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Letters to the Editor

Gun control needed

Gun control is an issue that is very important to me, and I am incredibly pleased with the work Martina White has done in prosecuting those guilty of crimes involving illegal firearms. However, in order for this epidemic to be properly taken care of, the root of the problem needs to be addressed. I should not have to grow up in a world where I have to fear for my life walking into school, a movie theater or simply down the street. Yet, here we are. White has stated on multiple occasions that she is a supporter of the Second Amendment and gun control is a direct violation of that. However, the Second Amendment specifies a ¨well regulated militia.¨ We are far from ¨well regulated.¨ To combat this issue, it is essential that we start regulating the sale and ownership of firearms. Refusing to regulate guns is a passive stance on gun control and I am asking for her help to keep guns off our streets. Thus, I am asking for her opposition to Senate Bill 565, which would allow guns to be carried in a concealed or open fashion without a permit. The passing of this bill would be detrimental to our city and put numerous lives at risk. I would also like to see White work on implementing restrictions in the sale and distribution of firearms as a whole – specifically assault rifles. Granting 18-year-olds access to military-grade weapons seems exceedingly superfluous. I truly hope that White will consider advocating for gun control, her support would be beneficial to so many.

Victoria Fink

Julia Masterman High School

Thanks for the help

I just wanted to thank congressman Brendan Boyle’s office for helping me with a recent family IRS issue. We were about to throw in the towel (IRS phone mail is a nightmare), and figured we would give our local congressman a call as one last resort. The congressman’s staff was incredibly helpful and helped us solve our IRS problem.

John McGuinn

Pine Valley

Hold Krasner accountable

In response to Stacie Ruehling of Somerton regarding her letter, “Martina, stop picking on Krasner,” if not Martina, who? Not one elected official in Philadelphia questions or stands up to the insane policies of this district attorney. And as stated that he “won his election fair and square,” that does not give him the universal power to not do his job. As history has shown, Philadelphians cannot help themselves and continually vote against or in most cases don’t vote for good candidates. In fact most vote blindly based on party.

A district attorney is elected to enforce laws and convict criminals, not make policy and pick and choose whom they go after. 2021 was a record-setting year for homicides, violent crimes, assaults, carjackings and other quality-of-life crimes, and 2022 looks to be even worse. Unless you live in a bubble, no one is exempt or safe in Philadelphia. Too many times a loss of life can be traced back to a person who has been excused or given a slap on the wrist by his office. November’s killing of a Temple student is just one example. Not holding people accountable only emboldens them to escalate their crimes.

Luckily for us, Martina White and other state legislators are holding Mr. Krasner accountable for his dereliction of duty.

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Pete Smith

PhillyGOP Secretary, Ward Leader

Story behind the headline

Last year I downsized from an SUV automobile to a four-door sedan. Thank God, since I just learned how scary-dangerous SUVs are, having recently read the following article in the Washington Post. Allow me to quote the headline lest you would never believe me. “Here’s what we know so far about the sequences of the events that led to the Waukesha tragedy caused by an SUV.” This headline references events that happened on Nov. 21, 2021 in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Apparently, as the news story reports, an SUV decided to crash through a parade killing six people and injuring 60 more. It’s been two months now and no one seems to be concerned about this very serious and dangerous proclivity of SUVs to crash into people and property. So I decided to become a whistleblower to alert others of this danger of SUVs among us turning rogue at any moment searching for more victims. I researched the incident to uncover which SUV model was the culprit with such lethal capability, when I learned that it was not the SUV after all as the paper clearly suggested. Furthermore, it wasn’t a “tragedy,” either, as the headline clearly stated. It was actually a “murder.” The driver, Darrell Brooks, was the killer, having left behind, on social media, evidence of his anti-white views. Later on in the story, I  discovered that Darrell was a black man.

Happily, we don’t have to fear out-of-control SUVs, but we do need to be careful of racially enraged black persons and also racially enraged white persons and racially enraged Asian and Hispanic persons. But most of all, we must be very afraid of the dangerous way we are served up our politically enraged, self-serving news. As our locally born and deceased famous cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead warned: Children and youth should be taught HOW to think, not WHAT to think.

Steven J. Marinucci

Fox Chase

Putin’s demands

Putin makes unreasonable demands to which he already knows the answers. Not on the table is telling NATO who they can invite. Obviously he fears them. But consider how we would feel if the Russians put forces in Mexico or more realistically Cuba. But never forget, he started this military provocation when he began to amass forces on Ukraine’s borders. Worse, he has placed a quick-strike force in Belarus a mere 250 miles from the city limits of Kyiv, the capital. Is he ready to guarantee that he quits Ukraine and Belarus in exchange for NATO not inviting them?

Michael Eichert


Who will replace Hite?

Superintendent Bill “Don’t believe the” Hite is finally leaving the school district.

When bad things happen to us, we have to think, “This, too, shall pass.”

He will be replaced by the school board, our current puppet and unqualified to run a $3 billion, 200,000-student entity.

I hope they don’t pick a friend of Rendell’s like Hornbeck, who brought us the SRC.

How about the SRC that brought us Ackerman, who had to be fired and bought out of her contract for almost $1 million?

Will they use the president’s criteria of skin color shade and sex or the school board’s criteria of ZIP code?

Mayer Krain

Modena Park

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