HomeNewsLetters to the Editor: Jan. 25, 2017

Letters to the Editor: Jan. 25, 2017

Abortions sometimes needed

In response to Pat Bevenour’s Letter to the Editor, “Protect unborn babies,” published on Jan. 18:

Greetings Pat Bevenour. A woman’s right to choose isn’t synonymous with a “child’s” right to be born, because nobody has such a right that isn’t granted to them by an outside entity or entities.

I could go into what are rights, where do we derive them, and should they be based on rational morality; but that seems like too long a topic for another time, and one that I highly encourage you to research and dwell upon on your own. I would recommend a book called Rational Morality by Robert Johnson.

I think your view, along with many of those on the religious right who invoke Jesus’ name, wish to make the issue of abortion so very black and white with little wiggle room. Protecting the unborn is first and foremost to you? OK. How about in the case where going through with the birth threatens the mother’s life? Still proceed? (*Note: If you say no, then I ask why? Are you prioritizing one life over the other, and why would you think this is acceptable?) And what about the case of rape? A woman was forced into this situation, has no interest or desire to have any children, let alone one received by someone who violated her, but she should be forced to carry to term? How about in the case where the fetus is severely deformed and wouldn’t have a very happy or peaceful existence? How about all of the unwanted children who are born and then neglected and/or abused?

I understand the “personal responsibility” argument. But I don’t put a lot of trust in some people to be personally responsible, especially when it comes to children. This is a sad fact of our reality. I’ve witnessed it firsthand working in the social services field. Do you support taxation for things like meal programs, childcare, residential facilities, public schools, welfare assistance etc.? All of these things help families (and in this case, children). I would like to think and hope that you do support them.

I don’t want to drone on and appear gung-ho about abortions. I just want to relay why I think they are sometimes necessary, and often a difficult decision for women to make.

Perhaps instead of praying, or in addition to doing so, you should look into some statistics regarding abortions: abort73.com/abortion_facts/us_abortion_statistics

To reach some common ground here, I’d like to close with some good news. Abortion rates have steadily decreased over the years for a few reasons, and appear to still be on the decline.

Michael Alexander


Nominee is a terrible choice

Donald Trump has nominated fast-food CEO Andrew Puzder to lead the Labor Department. This pick threatens to leave working people more vulnerable to abusive employers. Mr. Puzder opposes raising the minimum wage and says workers don’t need overtime and should instead be happy with a “sense of accomplishment.” This statement is a slap in the face of every worker who has sacrificed family time for the benefit of the employer. The overtime pay is the justification for this staying later and accomplishing the job.

Furthermore, Andrew Puzder has used his position and authority as a fast-food CEO to enrich himself at the expense of working people by violating labor laws that are currently in place. An investigation found that more than half of the Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s restaurants reviewed weren’t paying workers what they were owed. Mr. Puzder made more money in one day than one of his full-time minimum wage workers makes in a year. That alone is reprehensible, let alone Puzder refusing to pay his managers the overtime they rightfully earned. Andrew Puzder stated that he would rather replace human workers with machines. Machines never take a vacation, never complain about working conditions or overtime pay.

All of these reasons make Puzder unfit to run an agency tasked with protecting people at work.

John Hawthorne


Mayor should be arrested

Now that the election is over and the U.S.-trashing Dems in D.C. are out along with their politically correct garbage, our esteemed mayor says he will still have Philly as a sanctuary for illegals. Doesn’t he care what our new president has to say?

Every single mayor who thumbs their nose at U.S. law needs to be arrested. Yes, arrested. Arrest each one of the mayors who defy the law as an accessory after the fact. Knowing that an offense against the United States has been committed, anyone who relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact.

Let’s see if their own personal desire for freedom takes a backseat to their liberal crap.

Hezakiah Levinson


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