Home News A night to remember Tony Rad and celebrate Marine Corps birthday

A night to remember Tony Rad and celebrate Marine Corps birthday

Showtime Charities will hold a musical tribute to Tony Radwanski and a celebration of the Marine Corps’ 244th birthday on Wednesday, Nov. 6, from 7 to 11 p.m. at Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5, 11630 Caroline Road.

Tickets cost $45, and must be purchased in advance. There will be a buffet dinner, draft beer, raffle baskets and basket of cheer.

Proceeds will benefit the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation, which was Radwanski’s favorite charity. Radwanski, a former first deputy city controller and popular singer at La Casa Di Lucia, died suddenly in January.

To buy tickets, call Debbie Knight at 215-512-0992 or go to eventbrite.com and type “Tony Rad” in the search box. ••