Northeast residents discuss taxes, taxes and taxes in this weeks letters to the editor.

You have time to exercise
As a nurse and trainer, one of the most often cited reasons for people not engaging in a regular exercise regimen is time. What people may not realize is that not as much time is needed as people may have thought.
There are three main benefits to performing strength training exercises: promoting strength in a muscle, promoting endurance in a muscle and promoting bone density. When a muscle is effectively worked, micro-tears are created on the muscle fiber.
In previous years, it was thought that multiple sets were needed to create those micro-traumas on the muscle fibers; but new research is showing that those micro-tears can be created in just one set with the right amount of resistance and right form. What this means that each body part can be effectively worked in just one sight which could enable a full-body workout to be done in just 20 minutes. People can have an effective workout in the amount of time it takes most others to warm up.
A workout that can be performed in 20 minutes that produces results should keep many more people engaged in an exercise program. But the key is doing the right exercises in the right order with the right form and with the right amount of resistance.
I usually recommend the order: legs, chest, back, shoulders, arms and stomach; starting with the largest muscle groups below the heart and working toward the smallest in the arms with the stomach last. The key is also sticking to the basic movements that involve multiple muscle groups acting as assists and stabilizers.
Unless one is training for some type of bodybuilding contest, specialty isolation exercises are not needed to make dramatic changes in your body. A program like this also allows you to flow through a workout with nearly continuous movement that will stimulate the metabolism and burn fat.
Make sure to always check with your physician before beginning any exercise program.
Peter DiGiuseppe
We’re being double taxed
Mayor Kenney’s soda tax is extremely disliked.
One of the arguments is that it is double taxation.
One way to see that you are double taxed is to review your fast food receipts.
They call it a surcharge for the soda tax and then the sales tax is increased on that surcharged amount.
Mayer Krain
Modena Park
We will be taxed again
These court rulings on the soda tax affect all the people in this city. It’s like paying homage to Caesar after a victory in a battle. He gets all the credit and warriors (citizens of Philadelphia) get the shaft.
Mayor Jim Kenney is also one of the best money manipulators around probably because he’s delusional. Last year, the tax brought in $77 million, which was $14 million short. So this year, they are expecting to bring in $78 million.
Yet in their own words, “But revenue is expected to decrease as soda consumption declines.” Wouldn’t it stand reason the tax income will be less this year because of less consumption? How can you expect to bring more income than the previous year when you have less consumption and the citizens find more ways to beat the tax?
So the end result, as the soda tax decreases down to nothing, there will have to be another tax to cover the programs that the soda tax is paying for.
It’s all smoke and mirrors.
Richard Donofry
East Torresdale
You get what you vote for
We’re Robbing Hoods; Hi there neighbor.
You vote for us, we return the favor.
Those filthy rich will get their due.
We’ll tax and tax, then we’ll pass on to you.
We’re in many big cities and some smaller ones between.
“Heaven Now” is our motto to fulfill your dreams.
And does it really matter that it’s wrong, when you get what is yours all along?
So come each election, just remember, always vote for Democratic mayors.
Tom Wetten Sr.
Modena Park