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Letters to the Editor

Guided tour

Come to Philadelphia, where the odds are very high you’ll get mugged, robbed, carjacked and shot. Mayor Kenney and DA Krasner, the two frauds, will give you a tour.

Max H. Manley


New Sixers arena a game-changer

The Philadelphia 76ers’ plan to build a new arena between 10th and 11th streets on Market is the culmination of IBEW Local 98’s major investment in and vision for a revitalized East Market Street corridor. With all of the new retail, hospitality and housing units already in place and now the 76ers new arena coming in 2031, this game-changing project will complete the rebirth of this vitally important stretch of Center City. The members of IBEW Local 98 and all of the Building Trades unions, many of whom live in Northeast Philadelphia, look forward to constructing a glorious new arena that is worthy of our city’s iconic NBA team.

Mark Lynch

Business Manager

IBEW Local 98

A Fox Chase Circle

Some Fox Chase residents have openly opposed the streets department’s proposal for a roundabout at the intersection of Pine Road and Shady Lane. Objections include that we could not learn to use the roundabout correctly, the design was not individualized to the intersection’s current usage, and the project would not alleviate the left-turn challenge to Parkhollowers. However, a proper design to the circle will alleviate all these issues.

Should a roundabout be constructed, I propose erecting a monument in the center portion consisting of no less than five sculpted foxes (more is better), each in a slightly different pose and each nearly nipping the tail of the fox in front of it, forming a ring of foxes. The fox sculptures should be short enough to see over so as not to obstruct the view of drivers circling. The styling should be hyperrealistic, but we should allow our children to brightly color them one day each year. A full circle of our spirit animals locked in a game of “got your tail” for all eternity is a fitting and appropriate monument to Fox Chase.

With a cunning and intuitive design (not the current one), this circle could be a breeze as it is only a three-way intersection. Learning it would not be an issue for the clever inhabitants of Fox Chase. In addition, the astute residents of nearby Parkhollow will slyly make a right and go around the circle rather than making a left, savvy to their opportunity to dodge traffic and “circle the foxes.”

This project could become necessary in the future should development in Fox Chase continue as proposed. The streets department is willing to spend $2.5 million at that intersection. We should allow them to make that investment in Fox Chase, make the most of this opportunity, and make it ours.

Scott A. O’Donnell

Fox Chase

No authority

I read the opinion of Mr. Krzaczek on two sides of a story. He asks the question about Speaker Pelosi calling up the National Guard. I would just like to point out to him that the Speaker of the House isn’t in the chain of command of the military and that office has no authority to call up the National Guard. This is something one learns in basic training in the first week.

Mark Chalupa

Pennypack East

Show some pride

I have to apologize to all the men who duke it out weekly on your editorial pages. This is not a politically charged letter to the editor that they so enjoy. It is a wakeup call to all of the people in my neighborhood of Morrell Park and the surrounding neighborhoods, since I know this is not an isolated problem. Have a little pride in your home and in your neighborhood.

The outside of your home is still part of your property and deserves to be cleaned and maintained. The weeds growing in the cracks of the sidewalks and street edges are becoming trip hazards to those of us who still enjoy walking outdoors. I’ve encountered some weeds that are waist high. There are bushes/hedges that grow out of their yards and block more than half the sidewalk, forcing walkers, young bikers and people with strollers into the street. Some have sharp branches extending out at eye level as well. This is unacceptable. I haven’t even mentioned the amount of uneven and cracked sidewalks. I realize that not everyone can afford to get new concrete and repave. I think, however, that most could afford some weedkiller, bleach or just some good old-fashioned elbow grease to kill/clear the weeds taking over the sidewalks and the edges of the streets. Trim your hedges, or get rid of them if it’s too much trouble to maintain them properly. Hire someone to do these menial tasks if you are unable or unwilling to do them yourself.

These small chores will greatly improve the look of your home and the neighborhood, plus it will keep your neighbors safe. It may even help you avoid a homeowner’s claim.

Two other suggestions:

1) Pick up your circulars and newspapers. If you do not care to read them, throw them in the recycling bucket. Do not leave them to decay in the street.

2) Pay attention to the weather forecast on the evening before trash day and use a little common sense. If it’s going to be windy or stormy, wait until morning to put out your trash. Too many times recently, trash and recycling have been spilled over and not many people bend over to clean it up.

Kathleen Good

Morrell Park

Common courtesy has slipped to a new low

Perhaps, after the most recent 8-day heat wave, my patience had been burned out when I was reading the July 27 Opinion section. I was disappointed by the rather offensive position expressed by Richard Krzaczek about Speaker Pelosi; furthermore, he lamented “America should be told the whole picture.”

I agree totally with the necessity that our political dialogue be built on true facts. However, Richard neglected to get his facts correct. He believes that Speaker Pelosi could have called up the National Guard; however, Richard is totally wrong.

Authority to activate the D.C. National Guard rests with the President and has been delegated, by the President, to the Secretary of Defense and further delegated to the Secretary of the Army. The D.C. National Guard is the only National Guard unit, out of all of the 54 states and territories, that reports only to the President. It took less than a minute to access the D.C. National Guard’s website to uncover the reality as opposed to Mr. Krzaczek’s desired belief. (source: https://dc.ng.mil/About-Us)

If one is desirous to persuade others to accept their position, it is desirable that a tad bit of courtesy be also employed. Mr. Krzaczek refers to Speaker Pelosi as “Facelift Nancy.” Was that necessary, and I pondered how I might inform him that such taunting is counterproductive. How might Richard feel, when reading this opinion, if I referred to him as Mr. Krazyasaloon? I suspect not well, so lesson for Richard is “to do unto others as you’d want done to you.”

Joe Morris


Stay away, Kenney

Our moronic mayor stated that he has not met with the mothers of slain children.

One might ask, “Haven’t they suffered enough?”

Mayer Krain

Modena Park

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