Residents discuss the difficulties of seniors getting their medication, not mocking accents and the importance of free and safe elections.

Elderly need their meds
I’m really tired of being treated like a junkie when I go to get my script for Hydrocodone/Acetimin 5–325 MG renewed. I’m over 60, I’ve never been arrested, never had a drug problem, and if I drink six beers in a year, it’s more than usual.
I also have severe arthritis and, bone-on-bone joints, and Einstein Orthopedic recommended two new knees and a new left shoulder when I still had insurance over a year ago. These days, I pay for doctor visits and meds out of pocket.
A while back, I was told by the doc’s office that they can’t write a script if he hadn’t seen me within three months, so now I had to make an appointment and pay for a visit because I stretch out my supply. OK, rules are rules, so I dealt with it.
My script calls for one pill three times a day as needed, so I get 90 pills. I have bad days and worse days, plus a limited income. I stretch out my month’s supply over a three-month period, taking them mostly at night, taking them for four days, then skipping three days and dealing with pain.
My refill from June 28 has 43 pills in it.
July was a bad month, so I used more than usual.
Since the wife had an appointment and it’s been under three months, I had her ask him to refill my script to save the cost of me paying for an appointment. He told her he’s allowed to write only one script now in a three-month period, according to new rules.
Apparently, due to the opioid paranoia, the elderly who take their meds as prescribed can just go without a few months.
Are we supposed to take up drinking to dull the pain or try to find pills on the street like actual junkies?
Hezakiah Levinson
Do not mock Latinos
Why is Trump joking about a federal border patrol agent, calling him to the stand, during a news conference, and stating, “He speaks perfect English.”
Does Trump think that Latinos cannot speak English? Conservatives on Fox News were mad when someone spoke about Melania Trump’s accent.
She speaks English like a lot of us — some perfect and some with an accent.
No one should be embarrassed about their ethnic background or the way they speak.
Carlos Ramon Perez
Cartoon was offensive
The following two Letters to the Editor are in response to an editorial cartoon printed in the Northeast Times on Aug. 22:
I am writing to protest your predatory animals opinion in your paper. Doesn’t seem too smart on your part to lump all priests, all black bears and all eastern coyotes together. How would you feel if people lumped all newspapers and all newspaper reporters as fake?
There are many, many, many priests who are good, holy and great men, and I am greatly, greatly offended at your paper for printing this. Maybe all the Catholics who read your paper should stop reading it and stop doing business with those who advertise in it because of your prejudicial printing. Seems to me that in this case, your reporting was fake news. You have my permission to print my name to this, and I will be watching to see if you do.
Joanne Jackson
Parkwood Manor
I am writing to express my disappointment at how the cartoonist depicts some priests as ferocious animals in Pennsylvania. I believe that this was an immature outburst on the part of the cartoonist. I don’t see how you can correct this, but I hope you try. Take care.
Father Edward T. Kearns
Pastor, St. Dominic Church
Safety and free elections
On July 4,1776, several men sat down at a table to sign the Declaration of Independence. It has become the mainstream of life. But, you wonder, have people abused the meaning of these rights?
The right to have a weapon, certainly, is an example. Many persons have more than one gun, shootings have happened on the streets, in private homes, as well as malls. Even our right to vote has been tampered with. It is a reality that Russia interfered in the presidential election. Have we learned from these experiences? Only time will tell. Hopefully, we gain back our right to a free election and our right to be safe.
Marie Patton
Fox Chase