It’s simple to add meditation to your day through daily routines.

By Patrick Kelly
Ten-thousand hours. Currently, there are some teachings in the world telling people that the state of conscious presence is available to all of us through meditation. The idea is that 10,000 hours of proper meditation practices will lead any human being to the state of conscious presence.
We learn to apply meditation practices to our daily routines, work, hobbies, sounds, nature, etc.
Our time spent in these daily meditations contributes to the 10,000 hours that is believed necessary to be separated from the conditioned, programmed mind.
We remind ourselves about meditation every day. We practice daily using the things that happen around us such as sounds, objects, smells, etc. as the focus for our meditations. We meditate by focusing our attention in observing and acknowledging the stream of thought and then return our attention to the focus of whatever we are choosing to meditate on in the moment. If the mind pulls us into more thinking, as soon as we realized we’ve been pulled in, we bring ourselves back to the subject of our focus. The only thing that we are adding to our day is the observation of the stream of thought; the more we observe, the more we separate from it. As we separate from the stream, clear concise thinking comes to the forefront of our lives. We then experience peace, love and joy beyond our previous understanding.
A simple meditation: Throughout your day, here and there, when it comes to your mind or not, use routine daily tasks such as cooking, washing your hands, repetitive tasks that you regularly perform as objects of your meditation. Do your duties (joyfully) and include your awareness of the thoughts that come and go. Do it enough that change comes to your life. You wake up. It’s a new day! Your day! ••
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