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Letters to the Editor

Let’s preserve our freedoms

My thoughts are about the thousands of undocumented immigrants coming into our country. We, as Americans, worked so hard for our benefits. These illegals are getting many of these benefits without even getting inoculated.

Our relatives before us also worked and fought so hard to make this a better nation for us all. Pay close attention to all that is solid and firm, and laws are passed for the good of all of us Americans.

Be aware, my fellow Americans. I feel some of our freedoms are being attacked and taken away from us.

Patti Wirsz


Martina, stop picking on Krasner

Martina White is a hypocrite. I’m referring to the latest email newsletter I received from White, a Republican, this past week. She says she introduced a bill to implement term limits for Philly’s DA, Larry Krasner. Her reasoning is because our mayor, Jim Kenney, has one.

I feel this bill was introduced backed by the Philly FOP. She is somehow in their back pocket. Just because the FOP is disgusted with our current DA, mind you, who won his election fair and square, does not entitle her to put limits on the DA‘s job.

And speaking of term limits, why isn’t she introducing a bill for term limits for her job? All politicians today need term limits. Period.

Just a footnote, I have no ill will against Martina White. I have met her multiple times and have used her office for a variety of things.

Stacie Ruehling


Democracy: It still works

It is a new year and what have President Biden, VP Harris, Sen. Schumer and other leading Democrats talked about in their speeches? Not that inflation is highest in almost 40 years; not supply chain issues; not COVID-related issues; and not Build Back Better fiasco; but saving our democracy.

Now it is the one-year anniversary of the riot that showed the world that democracy does work in this country. Through due diligence of the FBI, to date 738 rioters have been arrested and they are currently going through our judicial system.

The Democrats are now alarming the citizens that democracy is in the balance, and we must have changes to prevent the fall of democracy. But the democracy we have in place works. The Democrats talk about the last presidential election. With all the litigation by the Republicans in the courts, we must protect our democracy, the Democrats warn.

The Republicans took to the courts to invalidate, audit, nullify, abolish and overturn the presidential election and they all lost. Even with Trump-appointed judges, they lost. So, our democracy is strong under the present system that our forefathers created almost 250 years ago, it still works.

But the Democrats are now concentrating on making you believe that they want to save democracy by changing it. It started with VP Harris when she was asked, what is the most important threat to this country. She stated it is the threat to US democracy. Since the Democrats have nothing to brag about in the upcoming elections, the Democrats want to save the democracy. But the present democracy still works.

Maybe the Democrats are using the old axiom that if the lie is big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. But our democracy works as proven by the Republican failure to change the presidential election results and the arrest of the rioters who entered the Capitol on that fateful day.

Joe Nadolski

Academy Gardens

Changes to policing

I am especially interested in Rep. Jared Solomon’s approach to dealing with the ongoing problem of corruption and misuse of power in the police force.

I agree with his ideas on systematic change and that for real change to be made, the most important part is for a complete redevelopment of the system to be instituted. However, I am wondering how he plans to enact his idea to build a stronger relationship between the community and the police on a local level. This idea could be interesting, but I have thought it to be implausible at this time, considering major changes have not been made to the policing system quite yet.

I hope he continues to push in this direction and advocate for more bills like HB1841, which mandates law enforcement background investigations that are kept in an electronic database accessible to law enforcement agencies, and HB1910, which provides for implicit bias training and regular mental health evaluations of officers, as they both seem to be major shifts in the right direction and could greatly improve the law enforcement system. I am very appreciative of his work to push for change and would like to see his continued support for bills such as these in support of changes to the police force.

Griffin Phusommai

Julia Masterman High School

Don’t ridicule

It was encouraging to see Tom Anderson’s letter (12/22/21) praising NE Times opinion letters of 12/1 by students at Masterman High School. The students offered opinions regarding pollution and zero emissions and a referenced documentary about sustainable farming. Most importantly they offered evidence to support their opinions without ridiculing those with whom they disagree.

Some opinion page contributors are quick to criticize. One reader has referred to the DA as “Krazy Krasner.” Another called him “Cousin Larry” or asked if he was “smoking dope” or “sleeping with the enemy.” It was claimed that, “He stands for Marxism” without explaining the claim. This name-calling does not enlighten the reader. It is true that Krasner set free many wrongly convicted people but fell short of his duty by releasing into the public far more prisoners who deserve to be behind bars. The police commissioner always seems to arrive at the scene of a murder in time for a photo-op. I wonder if you were the mayor, district attorney or police commissioner, what would you have done differently?

Mel Flitter


Boycott China Olympics

Reasons USA should boycott Olympics:

• Tiananmen Square 1989, student protesters run over by military tanks, intentionally killed.

• China against human rights; genocide of Uyghurs

• China looks down on the birth of baby girls

• Invasion of Taiwan will be coming very soon

• China will never let the WHO or USA find out the origin of the China virus. This was done intentionally so it could spread throughout the world to get rid of the population mass.

• American companies like Coca-Cola should pull out of China, period

• What about foreign student visas, are most going to school free?

• Biological terrorism

• How about the fentanyl at the open border at Mexico, Texas and Arizona, tons and tons killing USA citizens

Biden, stand up to Xi Jinping and China, if you can man up.

Richard B. Krzaczek

Lexington Park

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