HomeNewsLetters to the Editor: December 14, 2016

Letters to the Editor: December 14, 2016

Liberals angry, immature

In response to Marilyn Brahen’s Letter to the Editor, “Racist voters out in the open,” published on Nov. 30:

Ms. Brahen, how low can one go as to mock an 11-year-old boy who did nothing but support a candidate for an upcoming election? That young man showed character. He works at his father’s restaurant, is excelling in school and is actually paying attention to the world around him.

He should be applauded for his enthusiasm to have an interest in politics and the direction he would like to see this country go. His view may not agree with what you wanted, but that’s life; someone wins and someone loses.

You say that you bought a shirt that states, “Make America Tolerant Again.” What a hypocrite you are. You’re tolerant of others, as long as they believe what you believe. And if they don’t, you call them names like bigot, racist, hatemonger and worse.

When did you become so virtuous and superior? And why, may I ask, should I care about how the black, Hispanic, Jewish and Muslim children felt the day after the election? I’m sure most of them were doing what children do best, be children. I don’t recall any articles about children of those ethnicities and religions making videos in support of Hillary. And I’m sure that if they did, they would have received much more exposure than this young man. I applaud the Northeast Times for publishing his story.

I didn’t like it when Obama became our president, but I accepted it and life went on. I didn’t crawl into a ball and act out in my frustration. You didn’t see this unprecedented display of anger and immaturity coming from the Republicans/conservatives when Obama won. I have never seen such a display of immaturity among a group of people (liberal Democrats) than I have seen since the election results came in.

College “children” needing cocoa and cookies, crying rooms, exams being delayed, and the need to “take time to mourn.” What the heck is this country coming to if these washrags are the future?

And what about the moronic Hollywood 23 who declared they were leaving the country if Trump won? Haven’t seen one of them live up to that promise yet, have you? Of course not. They are all talk and no action.

Now we have a president who does talk a lot, but will take action to Make America Great Again.

Scott Malinowski


Nonwhite kids fear Trump

In response to Ron Kall’s Letter to the Editor, “Pot calling the kettle black,” published on Dec. 7:

Ron Kall’s response to my concerns against verified hate crimes since the election (Dec. 7) is a classic case of denial with a measure of self-righteousness attached.

The South Philly store window with the swastika and the words “Heil Trump 2016” on it and other photos and videos showing racism and bigotry are bonafide news stories. It’s easy to turn the truth around, blame things on your rival and hope people will swallow such twisted lies whole without checking their validity. Thus, when confronted with hate clearly stamped with ties to Trump, he insists Trump’s supporters didn’t do it, and hopes his own fake take on the news will spread. But that doesn’t help the frightened nonwhite disadvantaged children facing fears since Nov. 8.

Why don’t you send reporters to our schools to ask the teachers and students to find the truth?

Marilyn “Mattie” Brahen

Oxford Circle

Thank you, good Samaritan

Recently, I had a bad fall on Sackett Street.

A man in a white car came around the corner, saw me, stopped his car and asked if I fell. I said yes.

He shut his door and came up to help me. He got me up and told me to stand there for a few seconds, then he slowly walked me across the street.

He asked me where I lived, and I said around the corner. He walked me up to my house. I got my keys out and opened the door.

My husband came and saw me bleeding and upset. I told him what happened. I turned to thank the man, but he was gone.

So, a great big thank you to the man in a white car. He had white hair and looked like he was in his 60s.

Again, thank you!

Elizabeth Bosworth

Lower Mayfair

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