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Letters to the Editor

Putin a merciless madman

The following words are from my heart, and are addressed to my friends and acquaintances  among NE Philadelphia’s immigrant Russian community.

We know that you are not part of Mr. Putin’s merciless attacks on the Ukrainian people, but if you are in contact with family and friends back in the land of your birth you will know that they are kept from any real sense of what Mr. Putin’s military is doing in Ukraine. If you can, please convey these messages to them:

To Russian families whose soldier sons are forced to carry on this unjustified war, understand finally that this is Mr. Putin’s war, not that of your sons. Putin’s madness is destroying not only Ukrainian lives, but your sons’ lives as well.

To parents of sons in the Russian military, what would your sons answer if asked why they kill and risk being killed? There is no honor for your sons in this war. Tell your sons to throw down their weapons and come home.

People of Russia, your enemy is Putin, not Ukraine. Your grandfathers fought a successful revolution in 1917; you can do so again. (You will know what to do with Putin and his henchmen.)

To my Russian-speaking friends, now U.S. citizens and neighbors, please convey these thoughts to family and friends back in the land of your birth, and hope for a future of normal relations between Russia and Ukraine.

Roland Williams

Pennypack East

Leave our kids alone

This is one simple rule in life when you are an adult.

Another rule is that an adult should never do any harm to children.

In politics, it has been said that family, particularly children, are off limits.

This is very clear. This is bigger than politics, political campaigns or political parties.

Everyone everywhere should agree on this. Democrat, Republican, independent.

However, there is now a crazy radical wing of the Democratic Party that seems to have hijacked their party and are now trying to be the experts on how society should teach, treat and raise our children.

You see they know best, not you. Let’s look at some recent examples at what is being pushed in state Houses all over the USA.

Teaching young children in grades K thru 3 sex education including transgender orientation is seen as welcoming. Parents who are opposed are homophobic.

Allowing illegal migrants to pour across our southern borders and not testing these people, whom we know nothing about, to see if they have COVID-19 or not asking these non-citizens to wear a mask during a pandemic is compassionate. Parents who are opposed are xenophobic.

By the way, our children still should wear masks in schools. In New York City, even preschool-age toddlers as young as 2 are expected to mask up. Parents who are opposed are selfish and just want to kill teachers.

Of course parents who question these things and wonder why our most vulnerable are not being taught the basics, such as math, reading, science and English are not bright enough to understand why their children are being taught an agenda that frankly indoctrinates the youngest of our society. Parents who are opposed or want to run for their local school board are seen as racists, bigoted and uneducated.

We parents see this and we are fed up. Right now parents are putting all elected officials at all levels of government on notice. Leave our kids alone and stop trying to parent our children. If not, you will pay the price at the polls. Silence by the way is no longer good enough. If you are quiet, then you are complicit in this madness.

Any candidate on the ballot this spring or fall had better explain their position on our children in great detail. Immediately. If your party nominates a candidate for governor, congressman, U.S. senator, PA state senator or PA state representative and that person ducks questions and gives you lip service on our kids, then that person or political party does not value our children and they need not ask for or expect to get our votes in May or November this year.

Finally, to the person who wrote last week President Biden has been an outstanding president, I would only ask you how can we expect our president to fight for our kids when he can’t stand up to the woke elite in his own party? Is that outstanding?

You can tell a lot about a person by how their kids have been raised and turned out. If our president is outstanding, let’s ask his son Hunter what he thinks. That’s what I thought.

John Farley


A champ for animals

Congressman Brendan Boyle (D-2nd dist.) is a champion for taxpayers and animals, and White Coat Waste Project is proud to honor him with a Congressional Waste Warrior award. Rep. Boyle is one of a very small group of lawmakers who have earned this recognition three times, and has deserved it every single time.

Rep. Boyle has led key initiatives to defund wasteful and cruel taxpayer-funded animal experiments that most people oppose, and which Americans pay over $20 billion for every year. He’s also spearheading efforts to give animals a second chance in loving homes when testing in government labs ends and to cut FDA red tape that forces drug makers to conduct outdated and unnecessary tests on dogs and other animals.

Our 3 million members in Pennsylvania and beyond are lucky to have Rep. Boyle in Washington; his work to protect animals from abuse, and taxpayers from wasteful government spending, is truly outstanding.

Devin Murphy

White Coat Waste Project

We all have opinions

I agree with Scott O’Donnell’s letter about opinions. Human nature being what it is, we are out to criticize. It makes the world go round, and interesting to read another view. But, in O’Donnell’s case, it was different to read an opinion about other people’s opinions.

Marie Patton

Fox Chase

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