HomeNewsAround Town: December 21, 2016

Around Town: December 21, 2016

Christmas Masses at BVM

Maternity BVM Church, 9220 Old Bustleton Ave., will hold a series of Masses on Christmas Eve and Christmas.

On Saturday, Dec. 24, there will be a 4 p.m. vigil Mass in the upper church. The children’s liturgy will offer an enactment of the Christmas story. For the overflow crowd, there will be a Mass in the lower chapel.

A 4:15 p.m. vigil Mass will be held in the old church. At 5:30 p.m., there will be a vigil Mass in the upper church. There will be a midnight Mass in the upper church, with Christmas carols beginning at 11:30 p.m.

On Sunday, Dec. 25, the upper church will hold Masses at 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. ••

Celebrate at Immanuel Lutheran

Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, 14100 Worthington Road in Somerton, invites the community to celebrate Christmas.

On Saturday, Dec. 24, there will be a family Christmas service at 4 p.m. Candlelight services will be held in German at 6 p.m. and English at 8 p.m. On Sunday, Dec. 25, there will be a Christmas Day English/German service at 10:30 a.m. Guests are welcome to bring their toys and gifts to be blessed by Pastor Norbert Hahn.

Call 215–464–1540 or visit immanuelphilly.org ••

Christmas services in Rhawnhurst

All Saints Episcopal Church Rhawnhurst, 1811 Loney St., will hold a Christmas Eve service at 7 p.m. Caroling will begin at 6:30 p.m.

On Christmas Day, the service will start at 9:30 a.m. ••

Toys for Tots at O’Neill’s offices

Individuals can drop off new and unwrapped toys at any of City Councilman Brian O’Neill’s five offices. The toys will be distributed to less-fortunate youngsters.

To donate a new and unwrapped toy, call or visit O’Neill’s offices at 7522 Castor Ave. (215–685–0438); 432 Rhawn St. (215–685–6431); FOP Lodge 5 headquarters at 11630 Caroline Road (215–437–9167); Bustleton Avenue and Bowler Street, above the 7th Police District (215–685–0432); and 562 City Hall (215–686–3422). ••

Life coach offers free help for the holidays

Life Coach Philly is offering free help for the holidays for those who need help with relationships, career, wellness and more.

Trained specialists at Life Coach Philly will offer guidance, support and encouragement as people achieve their desired goal. Individuals can speak to a professional coach anytime through Jan. 2.

Life Coach Philly has helped individuals, couples and families for over 20 years.

To register, go to lifecoachphilly.com ••

Model railroad club to host open house

The Keystone N Trak Model Railroad Club will be hosting its annual open house at the club location, the Dublin TEC Center, Suite 216, 123 N. Main St. (Rt. 313), in Dublin, Bucks County.

The public is invited to attend and see N Scale trains running on two layouts on Jan. 7, 8, 21 and 22 and Feb. 4 and 5, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission and parking are free. ••

Police offer holiday shopping safety tips

The 2nd Police District is offering holiday shopping safety tips to protect against crime. The district is urging shoppers to not put items in their vehicles, and then go to other stores. That’s because thieves often hang out in parking lots and work in teams.

Shoppers should lock their doors and place items in their trunk or out of sight. They should also move their car after putting items inside their vehicle, to give the impression they are going home. ••

Career training class at Orleans Tech

JEVS Project WOW (World of Work) is enrolling for its free career training class starting Jan. 3, which will be held at Orleans Technical College, 2770 Red Lion Road.

This 24-week program is for low-income high school dropouts, ages 18–24, residing in Philadelphia to help them complete their education while at the same time providing job skills in the building trades field.

Project WOW students gain hands-on training in weatherization and property maintenance/repair — such as basic skills in carpentry, plumbing and electrical — to prepare them for employment.

Project WOW also includes GED preparation (test fees paid for by the program); professional development throughout the program for students to work on developing a résumé and interviewing skills; and in-house job search assistance with a JEVS employment specialist.

Students earn a Trades Diploma upon program completion. For information about the program and eligibility requirements, call 215–728–4212 or apply at jevshumanservices.org/project-wow ••

Donate winter coats at Angela Jane

Angela Jane Pavilion Subacute Rehabilitation, 8410 Roosevelt Blvd., is sponsoring a coat drive to help those in need stay warm this winter.

All coats donated need to be new and may be dropped off at Angela Jane’s lobby.

Call 215–708–1200 or visit angelajane.com ••

Program offers ways to help feed the needy

The Coalition Against Hunger will teach the needy how to obtain free or inexpensive food during a program on Wednesday, Jan. 18, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Northeast Regional Library, 2228 Cottman Ave.

Call 215–685–0522 or 215–685–0501. ••

Three Kings at St. Martin’s on Jan. 7

St. Martin of Tours Church, 5450 Roosevelt Blvd., will present the Three Kings and live animals on Saturday, Jan. 7, at noon in the school gym.

Refreshments will be served. ••

Brunch, book review at Tiffany Diner

The Temple Menorah Keneseth Chai Sisterhood will sponsor a brunch and book review on Sunday, Jan. 15, at 10:30 a.m. at Tiffany Diner, 9010 Roosevelt Blvd.

The cost is $28, which includes choice of six entrees. The book The Boston Girl will be reviewed by Irene Reiter. Call 215–969–5346. ••

Designer Bag Bingo at St. Martin’s

St. Martin of Tours School, 5701 Loretto Ave., will host Designer Bag Bingo on Friday, Feb. 24. Doors open at 6 p.m., with bingo beginning at 7.

The cost is $30. There will be light refreshments, a 50/50 and a tombola table.

For information, email [email protected] ••

Local lawyer plans program

Ned Hark, a partner in the Goldsmith, Hark & Hornak law firm, 7716 Castor Ave., recently helped plan the 10th annual Family Law Institute, presented by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Hark was also a presenter on The Intervention of Life and Estate Planning. ••

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