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Letters to the Editor

We need law and order

First and most importantly, I’m so grateful that the 2 police officers shot last Monday night on the Parkway are both OK. However, we have reached a crossroad in our city with the unabated gun violence and crime. There is absolutely no leadership present whatsoever. The criminal element has been emboldened by the inept and weak policies of District Attorney Krasner, and the mayor appeared to throw in the towel. This is unacceptable. I will be a pro-police, law and order voice in Harrisburg when elected. We cannot survive without law and order.

Al Taubenberger

Candidate, 172nd Legislative District

Impeach the bum

Three ways Jimmy “Spineless Creampuff” Kenney can apologize to me?

1. Abolish the sugar tax.

2. Abolish sanctuary cities.

3. Abolish Mumia!

Lots more, of course, but these are just off the top of my head.

Keep calm and impeach the bum.

Bill McDevitt Jr.


Regulating fireworks

In my short time in office, I’ve heard from constituents all over the Northeast who are fed up with being bombarded with fireworks during the summer months. Noise violations have increased over the last several years, and the police department is overburdened responding to firework-related incidents. Our neighborhoods often sound like warzones, and police need more authority to help. I’m especially sensitive when calls come from combat veterans who struggle because of what feels like the unrestricted use of fireworks near their homes. That’s why I voted to support House Bill 2157.

If enacted into law, the bill would enhance penalties and safety measures associated with the inappropriate use of fireworks while also increasing fines for the illegal sale of fireworks.

I know how important pets are to the fabric of life in Northeast Philly. Thankfully, this legislation bars the use of fireworks within 300 feet of an animal housing facility and requires a 3-day notice to the animal’s owner in advance of the fireworks being used.

Lastly, I’m in favor of limiting the hours when fireworks can be set off. HB 2157 would restrict the use of fireworks outside of the hours of 10 a.m. through 10 p.m. Hours would be expanded to allow for firework usage on 4th of July, Memorial Day week and Labor Day.

I plan to continue to advocate for changes to the current firework regulation to assist police officers, protect veterans, and safeguard our animals.

Jimmy Dillon

State Senator – 5th District

Give Mayor Kenney a break

As to calls for the resignation of Mayor Kenney due to his emotional reaction to the shooting on the Parkway on July 4, it makes it ever more evident that Americans have gone mad. Instead of realizing that the mayor was, as we all are, deeply upset and frightened, there are calls for his resignation. We accept leaders who are liars and buffoons, traitors and charlatans, insurrectionists and conspiracy theorists, but we cannot accept someone who stands, shaken and near tears, at his wits’ end due to gun violence. Follow the money trail, people. As long as gun industry money lines the pockets of politicians and judges, all of our lives will be on the line every time we step out the door.

Marguerite Sexton


Funny money

As I understood the original Affordable Care Act, part of the bill’s funding was interest earned from the federal takeover of student loans. The federal takeover was part of the law. The interest on loans was one of the law’s funding that makes the AFA possible. How can the federal government cancel student loan debt? This not only removes the interest payments funding the AFA, it adds $1.6 trillion to our deficit. This would seem to be a violation of the AFA and cause it to be nullified.

The double dealing of our legislators is dizzying. Most people don’t realize that federal spending of money our government prints out of thin air “devalues” our money. It’s a way of taking money out of our pocket without having the political guts to do it to our face. Our money becomes worth less, inflation. It won’t last forever. Meanwhile, our legislators line their own pockets with insider trading deals. They sell out their constituents for their own selfish payday.

Joe Shea

Fox Chase

Freedom from oppression

Disagreements can lead to vocal arguments followed by physical violence. We argue about politics, freedom of religion, abortion, same-sex marriage, homosexuality, race relations, gun control, taxes and much more.

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson called for the people’s inalienable right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” The First Amendment to the Constitution calls for freedom of speech and the press. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the government sometimes may be allowed to limit speech, press or freedom of assembly as well as ban libel, obscenity or words that present a clear and present danger of inciting violence.The Second Amendment allows the right to bear arms. It was supported by James Madison to allow the creation of civilian forces that can counteract a tyrannical federal government. In summary, it seems like the intention of the “founding fathers” was that citizens could live their lives as they pleased as long as their actions did not prevent others from doing the very same thing.

Mel Flitter


Not a uniter

In Biden’s mind, he somehow thinks he’s the “Great Uniter.” He took over the presidency spouting to the tune of unity. We see how that worked out. It didn’t go over too well when he decided to unify South and North America at the Summit of the Americas. Can you say bust. Quite a few countries didn’t show because certain countries weren’t invited. I can see the unity building. Biden gave his speech to bring the countries together. Not! Belize blasted him for not inviting the other countries. So this is unity. To top it all, Kamala Harris spoke to the Caribbean countries about “clean energy.” I’m sure Haiti was at the front of the line for that talk. Puerto Rico needs clean energy because most days they don’t have any energy. So I’m sure they were in the first row. I think Brandon should pick a different topic because unity isn’t his forte.

Richard Donofry

East Torresdale

America’s Tower of Babel

John Farley’s “Keep Electoral College” is excellent in presenting the facts. It is falling on deaf ears for who it is intended. We have a problem in America today. The country’s current climate is experiencing a modern-day building of the Tower of Babel. Fifty percent hate the other 50 percent and cannot understand what they espouse. Worse, too many believe that if the other “side” gets their agenda passed, then the country is going to hell. Both sides justify their own  beliefs no matter how outlandish. They are positive the other side is talking gibberish and bureaucratese, which will lead to disaster. The only thing many agree on when discussing anything is to say let us not cloud the issue with pertinent facts. We are right and they are wrong. May I also add for both sides to stop boasting about your patriotism, for as Samuel Johnson said in 1775, “it is the last refuge of a scoundrel.” To all the people who hold a position of leadership, I say, for every argument there has to be a compromise. If you are in a position of leadership, then by all means show leadership and ethics that we all expect you to have.

Ron Farbman


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