Home News American flags still flying in Mayfair

American flags still flying in Mayfair

Donny Smith gets ready to hang an American flag on a pole on Rhawn Street. Smith is president of the Mayfair Civic Association and the newly named executive director of the Mayfair Business Improvement District.

The Mayfair Civic Association and the Community Development Corporation continue their American flag initiative.

For the last decade or so, the organizations have been hanging American-made American flags along Rowland Avenue, from Frankford Avenue to Rhawn Street. The flags have also been hung around the Lincoln Loop.

In all, more than 150 flags are hung. They fly from Memorial Day weekend to Veterans Day. Wind and rain cause some flags, poles and brackets to be lost. Replacement flags are needed, since the company the groups deal with is behind due to the coronavirus.

To make a donation, go to PayPal and search for “Mayfair Civic Association.” ••

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