The man robbed a Sunoco and 7-Eleven and broke into a church within a few minutes of each other.

Police documents show they have arrested a man in relation to robbing three Northeast locations within minutes of each other on March 9.
Records show Alex Granroth, 24, was arrested March 18 after robbing or attempting to rob two convenience stores and a church.
The first stop of the crime spree was the Sunoco Station at 4001 Woodhaven Road. At 2:55 a.m., the male entered the store and brandished a handgun, ordering an employee to give him “all your money and scratch offs.” Police say he fled the store without taking anything.
Five minutes later, the offender entered the 7-Eleven store at 3324 Byberry Road and demanded money from an employee. This time it worked, and the suspect fled in a Nissan SUV with an undisclosed amount of stolen money.
Video captured the man breaking into a side door of St. Anselm church just minutes later. He attempted to take a large poor box from the church at 12670 Dunks Ferry Road, but left after his first attempt.
However, he returned to the church 10 minutes later, this time in a white car with a sunroof. This time, he stole the poor box and took off in an unknown direction. ••