machine; the career politicians who will only continue the status quo.

Martina White is a voice for change and revitalization. She is the only person I know that I am voting for.

Anthony Leo


White controlled by GOP

In the last few weeks, Rep. Martina White’s campaign has characterized me as an establishment Democrat beholden to unnamed party bosses. For the record, no official from the Democratic Party or organized labor has ever told me what to say or which positions I should support. The only people I’m interested in representing in Harrisburg are the ones who live in the 170th District.

I find Rep. White’s attacks ironic. She is the one controlled by her party’s establishment. Don’t believe me? Then why was the self-described “leader” largely silent when allegations of sexual misconduct came to light at the Philadelphia Parking Authority. Perhaps it was because the PPA is, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer, a “Republican patronage haven.” Maybe it was because those allegations were leveled at Vince Fenerty, a local Republican boss and donor to Rep. White’s campaigns.

Martina White makes $85,339 from the taxpayers. That is over $26,000 more than the average family in her district. White’s silence on sexual harassment may simply be because she doesn’t want to jeopardize that generous salary by angering another Republican boss, John Taylor. Taylor, a man who has been in elected office longer than I’ve been alive, is White’s mentor in Harrisburg. Martina White claimed to have the courage to “stand up to anyone — from either party.” I encourage her to demonstrate that courage by donating the thousands of dollars she received from Fenerty to PCAR or another charity that defends women from sexual assault. Otherwise, that claim will amount to just another “white lie.”

Matt Darragh

Candidate, 170th Legislative District

Media, candidates at fault

The political people should not wonder if the voter turnout is a disappointment for the presidential election, as the people have been saturated with negative comments about both candidates. To think that one of them is called a liar, and the other is called unfit.

Meanwhile, the media plays up sexual remarks that were said 10 years ago by one of them. It is disgusting that the media as well as a candidate resorts to dirty politics. What a disgrace. It certainly, makes you think, how did they get there?

Marie Patton

Fox Chase

Trump supporters hate-filled

As Americans go to the polls to cast their votes on Nov. 8, remember how important this really is. Those who oppose Hillary are angry at her because of an email mistake she made in the past that she since regrets, apologized for and says she will never repeat again. Usually we learn from those errors to help make things better going forward.

However, Deceiving Donald Trump brought his womanizing ways on himself. He thinks he’s entitled and is above everyone because he is rich. His desperate supporters know he is not qualified. He’s been excused too many times for his insulting behavior and wants to bring a new demeaning character to the highest office. He is always trying to take the heat off himself and blame someone else.

He wants to put these accusations behind him but won’t let Hillary forget her email error. Such hypocrisy! The guy was never qualified to be president. Just his radical message brought in his angry, greedy, hate-filled supporters and a few blinded by his stardom.

Trump is a known womanizer. He brags about groping women and talked about going into the beauty pageants dressing rooms knowing they might nude while changing. So disrespectful. Those women were afraid to say anything for fear of losing their opportunity and being targeted by a powerful person who owned the institution they were trying to be a part of. Trump is one who excuses sexual harassment in the workforce.

He says he has plans to make a difference but never explained in detail what policies he would institute. He uses fear to get his base excited but does not care to understand policy. He still has not shown his taxes but wants us to trust that he will be a good leader? He says he’s an outsider but uses bully insiders like Rudy Giuliani, Chris Christie and other radical Republicans to do his bidding. He’s sure not a good image of “conservative” ideas with his two failed marriages. And his business practices, many violations of laws and bankruptcy are nothing to be proud of.

So think about saying no to hate, bigotry, racism, warmongering and a con artist who wants to take the country backward on false ideas and no substance. Hillary may have her detractors but I trust her more about policies, temperament and love for our country’s needs than a guy who will never apologize but will say and do anything to win.

Carl Williams


We need a businessman

How can people say this country is great with a $19 trillion debt that increases daily and gets applause? Are they so beholden to their party they’ll let the country go down financially to prove their loyalty?

We cannot afford people walking across our borders and then protesting, etc., when their own countries have strict laws against this. We cannot afford mothers having children to be raised by the state on our taxes and we can’t let the race-baiting Al Sharptons of the world to keep taking isolated cases and sensationalizing them for their own agenda.

I’ve yet to hear about Obama’s, “If I haven’t cut the deficit in half in three years, I don’t deserve to be re-elected” campaign promise, but Hillary promises to carry on his programs.

We need a businessman like Donald Trump to save our economy and make the USA solvent. He’ll surround himself with the best minds for foreign policy, immigration reform, etc., to make this country great again.

Jim Laverty


Let women make the choice

In response to the letter by John Fritz, Pro-lifers Need To Vote Now, what you and many others seem not to understand is that the young woman you mentioned had a choice. You, the government, the president, the church, the voting public, the Republicans, the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia, pro-lifers, and the Almighty did not make the decision for the woman in question. She was granted this right by the Constitution of the United States. If this right is taken away, who knows what choice this young woman or any other woman will have.

Roe vs. Wade has taken women out of the dark ages and back alleys and given them rights to take charge of their bodies. We don’t need to be told what to do… especially by men who don’t know us.

We can and should make our own choice.

Stay out of our medical and personal decisions.

Linda Einbinder

Castor Gardens

Shapiro can combat heroin epidemic

As an emergency room doctor and a criminal defense lawyer, we have a front-row seat to the heroin epidemic. It is devastating to witness everyday how drug addiction tears families and neighborhoods apart. And the problem is getting worse.

Recently, drug overdoses passed car accidents as the number one accidental killer in Pennsylvania. Every community is getting hit hard, and the Northeast is getting hit especially hard. Just last year, a drug ring was busted with $3.3 million in heroin at stash houses in Bell’s Corner, Oxford Circle and Rhawnhurst.

This affliction on our community must stop, and we believe Pennsylvania’s next attorney general must be a major part of the solution. We support Josh Shapiro because he is the only candidate with a track record of leadership on this issue. As chief commissioner of Montgomery County, he brought law enforcement and the medical community together to address drug addiction and overdose. As chairman of the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, he has provided funding across Pennsylvania for naloxone, a life-saving overdose drug.

Just as importantly, Josh has a comprehensive plan to attack the heroin epidemic from all sides as attorney general. He will be relentless in rooting out drug dealers and work with the medical community to reduce over-prescription and get rid of unused medications. Unlike his opponent, Josh will help people addicted to drugs get the treatment they need, and force big drug and insurance companies to play their part — from covering treatment to providing fair prices for overdose drugs like naloxone. That’s the kind of attorney general our community needs.

We urge you, as our neighbors, to vote for Josh Shapiro this Tuesday, Nov. 8.

Marleny Franco, MD

Joshu Harris

White right, Kenney wrong on sanctuary city

In an article in the Inquirer, Mayor Kenney suggests that State rep. Martina White should spend more time working on school funding rather than proposing a law which would be “incredibly dangerous” by withholding funding from the sanctuary city which the mayor enthusiastically supports.

He states that school funding would afford a safe, stable, learning environment for children. Would school funding have saved the young rape victim of illegal alien, Anguirre-Ochoa, which the mayor’s sanctuary city policy has protected? Hasn’t the mayor’s policy been “incredibly dangerous” to this innocent child or doesn’t she count? By holding the municipality financially responsible, White’s bill would allow at least some financial restitution for the permanent damage done to the victim and/or their families?

Mayor Kenney worries that Rep. White’s bill would make it less likely that an illegal alien would report or act as a witness to a crime. Is the goal of the sanctuary city policy to encourage and protect only illegal aliens? Isn’t the prime responsibility of our elected officials to defend Americans against those who violate our sovereignty and the integrity of our borders? Shouldn’t funding be restricted to only those communities that abide by our laws?

Illegal aliens may not trust the police. Philadelphians should not trust this Mayor.

Margaret W. Adelsberger

Willow Grove

Americans should vote Republican

As our nation celebrates the 240th anniversary of its independence, it’s worth reflecting upon what an American truly is.

An American understands the way to wealth and prosperity is to work for them and what is really needed now is a strong dose of the good old-fashioned work ethic.

An American is self-reliant and encourages this spirit in others; an American looks to the government for help only as a very last resort.

An American realizes it is the height of foolishness to spend more money than he or she takes in, and wants government to practice the same fiscal responsibility.

An American knows what marriage is and always was, and knows which bathroom to use. An American understands that there are just two sexes, and is most decidedly not “gender-confused.”

An American knows the Constitution and how to read it; it does not contain so-called “reproductive rights” anywhere in it.

Internationally, an American knows that speaking softly while carrying a very big stick is the surest way to guarantee national security. An American also know the purpose of borders is to preserve our nation’s identity and is more than willing to defend them.

An American will vote straight Republican come November.

George Tomezsko

Fox Chase

Sugar tax won’t fly

I am positive that this new soda sugar tax is going to backfire in Philadelphia in the November 2016 election.

Voters do not like taxes.

Walter Pieczynski

Oxford Circle

Fox praises Murt

One thing of which I am proud is the honor of having served as an elected official. From township commissioner to congressman, I have worked with many dedicated public servants, but I have never encountered any elected official as devoted, hard-working and effective as state Rep. Tom Murt.

Tom Murt is hands down one of the finest elected officials I have ever known.

People I know who serve in Harrisburg extol Murt’s hard work on behalf his constituents, especially those with disabilities, seniors and veterans. They tell me about Murt working late in his Capitol office every single night when most other officials are being entertained by lobbyists. Furthermore, they tell me that Murt is always the first representative into the Capitol each morning — right after he attends Mass.

I personally know of Murt’s devotion to helping Pennsylvanians with disabilities and his courageous fight to see that the victims of child sex abuse receive justice. Murt will never tell you himself, but he was one of the first Army Reservists called to active duty and deployed to Iraq in 2003. At the time, Murt was on the staff at Penn State Abington and had three small children in school, but dutifully reported when he was sent to Iraq with the 4th Infantry Division. Tom Murt even runs his own food cupboard for his constituents who are struggling to feed their families. Public servants do not come any better than Tom Murt.

I hope the people of the 152nd District re-elect Tom Murt and allow him to continue representing them in Harrisburg.

Jon D. Fox

Former Congressman

Trump stands for American values

I am the son of Italian immigrants. I was born in Philadelphia 83 years ago and am a retired dentist. I love my God, my family, America and my fellow Americans. I will try to explain how these values have determined how I will vote.

The Obama administration has pushed God and religion aside and banished him from the public spaces. Even the mention of God is not permitted in public schools, courthouses and other government buildings and religious symbols such as crucifixes, crosses and replicas of the Ten Commandments have been removed from many places where they had been placed many years ago. America has been driven to become a secular society in which the state ruled and God and religion can no longer coexist. Hillary approves and she has stated that she will use government force to make you reject your Christian faith. She has said, “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated reliefs have to be changed.”

Family life has been denigrated, especially in the past seven years. Marriage has been redefined. It is no longer considered a union between a man and a woman, pledging in the sight of God to be husband and wife, to love one another in sickness and in health, in good times and bad times, for richer and for poor, in true fidelity to each other, until separated by death. It is almost universally accepted that a married couple (man and woman) would have children and lovingly nourish and care for them. Hillary believes that marriage should be regulated by the state and is valid between same-sex partners. Marriages should be able to be dissolved easily, and procreation is obviously not a concern. The family has been tossed aside and diminished.

America’s foes, both within and without her borders, have criticized America as a very negative force in the world and have denied her positive attributes. Those in power in our government have tried to take away our sovereignty, reduce our military power, disrupt our economy, divide our citizens and promote violence and anarchy in the streets of our cities. Hillary approves.

The Constitution has been attacked and ridiculed as outdated and harmful, and the Founding Fathers have been reviled and ridiculed rather than respected and revered. Hillary approves.

There are those who defend freedom of speech but don’t differentiate between freedom of speech and violent demonstrations that cause injury (and sometimes death), damage to property, financial loss to businesses and community alike, and disrupt the normal activities of everyday life. Hillary approves.

Freedom of religion, the right to bear arms and the right to work have come under constant pressure. Hillary approves.

The people of America have intentionally been divided: race against race, poor against upper-middle class and the top 1 percent of the wealthiest Americans, homosexuals against heterosexuals, religious against nonreligious, Marxists and socialists against those who believe in the American free market enterprise capitalism, and those who are pro-abortion against those who are pro-life. Hillary approves.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, is no saint, few of us are, and who among us could cast the first stone? His stated goals after his election are more in tune with mine than those of Hillary are. Trump’s political prowess can only be guessed at now but we know that he is very intelligent, competent, cosmopolitan, strong and successful. He, unlike Hillary, embraces American principles and values.

We know what Hillary has done in the past and we can predict that whatever she might do in the future will cause more harm than good. I like the odds that Trump can, and will, do better. He will fight for us, and with us, to restore a fundamentally sound America that will be infinitely better than the fundamentally changed America in which we now live.

Michael A. Schiavone

Winchester Park

Toomey should not be re-elected

Pat Toomey is against issues that are important to women. He is for a court that would overturn Roe vs. Wade, against equal pay for equal work, would defund Planned Parenthood.

He is against elevating the minimum wage, and would consider privatizing Social Security, and probably would vote for overturning the Affordable Care Act. Maybe he would like to get rid of Medicare, too.

To the subject of Obamacare. In spite of Bill Clinton’s “crazy” statement, yes it has its flaws but it can be tweaked and improved upon. To coin an old phrase, “You don’t throw the baby out with the dirty water.” It has helped millions of people so far and it can be fixed. What would happen if the people now enrolled lost their coverage? These rich Republicans don’t give a damn about the middle class and those in government have excellent health coverage.

He’s typical of what makes the Republicans not for the average American. They have no empathy for the ordinary people.

He doesn’t deserve to spend six more years in the Senate.

Marcia Levin


Hillary and Donald are bad choices

Hillary Clinton carries more baggage than a fully loaded 747. Donald Trump offers no specifics, makes outrageously boastful promises but offers no programs to accomplish his goals. Once again, it is not a choice of the lesser of two evils but the evil of two lessers.

Mel Flitter


Let’s fix what Obama ruined

It’s 2016, the last year of our current president. Let’s look back at his two terms in office and count his accomplishments.

Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2008. Now that was a joke. Received an award without any merit, before he even took office. We were still on the cuff of terror attacks from 9/11 in 2008, fighting Al Qaida, and now in 2016, he’s added a new terror group to our list, ISIS. There’s no peace prize here I see worthy, and still no peace in sight.

Wanted transparency in his administration. Yet, Edward Snowden is on his most wanted list, but his own Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, is still not prosecuted for her unsecured email server. A lot of “transparent” top secret information from Hillary floated through the internet, far worse than Snowden saying that we are being watched. A fact that was no secret about Big Brother and the eye in the sky.

Wanted affordable healthcare for all. So far, it’s the most expensive expansion of our healthcare to date. And it’s not even affordable. Premiums and deductibles are higher than anyone can afford, and talk about transparency, he hid the real intentions of his massive lie. The American people were unaware of what was written into law in the 3,000-page report of his namesake healthcare. A law that should have been transparent to citizens wasn’t. Instead, it wasn’t about healthcare, but about government takeover and a push of government-enforced bronze, silver or platinum tiers. Those who don’t pay in, the IRS will certainly take it out of their bank accounts, or pay hefty fines. Sounds like a government shakedown on its own people. Sounds a bit like tyranny onto America like it was in 1776, does it not? Taxation without representation.

And finally, his campaign slogan “Forward” for a better society. So far, the forward I’ve seen in his two terms is the forward to America’s downfall. This is his only feat. And he’s done it well. America is worse off than in the era of George W. Bush. But Obama still blames Bush for all his problems, two terms later. The housing market is at a low, businesses are closing, there’s no manufacturing, and there is no more pride in “Made in America.” Our country is in trillions of dollars in debt. We have open borders, and not enough money to care for the immigrants, let alone to provide jobs and healthcare for the citizens here.

Like Thomas Jefferson said, “Every generation needs a new revolution.” Let’s hope the 2016 election brings in a new party and a new leadership. And let’s fix what Obama ruined, and not more of the same, for our prosperity.

Al Ulus


Thank you to Murt for female crime bill

Congratulations to the country of Gambia on the banning of female genitalia mutilation (FGM) and the implication of fines and jail time ($10,000 and up to three years respectively) for those who practice it. Female genital mutilation is the removal of the external female genitalia for non-medical reasons, practiced in many countries around the world.

It has been called a human rights violation by the Department of State and is banned in the UN’s Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). In many cases, the cutting is done in non-sterile conditions where the girl is held down on a kitchen or coffee table and cut with scissors or shards of glass. Victims are typically between the ages of birth and 15 years old, since in many cultures this circumcision is considered a rite of passage to womanhood.

The practice is actually on the rise in the U.S. and in Pennsylvania, as we are destination for many immigrants who bring this cultural practice with them. In Pennsylvania alone, it is estimated that up to 25,000 girls and women have either been cut or are at risk of being cut, and many botched cases end up at hospitals such as CHOP where the girls and women do not have the ability to press charges for these actions.

As a response, Rep. Tom Murt has written House Bill 135, which criminalizes female genitalia mutilation to the first degree. The House of Representatives in Harrisburg has refused thus far to bring Murt’s bill up for a vote, but it is about time that the Commonwealth acts to stop this cruel abuse of young women.

Thank you to Rep. Murt for recognizing this violent and brutal crime against females and taking action to make it stop.

Danielle Moore


Thank you to Murt for opposing damaged car bill

Thank you to Rep. Thomas Murt for his courageous opposition to House Bill 1638.

This bill would seriously compromise consumer and public safety in the name of profits for insurance companies. This misguided bill allows appraisals of damaged automobiles to be done from photos when, in fact, assessing vehicle damage safely and correctly is essentially impossible with photos only.

Vehicles today are complex and sophisticated machines, and it requires a great amount of knowledge and training to correctly identify all aspects of a damaged vehicle.

This is why there are licensed, skilled, accredited and certified appraisers. Their expertise cannot be duplicated by someone looking at photos of a damaged vehicle.

This proposed new law only benefits the insurance companies.

Special interests control many elected officials, but they don’t control Thomas Murt. Not too many politicians have the courage to stand up to the powerful insurance industry, but Murt did it and he has my thanks and admiration.

Our community is lucky to have him fighting for us in Harrisburg.

Jim Pfau

General Manager, Alan’s Collision

Murt deserves re-election

Thank you to Rep. Thomas Murt for the help and assistance he afforded me recently. I am a local small business owner and I needed help completing some very important but complicated forms. A friend suggested that I call Rep. Murt’s office, as he and his staff have helped so many people in the past and have a statewide reputation of being very effective.

I called Rep. Murt’s office and got him on the phone right away. I explained my situation and he said he would assist me. Since I work during the day, it was necessary for us to meet after the dinner hour and on a weekend to review and complete my paperwork. This was not a problem for Rep. Murt and he personally helped me complete my documentation and resolve my problem outside of normal work hours.

The irony of my case is that Rep. Murt is not even my state representative and I can’t even vote for him. He helped me and did not send me away, despite the fact that I was not even his constituent. I needed help, and he assisted me with no questions asked.

The people of the 152nd District are fortunate to have a state representative like Thomas Murt, who is totally devoted to public service and helping people. Murt is one of those few elected officials who does what is right rather than what is politically convenient or in style at any particular moment. His actions are worthy of admiration and respect and he deserves to be re-elected on Nov. 8.

Edward Duffy

Duffy Brothers Window Cleaning

Fight for retiree protections

With the upcoming 2016 presidential and congressional elections fast approaching, it is critical that federal candidates remember seniors and focus on our crucial issue of retirement economic security.

Currently, there is no presidential candidate standing up for this problem confronting older Americans. Which one will call out modern corporate executives who believe the companies they lead have zero responsibility to their loyal retirees?

This is not a Democrat or Republican issue, it is about protecting older Americans and millions of retirees in need of national solutions that protect us. Old fashioned lip service from politicians can no longer be acceptable.

The Boomers (age 51–69) alone were 31.8 percent of the voting population in the 2012 presidential election and age 65-plus were 22.3 percent of voters. Older voters are a powerful voting block, and to ignore our needs and loyalty is a big mistake.

I urge my fellow retirees to join me and the nonprofit, ProtectSeniors.org in fighting for retiree protections and making our voices and votes valued this election season. Vote!

S.P.Gramiak Jr.


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