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Normandy woman enters race for City Council

Throwing her hat in the ring: Judy Moore, a Northeast High School graduate and Normandy resident, announced Saturday that she’ll run as a Democrat in the 10th Councilmanic District. TOM WARING / TIMES PHOTO

Judy Moore, chief strategy officer at the Garces Events catering company, announced Saturday that she’ll run as a Democrat in the 10th Councilmanic District.

Republican City Councilman Brian O’Neill will be seeking an 11th four-year term.

Moore, 39, addressing about 200 supporters at the Chickie’s & Pete’s at 11000 Roosevelt Blvd., focused on the year she was born, 1979. Americans flocked to see Rocky II and bought the new Sony Walkman.

“My opponent, Brian O’Neill, was elected in 1979,” she said.

Moore, who turns 40 on March 3, has met O’Neill a few times at civic association meetings.

“I think it’s time for a change,” she said.

Moore is a committeewoman in Ward 66-B. She has spoken with her ward leader, Mike McAleer, and plans to reach out to the other four ward leaders in the district.

Former Lt. Gov. Mike Stack is rumored to be eyeing a run, but Moore said she’s already raised money for a campaign and will not step aide.

Melanie Rose is Moore’s campaign manager. Rose was campaign manager last year for Bucks County state Rep. Tina Davis, who lost a challenge to Republican state Sen. Tommy Tomlinson by 74 votes.

Davis, a Lawncrest native, introduced Moore. Davis is co-founder of Emerge Pennsylvania, which trains Democratic women to run for office. Moore took the course.

Three of Moore’s Emerge “sisters,” including Fox Chase resident Melissa Robbins, who is running for Council at large, attended her announcement. Also in attendance was Vicki Markovitz, who is running for Common Pleas Court judge.

Moore, a Northeast High School graduate and Normandy resident, was also joined by her husband, Wes, a 7th Police District officer, and two of her three children. Her oldest, Anthony, who is in the U.S. Navy, watched on FaceTime from Florida.

If elected, Moore will work to increase police manpower, improve public schools and find help for drug addicts. She asked supporters for campaign donations, adding that she’ll need $500,000 to win. She also needs volunteers to collect nominating petitions. She needs 750 signatures, but has a goal of 3,000. And she wants non-Democrats to switch their registration in case she faces a primary battle.


Matt Wolfe, Republican candidate for City Council at large, said Councilman Bobby Henon’s ability to function in office has been compromised with the federal corruption charges against him.

Wolfe said the indictment indicates that Henon’s primary responsibility was to union boss John Dougherty, not his constituents.

Wolfe announced his candidacy outside a West Philadelphia ShopRite that is closing because the city beverage tax hurt business. The indictment claims Henon pushed the tax to gain revenge on the Teamsters for releasing an unfavorable ad about Dougherty.

The indictment also stated Henon got the city Department of Licenses and Inspections to prevent a non-union manufacturer from installing MRI machines at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Wolfe has filed a right-to-know request to find out the names of the L&I employees involved in the incident.

“Imagine trying to deprive our children of important diagnostic tools. Why would anyone do that, let alone a member of City Council?” Wolfe asked.

Wolfe wants Council Democrats to remove Henon as majority leader.

“Henon should resign while these charges are pending, but City Council has the responsibility and authority to remove him from leadership. If he doesn’t resign, the voters in his district will take their own action to remove him.”

One person who might challenge Henon in the Democratic primary is Mike Tomlinson, who has run for state representative, state Senate and city controller as a Republican.


The campaign committee supporting Justin DiBerardinis, who is preparing a run for one of five Democratic nominations for City Council at large, announced it ended 2018 with more than $140,000 cash on hand.

Friends of Justin DiBerardinis said, as of last week, it had raised more than $175,000 in cash and in-kind donations.

DiBerardinis, 37, is a community organizer who led efforts for a new Willard Elementary School in Kensington and revitalization of Bartram’s Garden in Southwest Philadelphia. He is a former aide to Councilwoman Maria Quiñones-Sánchez.

DiBerardinis will officially declare his candidacy on Sunday. The primary is May 21.

Meanwhile, former Mayor and Gov. Ed Rendell endorsed DiBerardinis.

“Philadelphia has made tremendous progress in the last 25 years but we have significant challenges that still remain. To meet them, I believe City Council needs enthusiasm, energy and vision, and Justin DiBerardinis has demonstrated he possesses these qualities in everything he has taken on,” he said. “He has the ability to pull people together and make sure our prosperity reaches every neighborhood and household in every corner of the city. Every Democratic voter gets five votes for Council at large. I strongly believe that one of them should be for Justin DiBerardinis.” ••

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