Grey Lodge Pub is the first small business to receive a deep energy retrofit through the Philadelphia Energy Campaign.

City Council President Darrell Clarke and Councilmen Bobby Henon and Al Taubenberger last week joined sustainability advocates and local business owners at Grey Lodge Pub, the first small business to receive a deep energy retrofit through the Philadelphia Energy Campaign.
The Philadelphia Energy Authority oversees the 10-year, $1 billion campaign to invest in energy efficiency and clean energy in buildings across the city, collect significant cost savings for property owners and taxpayers, and create 10,000 family-sustaining jobs. The PEA is an independent authority created by Council to further clean and affordable energy goals.
Council members and PEA staff were joined at Grey Lodge Pub by owner Mike “Scoats” Scotese, also board president of the Mayfair Business Improvement District.
Through participation in the Energy Campaign, Grey Lodge Pub received a state grant that helped support energy upgrades that now save Scotese roughly $6,000 annually.
“Small business owners already work all hours of the day, and even when we know of grants, we don’t have time to jump through all the hoops to take advantage of them,” Scotese said. “The Small Business Energy Efficiency Program took care of those details. My investment paid off and my electric costs are down 30 percent.” ••