Home News Mayfair celebrates Chinese New Year

Mayfair celebrates Chinese New Year

Residents gathered Sunday afternoon at Frankford and Ryan for Mayfair’s first Chinese New Year Festival.

Dancers perform Sunday, Feb. 3, at the Mayfair Chinese New Year Festival. JACK TOMCZUK / TIMES PHOTO
Dancers perform Sunday, Feb. 3, at the Mayfair Chinese New Year Festival. JACK TOMCZUK / TIMES PHOTO

A large crowd gathered Sunday afternoon at Ryan and Frankford avenues on a relatively warm day for Mayfair’s first ever Chinese New Year Festival.

The event, celebrating the “Year of the Boar,” featured dance performances, raffles, a moon bounce, games, hot dogs, dumplings and balloon animals, among other things.

“I think it’s wonderful what’s going on here,” City Councilman At-Large Al Taubenberger told the crowd from a stage set up on Ryan Avenue.

Members of the Mayfair Sino-US Dance Group play a Chinese game similar to charades Sunday, Feb. 3, at the Mayfair Chinese New Year Festival. JACK TOMCZUK / TIMES PHOTO

The festival was organized by the Northeast Philadelphia Development Corporation, the Mayfair Business Improvement District and the office of Sixth District Councilman Bobby Henon.

It’s the second time the neighborhood has hosted a Chinese-themed event at the intersection. The Mayfair Mid-Autumn Festival was held there in September.

A young dancer performs Sunday, Feb. 3, at the Mayfair Chinese New Year Festival, which was held at Frankford and Ryan avenues. JACK TOMCZUK / TIMES PHOTO

Susanna Wong, of the NPDC, said she would like to see Chinese celebrations continue to branch out from Chinatown.

“Hopefully, in the future, when everybody talks about it, I think there will be more people next time,” Wong said. ••

The Mayfair Sino-US Dance Group performs Sunday, Feb. 3, at the Mayfair Chinese New Year Festival. JACK TOMCZUK / TIMES PHOTO