Neil Amadio, glazing instructor at the Finishing Trades Institute, was awarded the Outstanding Apprenticeship Mentor award at the recent Pennsylvania Apprenticeship Summit in Harrisburg.
Amadio has been a glazing instructor at the Finishing Trades Institute, 2190 Hornig Road, for over 10 years.
“I am truly honored to receive this award,” he said. “Being a mentor to our apprentices is incredibly rewarding, and I’m thankful to serve my union and the next generation of glaziers in this way.”
Glazing contractor Dan Reilly, Reilly Glazing Inc., said, “Neil does an incredible job working with glazing apprentices. Thanks to leaders like him, we know that our work is done by skilled trades people. Congratulations, Neil.”
IUPAT DC 21 Business Manager Joe Ashdale added, “We’re very proud of the work Neil does with his students. The Finishing Trades Institute continues to be the benchmark for building and construction trades instruction in this region because of talented and caring instructors like Neil.”

IUPAT District Council 21 represents more than 4,500 members in the finishing trades in Philadelphia and surrounding areas and is affiliated with the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades. The union advocates for painters, drywall finishers, wall coverers, glaziers, glass workers and their families. ••