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Around Town

New director at Philadelphia Children’s Alliance

The Philadelphia Children’s Alliance announced Benita Williams as the nonprofit organization’s new executive director. Williams most recently served as vice president for community services at Bethanna, She previously served as operations director at the city Department of Human Services.

PCA’s mission is to promote healing and justice among sexually abused children using a collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach to strengthening children and families.

In her new role, Williams will oversee the PCA’s role as lead coordinator for the Northeast Regional Children’s Advocacy Center, a federal grant project that provides training and technical assistance to communities in the northeastern United States that are interested in developing or maintaining a Child Advocacy Center. ••

Young Catholics group forms

The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia has established a new partnership with the Young Catholic Professionals.

YCP is a national organization that brings together young professionals in their 20s and 30s. It will be hosting a free launch party at the National Shrine of Saint John Neumann, 1039 N. Lawrence St., with Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez, on Saturday, Aug. 21, at 6 p.m.

Register at https://www.ycpphiladelphia.org/events/ycp-philadelphia-launch-party. ••

Jazz Vespers in Holmesburg

Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Holmesburg, 8101 Erdrick St., will be hosting a Jazz Vespers event on Thursday, Aug. 26, at 6:30 p.m.

If there is rain, the event will be in the church. Guests are asked to bring a donation of back-to-school supplies.

Call 215-624-8869. ••

Thrift shop accepting donations

The Classroom Thrift Shop, 4301 Tyson Ave., sponsored by the women of Temple Menorah Keneseth Chai, will be open Sunday, Aug. 22, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to accept donations.

The shop will be opening for the new season on Aug. 29, restocked with fall and winter merchandise. Hours are weekdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Donations will be accepted all days.

Call 215-624-9130. ••

Shopping, dinner in Lancaster

Holy Innocents Parish is sponsoring a trip to Lancaster on Thursday, Sept. 23.

A bus will depart L Street and Hunting Park Avenue at 9 a.m. Upon arrival, there will be shopping at the Rockvale and Tanger outlets, followed by dinner at 4 p.m. at the Shady Maple.

The bus will depart at 6 p.m.

Cost is $68, due by Sept. 10.

To reserve your seat, call Cindy at 215-535-2740. ••

Bus heading to March for Life

The first Pennsylvania March for Life will take place on Monday, Sept. 27, in Harrisburg.

There will be a rally at the front steps of the Capitol at 11 a.m. followed by a march around the Capitol building at noon.

A bus will leave at 8:45 a.m. in the parking lot of St. Katherine of Siena Church, 9700 Frankford Ave.

Call 215-333-4313. ••

Bowlers needed

The Pennypack Senior Bowling League is looking for new members.

The league bowls Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. at Thunderbird Lanes, 3075 Holme Ave. starting Sept. 7, with a short meeting at 10:15.

The league is open to men and women 50 and older.

For more information, contact Dan Sperber at 267-446-0159 or [email protected]. ••

Classroom help

Northeast Regional Library, 2228 Cottman Ave., has books to borrow on algebra, English, geometry, biology, computers, chemistry, physics, SAT, GED and Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery.

Hours are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 1 to 5 p.m. ••

Concerts at Cannstatter

The Pennypack Park Music Festival has moved to Cannstatter’s, 9130 Academy Road, this year.

Concerts are Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

The next concert is Aug. 18, featuring Romeo Delight, a tribute to Van Halen.

The final concert will feature Kick It Out (tribute to Heart), Sept. 8. ••

Bashir to run for House

Republican Aaron Bashir plans to run in next year’s race in the 172nd Legislative District.

Bashir took 39 percent in a 2020 challenge to Democratic Rep. Kevin Boyle.

There is no guarantee of a rematch, as districts will be reconfigured before 2022 elections. There is almost no way the Legislative Reapportionment Commission will allow the oddly shaped 172nd to remain the same. At present, it consists of Rockledge and portions of Tacony, Castor Gardens, Mayfair, Rhawnhurst, Burholme, Holme Circle, Bustleton, Fox Chase and Holmesburg. ••

Group to meet Thursday

The West Torresdale/Morrell Park Civic Association will meet on Thursday, Aug. 19, at 6:30 p.m. at Christ the King hall, 3252 Chesterfield Road.

There will be a vote for a variance for the property at 3693-95 Morrell Ave., the proposed expansion of Apple Tree Daycare.

Email [email protected] or check out the group’s Facebook page. ••

Blood drive in Somerton

Fellowship Bible Church and Somerton Civic Association are working with the Red Cross to host a blood drive on Saturday, Aug. 21, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Fellowship Bible, 13021 Worthington Road.

Everyone is encouraged to participate and to donate.

To make an appointment, visit https://rcblood.org/37mC8Qd. ••

Flea market at St. James

St. James Lutheran Church, Castor Avenue and Pratt Street, will hold an outdoor flea market on Saturday, Sept. 18, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

To reserve table space, call 215-743-1828. ••

Apply for community grant

The Anna T. Jeanes Foundation, which supports Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus, is asking for applications for its 2022 Community Grants Program.

Grants are awarded annually to provide funding for projects that promote the health and wellness of communities in the hospital’s service areas. Criteria include a project’s merit, community impact and the availability of funds.

Applications will be accepted until Sept. 15. Funds must be used within one year of receipt.

Nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply, and must provide a copy of their tax exemption letter from the IRS and a completed W-9 form.

Organizations applying for grants must be located within or serve one of the following ZIP codes: 19012, 19027, 19111, 19115, 19120, 19149, 19152, 19006, 19046, 19095, 19114, 19116, 19124, 19126, 19135, 19136 and 19154.

To request an application form, contact Rosemarie Schlegel at 215-728-2131 or [email protected]. ••

Money for healthy school snacks

State Sen. Christine Tartaglione announced that five elementary schools within the 2nd Senatorial District are among 288 statewide that have been awarded a combined $7 million in grants to provide fresh fruit and vegetable snacks to students during the school day.

The local awardees are Fox Chase School and Mastery Charter School-Smedley Elementary.

“Providing quality education to children in their most formative years must be our highest priority as a commonwealth, and good nutrition is a vital component of quality education,” Tartaglione said. “This state funding will help children start each day right and focus on their classwork until the final bell.” ••

Preschool reopening

St. James Lutheran Church, 5185 Castor Ave. (at Pratt Street), will reopen its preschool in September.

Hours will be weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., with before and after care available.

Call 215-743-1828 or email [email protected]. ••

St. Leo reunion at Cannstatter

St. Leo alums are hosting an all-class reunion on Oct. 16, from 3-8 p.m., at Cannstatter’s, 9130  Academy Road.

Tickets cost $50 plus $3.94 in fees, and include food, open bar, live musical entertainment by two bands and a DJ. The party will be indoor and outdoor.

Tickets must be purchased online by Aug. 31 at https://www.upcomingevents.com/e/saint-leo-school-all-class-reunion-53551/.

For more information, email Pete Smith at [email protected]. ••

9/11 commemoration at St. James

St. James Lutheran Church, Castor Avenue and Pratt Street, will commemorate the 20th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks on Saturday, Sept. 11, at 9 a.m.

The event will feature a service, participation by police officers and firefighters, a citation read by state Rep. Joe Hohenstein, a performance by a praise dance team, patriotic songs, saxophone reflection time and a keynote address by the Rev. Clarence Miller. ••

Parnell blasts eviction moratorium

Sean Parnell, a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, criticized President Joe Biden and the CDC for extending an eviction moratorium that the Supreme Court said he could not do.

The moratorium, scheduled to end July 31, has been extended to Oct. 3.

“The Biden administration just stuck its finger in the eye of the United States Supreme Court and our Constitution with its illegal eviction ban. Joe Biden has no authority to tell people what they can or cannot do with their private property. This is one of the most radical power grabs in American history by a bunch of unelected bureaucrats empowered by a lawless president who see the Constitution as nothing more than a piece of scrap paper you would give to a toddler. Employers are begging people to come to work, there’s zero excuse for this anymore. Not only is this unconstitutional eviction ban unfair to property owners who are still forced to pay their mortgage to the bank and property taxes to the government, it’s unfair to every American who pays their rent,” Parnell said. ••

Jehovah’s convention virtual

The Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses, typically held locally at the Liacouras Center, is taking place in a virtual format for the second year in a row.

In all, there will be nearly 6,000 virtual conventions in 240 countries.

Powerful by Faith is the theme of the global event, which is being delivered in more than 500 languages over six weekends through August.

The program will be available in six installments corresponding to morning and afternoon sessions.

All are invited to attend the free event by going to www.jw.org. ••

Local 9/11 events

The annual Peter K. Ortale Run for Peace will take place on Saturday, Sept. 18, at Penn Charter, 3000 W. School House Lane in East Falls.

The event is in memory of Northwood native Peter Ortale, who was killed in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.

Ortale grew up on the 4900 block of Castor Ave. and attended St. Martin of Tours, Penn Charter and Duke University, where he graduated in 1987 and was a three-year All-American lacrosse player.

At the time of his death, at age 37, he was working for Euro Brokers on the 84th floor of the World Trade Center’s South Tower in New York. He was among 61 employees and friends of Euro Brokers who died that day.

For more information, go to penncharter.com/peace.

Meanwhile, the annual Alisha C. Levin Run to Remember will take place on Saturday, Sept. 25, at Northeast High School, 1601 Cottman Ave.

Levin, who grew up on the 1300 block of Wells St. in Castor Gardens, was killed in the terrorist attacks. She was 33.

Levin was a 1986 graduate of Northeast. She later graduated from Hofstra University. She worked for three years for Fuji Bank in the World Trade Center’s South Tower.

On the day of the attacks, terrorists first crashed an airplane into the North Tower. Seventeen minutes later, a plane struck the South Tower.

Fuji Bank, which occupied the 79th through 82nd floors, lost 23 employees. Levin was the company’s vice president of human resources.

Proceeds will benefit college scholarships for National Honor Society students at Northeast High.

For more information, visit alishalevinmemorial.org. ••

Senior center open

The Rosemary Montagno Senior Center, 12601 Townsend Road, has reopened after being closed since March 2020.

The center opens weekdays at 10 a.m. for all activities, except bingo.

Bingo will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 7, at 11:45 a.m.

The kitchen remains closed.

Call 215-673-7734. ••

Extend opioid disaster declaration

State Rep. Joe Hohenstein and Mary Isaacson are urging House Republican leaders to end the summer recess now so lawmakers can vote to extend the governor’s statewide opioid disaster declaration.

Gov. Tom Wolf renewed the declaration, but recent changes to the Pennsylvania Constitution will cause the emergency order to expire unless the Pennsylvania General Assembly votes to extend it. The House is not scheduled to return to voting session until Sept. 27.

Hohenstein and Isaacson sent a letter to House Speaker Bryan Cutler, urging him to bring lawmakers back to session so they can vote to extend the emergency declaration.

“The opioid emergency declaration has widened access to the prescription drug monitoring program, allowed agencies to share data, and made it easier for individuals to receive treatment,” the letter read, in part. ••

Shop with Sean classes

Philadelphians ages 14-24 are invited to join Shop with Sean.

Participants will learn household and construction skills, take woodshop classes and gain knowledge of tools.

The Block Gives Back’s Sean Rogge teaches the class, which meets at Impact Services, 1952 E. Allegheny Ave.

Anyone interested can text Shop Classes to 267-712-9272. ••

Apply to be a cop

The Philadelphia Police Department is recruiting officers.

The deadline to apply is Aug. 31. The starting annual salary is $56,227.

Applicants must be a high school graduate, age 22 or older and a resident of Philadelphia for at least a year.

Call 215-683-COPS or visit www.joinphillypd.com. ••

Counting change sought

Better Pennsylvania sent a letter to Legislative Reapportionment Commission members signed by 35 left-wing organizations asking the LRC to end “prison gerrymandering,” a practice by many states and local governments that counts inmates as residents of the areas where they are housed, rather than in their home communities.

“The League of Women Voters PA consider prison gerrymandering an essential issue of racial justice and urge the LRC to use the census data to avoid compounding racial injustice,” said Shirley McCormick, the immediate past president of the League of Women Voters Pennsylvania.

Other groups that signed include the NAACP, Working Families Party, Alliance for Police Accountability, POWER Interfaith, Americans for Democratic Action and the ACLU. ••

Nazareth awarded for kidney care

Nazareth Hospital has earned the distinction from U.S. News & World Report as a “high-performing hospital” for kidney failure.

“We are grateful for the national recognition for providing excellent care to treat kidney failure,” said Dr. Michael Magro, president of Nazareth. “Our team at Nazareth Hospital is committed to excellence across all our service lines and serving our community with quality care.”

For more information about Nazareth, visit www.trinityhealthma.org. ••

Diabetes and nutrition presentation

Learn about good nutrition and diabetes prevention on Wednesday, Sept. 8, from 2-3 p.m. at the Northeast Regional Library backyard, 2228 Cottman Ave. Rain date is Sept. 15. The free presentation will be given by Rene Rincon of Oak Street Health. No registration required. ••

History fair at Cannstatter

The Northeast Philadelphia History Network will hold a history fair on Saturday, Sept. 18, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Cannstatter’s, 9130 Academy Road.

Admission is free.

There will be historic displays, presentations on local history, books, prints, photographs and other historical items. Volunteers are needed.

Call 215-370-4626 or email [email protected]. ••

Dog-themed charity event

Bark for Life, an American Cancer Society event, will be held on Sept. 11, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Neshaminy State Park, 3401 State Road, Pavilion 1, Bensalem.

Dog families and dog lovers are invited for activities and doggie games and contests, with prizes. There will be vendors, a doggie photo booth, snacks, entertainment and rescue adoptions for dogs and cats.

All proceeds go to the local American Cancer Society.

To become a sponsor or vendor, email [email protected] or call 215-245-6607.

For more information, visit https://go.rallyup.com/bflbensalem. ••

Program for women veterans

Cranaleith Spiritual Center, 13475 Proctor Road, invites all women veterans to a day of rest and reflection on Saturday, Aug. 28, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Song of the Caged Bird: A Retreat Day for Women Veterans will include time for group sharing and individual reflection. This non-denominational spiritual retreat is free of charge. Registration is required.

Lunch is included. Transportation assistance is available. Register at cranaleith.org. ••

Farm stand opens

The farm stand on the Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus is open Thursdays through Oct. 28 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Goods for sale include fresh fruits, vegetables, cage-free brown eggs, cheeses, apple butter, pumpkin butter and raw honey. Items vary week to week.

The stand is located next to Parking Lot C on campus grounds, 7600 Central Ave.

Contact Rosemarie Schlegel at 215-728-2131 or [email protected]. ••

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