HomeNewsDinosaurs Around the World opens at Academy of Natural Sciences

Dinosaurs Around the World opens at Academy of Natural Sciences

Scott Cooper, president and CEO of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, last Friday welcomed the public to the opening of Dinosaurs Around the World.

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Cooper and Michael Kaczmarczik, assistant manager outreach programs, stood at 19th Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway to outline the exhibit, which will be open through Jan. 20, 2020.

Behind them was a 40-foot-long Spinosaurus and a second, slightly smaller dinosaur, Amargasaurus. Both will remain outside the museum during the exhibit’s stay.

Visitors will see moving, roaring dinosaurs and learn how they adapted to where they lived. The exhibit features touchable fossil casts, paleontological research, a touch screen to hear Corythosaurus, a dinosaur book nook, a dig site and a chance to color 3D dinosaur models.

Dinosaurs reigned for 172 million years. The exhibit includes the T. rex of North America, the Velociraptor of the Gobi Desert and the Amargasaurus from the tropical jungles of South America.

Visitors can use a passport to find dinosaurs from the seven continents: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America.

For more information or an admission discount, visit ansp.org. ••

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