State Rep. Joe Hohenstein recently announced he would be allocating $10,000 in grant money to each of the six public schools in his district to help fund educational programs.
Hohenstein, of the 17th Legislative District, announced at Lincoln High School on Oct. 1 he would allocate the finds to Lincoln, Amy 5 at James Martin, Bridesburg Elementary, Mayfair Elementary, Richmond School and Austin Meehan Middle School. Each school will get an even portion of the $60,000 grant to support cultural education, literacy and STEM resources and supplies.
“The idea that Lincoln and the schools coming into it from around the district are doing so well is a testament to what happens when you invest,” Hohenstein said. “We are investing in you today because you matter.”
The meeting was attended by principals of the six schools, students and School District of Philadelphia Superintendent Dr. William Hite.
“Every single dollar that goes into our schools makes a difference,” Hite said.
Board of Education student representative Doha Ibrahim spoke about the school pride she and other students have for Lincoln.
“Here at Lincoln we take pride in our school’s culture and diversity where more than 33 languages are spoken and we take pride in our programs, clubs, sports and many more extracurricular activities,” Ibrahim said. ••