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Zoom history meeting Wednesday night

Northeast Philadelphia History Network will hold a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 2, at 7 p.m.

The topic will be Historical Estates Along the Delaware River in Northeast Philadelphia.

The speaker will ne archivist/historian Jack McCarthy.

Join the meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84524768565?pwd=elB0MVhTVHQxL2JKL1JVV3FLamxvdz09.

The meeting ID is 845 2476 8565. The passcode is fneph. ••

Thrift shop reopening Sunday

The Classroom Thrift Shop, 4301 Tyson Ave., sponsored by the women of Temple Menorah Keneseth Chai, will reopen on Sunday, Sept. 6.

The shop will be fully cleaned and newly stocked. 

Hours are weekdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Labor Day hours are 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Customers must wear masks. Call 215-624-9130. ••

League looking for bowlers

Resurrection Bowling League is looking for male and female bowlers, individuals and teams.

The league bowls on Tuesday nights at 8:15 at Thunderbird Lanes, 3075 Holme Ave.

League play begins on Tuesday, Sept. 8.

Bowlers do not need to be a member of Resurrection parish.

Anyone interested in bowling can call Kathy Pearce at 215-802-6912. ••

Nursing, tech jobs open

Friends Hospital, 4641 Roosevelt Blvd., will host a nursing and mental health technician in-person socially distant open house on Thursday, Sept. 3, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

 Interviews will occur outside in order to adhere to social distancing guidelines. Temperatures will be taken on site. Masks will be required and can be provided, if necessary. On-the-spot interviews and hiring will occur. Inquiries can be directed to Madison Geck at  [email protected] or 215-831-4667.

Applicants should be interview-ready with extra copies of resumes on hand. ••

2 local schools get grants

State Rep. Jason Dawkins announced $166,027 in grants are going to help two local schools improve educational services for students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Warren G. Harding Middle School is receiving $88,811.

James J. Sullivan Elementary School will be getting $77,216. ••

CTK holding golf outing

Christ the King School will hold a golf outing and luncheon on Monday, Oct. 12, at Bensalem Township Country Club, located at 2000 Brown Ave., Bensalem.

The cost is $100 per golfer, and the price includes golf fees, cart and luncheon. Registration deadline is Sept. 15.

For information regarding sponsorships or to participate as a golfer, contact Terri Cristofaro at [email protected] or 215-281-2810. ••

Register for Heroes Run

The Travis Manion Foundation will host its 13th annual 9/11 Heroes Run 5K Race Series.

This year’s race series will have a much bigger focus on the opportunity for runners to participate virtually. The race series is dedicated to uniting communities to remember the nearly 3,000 lives lost on 9/11 as well as to honor veterans, military and first responders who dedicate their lives to serving others.

The public is invited to register to participate individually. The virtual runner option allows participants to choose their own date, time, and location where they can run, walk or “ruck” the 5K at their own pace. Registration details and more information about the virtual 9/11 Heroes Runs can be found at 911heroesrun.org.

There is a physical race still scheduled to take place at Russell E. Elliot Memorial Park, 152 Buck Road, Feasterville, on Sept. 12, starting at 9 a.m.

The 9/11 Heroes Run 5K series was inspired by Marine 1st Lt. Travis Manion, who was killed by an enemy sniper in Iraq in April 2007. ••

Virtual Run for Peace will help fund for 9/11 victim

Penn Charter’s 15th annual Run for Peace will take place virtually from Saturday, Sept. 12, at 9 a.m. to Sunday, Sept. 13, at noon.

The event is in memory of Northwood native Peter K. Ortale and Kenny Caldwell, Penn Charter graduates who were killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.

The cost is $25.

Participants can choose their pace and distance. They are encouraged to post photos to the penncharteropc pages on Twitter and Instagram, using #PCrun4peace.

To register, go to penncharter.com/peace.

Ortale grew up on the 4900 block of Castor Ave. and attended St. Martin of Tours, Penn Charter and Duke University, where he graduated in 1987 and was a three-year All-American lacrosse player.

At the time of his death, at age 37, he was working for Euro Brokers on the 84th floor of the World Trade Center’s South Tower in New York. He was among 61 employees and friends of Euro Brokers who died that day.

Donations to the Peter K. Ortale Scholarship Fund can be sent to William Penn Charter School, 3000 W. Schoolhouse Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19144. The fund seeks to provide tuition assistance to an upper school student who, like Ortale, exhibits the qualities of the scholar-athlete and demonstrates a high level of motivation, self-reliance and leadership, both in the classroom and on the playing field. ••

Sept. 11 remembrance at St. James

St. James Lutheran Church, Castor Avenue and Pratt Street in Northwood, will host a remembrance of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on Friday, Sept. 11, at 9 a.m.

The public is invited.

The event will feature music and appearances by civic leaders, clergy, veterans, police officers, firefighters and a color guard. ••

Wave an American flag on 9/11

Wreaths Across America is encouraging residents to stand outside and wave an American flag for one minute on Friday, Sept. 11, at 8:46 a.m. and 9:03 a.m.

At those times on Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist hijackers crashed planes into the World Trade Center.

Participants can use the hashtags #FlagsAcrosstheCountry and #AmericaStrong when posting on social media and tag the Wreaths Across America Facebook page.

You can sponsor a wreath for $15 at https://www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/. Each sponsorship goes toward a fresh balsam veterans wreath that will be placed on the headstone of an American hero on Dec. 19, as part of National Wreaths Across America Day. ••

AHFCU fundraiser will benefit hospitals

The Kids-N-Hope Foundation, of American Heritage Federal Credit Union, will kick off its first Labor of Love Virtual Ride or Stride event.

Participants fundraise and take part in a seven-day virtual course of their choosing from Sept. 6-12. The foundation benefits child life services and pediatric music therapy programs in local area hospitals, including the music therapy program at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Participants can sign up individually, create a team or join a team to begin fundraising. Event riders and striders can choose one of six pre-designed virtual courses from their website or they can choose their own course or distance.

For more information and to register, visit www.KNHLaborOfLove.org or call 215-969-2938. ••

Bike ride will benefit fight against autism

The AJF Ride 4 Autism, with a virtual participation option, is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 12.

There will be 12-mile and 50K options, with a limit of 250 riders, at Lower Makefield Township Park, 1100 Edgewood Road, in Yardley.

Registration and check-in for the 50K are at 8 a.m. The ride begins at 9 a.m.

Registration and check-in for the 12-mile family ride are at 9:15 a.m., with staggered starts beginning at 9:45.

The virtual ride can be done on any bike path from Sept. 7-13.

Call 215-598-8175 or visit www.ajfride4autism.org. ••

Concert to benefit Fox Chase Cancer

Six bands will take part in Boob-A-Palooza on Sept. 12 at www.FaceBook.com/BoobAPalooza2020.

The goal is to raise $10,000 for Fox Chase Cancer Center research.

The event is being organized by Nick Renzi, whose wife is a five-year breast cancer survivor.

The concert starts at noon. The page will feature a “Donate Now” button linked to Fox Chase Cancer Center’s donation website. ••

Jeanes hosting farm stand

Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus, 7600 Central Ave., hosts a farm stand every Thursday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. through October.

Items available include fresh, locally sourced fruits and vegetables, cage-free brown eggs, cheeses, apple butter, pumpkin butter and raw honey.

The stand is located next to Parking Lot C.

Call Rosemarie Schlegel at 215-728-2131. ••

Apply for Jeanes grant

The Anna T. Jeanes Foundation, which supports Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus, is asking for applications for its 2021 Community Grants program.

Grants are awarded annually to provide funding for projects that promote the health and wellness of communities in the hospital’s service areas. Criteria include a project’s merit, community impact and the availability of funds.

Applications will be accepted until Sept. 15. Funds must be used within one year of receipt.

Nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply, and must provide a copy of their tax exemption letter from the IRS and a completed W-9 form.

Organizations applying for grants must be located within or serve one of the following ZIP codes: 19012, 19027, 19111, 19115, 19120, 19149, 19152, 19006, 19046, 19095, 19114, 19116, 19124, 19126, 19135, 19136 and 19154. Projects receiving funding must take place within these ZIP codes.

For additional information about the program, or to request an application form, contact Rosemarie Schlegel at 215-728-2131 or [email protected]. ••

Nazareth holding bariatric sessions

Nazareth Hospital hosts free, online bariatric information sessions for the community to educate patients about weight-loss surgery options and support services at Nazareth Bariatrics.

Participants will have the opportunity to speak with Nazareth Hospital’s bariatric surgeons. The information sessions will take place at 5 p.m. on the following Wednesdays: Sept. 16, Oct. 21, Nov. 18 and Dec. 16.

Registration is required. Upon registration, attendees will be sent a link to access the session virtually.

For more information and to register, call 215-335-2090. ••

Golf outing in memory of ‘Mac’

Democratic Ward 66B will hold a golf fundraiser in remembrance of Mike McAleer on Saturday, Oct. 10, at John F. Byrne Golf Club, 9550 Leon St.

McAleer led the ward from 1969 until his death last December.

The cost is $100. Registration is at 1 p.m., with golfing beginning at 2. Lunch is included. Dinner and draft beer will be available at 6 p.m. at the Taggart House, 9961 Frankford Ave.

The cost for dinner and draft beer at the Taggart House for non-golfers is $50.

Sponsorships are available.

Party boss Bob Brady is on the outing committee.

For more information, call or text ward leader John Del Ricci at 215-669-9495 or email [email protected]. ••

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