Northeast residents discuss background checks, the importance of staying united and a kind act from strangers in this week’s letters to the editor.

Strengthen background checks
It is evident that the rate of gun crimes in the United States is dramatically increasing. This is mainly due to the high percentage of illegal gun ownership being at 82 percent, with only 18 percent of gun crimes coming from perpetrators of legal gun ownership.
That raises questions whether the current background checks that have been implemented are enough to keep potential criminals from owning or having access to illegal guns. The main source of illegal gun ownership is derived from the selling of guns online without the requirement of background checks. Also, many private businesses were skipping, or lighly enforcing, background checks in hopes of making a greater profit.
Yet, this is causing much concern in the safety of our gun laws.
One main method to relieve the selling of illegal guns is by strictly enforcing background checks in all states. We, as a country, are obligated to encourage lawmakers to increase higher demand on this issue by raising awareness.
It is imperative for our residents and our state legislators to be well informed and aware of the issues that are taking place. We have lost too many lives due to gun crimes.
In addition, one solution to this issue is to open hotlines. I recently read that New York launched a hotline that allows residents to report illegal guns in exchange for $500. While it may seem to be a waste of money, it is money that is being spent to resolve an issue that is putting millions of lives at stake. Similar to raising awareness for background checks, officials need to see our interest in seeking change.
Ergisa Mlova
Bell’s Corner
Let’s unite, my fellow Americans
Recently, I have been thinking a lot about two U.S. presidents — JFK and Ronald Reagan — two men filled with vision and a clear message to the American people, stating that the best days are still yet to come.
It is we, as Americans, who must keep it so. The differences between these two gentlemen is the vast visions for the future.
The message you could take from both men was calling upon all Americans to unite for change and mankind. As Americans, it is time to unite under our passion for our fellow countrymen and to the many sons and daughters of this great nation.
Our beliefs may differ, our ideals may not be completely understandable or relatable to each other, but I ask anyone reading this letter today, “Aren’t we all Americans? Aren’t we all human?”
The bond we share on this globe isn’t for an eternity, but the impact we leave on our families, communities and nation most certainly is.
As Shakespeare once wrote, “This above all: to thine ownself be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.”
John Peter Zadzura
Why oppose veteran bill?
On June 6, a great thing happened for our veterans. The VA MISSION Act became law.
This law gives the veterans in our country a choice. This choice is if the VA takes too long to get the healthcare the veterans need, they can go to a private-sector doctor. Our veterans have gone on many missions, and now the United States has achieved a mission for them by making veterans health care a priority.
On May 16, the House of Representatives approved the VA MISSION Act by a vote of 374 -70.
It is disheartening that 70 House members voted against this obviously beneficial bill for our veterans. I have heard stories of our veterans going to the VA for a blood test and being there eight to 10 hours.
One of the 70 House members who voted against this bill was Rep. Brendan Boyle. It makes you ask the question? Why did Boyle not support our veterans on this important bill that the president signed into law. Our veterans deserve the best healthcare possible.
David Torres
2nd Congressional District candidate
Thanks for your concern
Thanking the 20-something couple who stopped during the rain on a Sunday morning as I was making my way to the ShopRite at Frankford and Morrell. Twenty feet from the store’s curb, I slipped and fell in the rain.
Not a soul around, then your car pulled up. You asked if I was OK. Hoping I didn’t break anything, I moved and was able to get up. I was soaking wet on my right side, but nothing was broken and I could walk.
I am hoping that you may read this ’cause I’d like to say your help renewed my faith in the human race.
Peggy Dillon