HomeNewsBashir building grassroots support

Bashir building grassroots support

From left: Fran Woodruff, Saima and Aaron Bashir, Al Taubenberger, Pete Smith.

Aaron Bashir, the Republican candidate in the 2nd Congressional District, last week held a fundraiser at Cafe Rokhat, 2481 Grant Ave.

Several people spoke in favor of Bashir, who is challenging Rep. Brendan Boyle, while a video showed Pastor Bill Devlin and others offering their support.

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Former City Councilman Al Taubenberger, who is challenging state Rep. Kevin Boyle, once worked for former U.S. Rep. Charlie Dougherty and said it’s time for another Republican congressman.

“I’m supporting him a hundred and ten percent. Aaron Bashir is going to make history,” Taubenberger said.

Others speaking in support of Bashir were legislative candidate Marjilyn Murray and ward leaders Pete Smith and Chris Vogler.

Dr. Mehmet Oz has also endorsed Bashir, and the two will campaign together in the Northeast on Sept. 17.

Bashir said the city and country are headed in the wrong direction, citing high inflation and gas prices, increasing murders and carjackings in Philadelphia, the drug scene in Kensington and the Democrats’ open-border policies.

Underfunded, Bashir asked for volunteers to reach voters through text, email and phone. He’s hoping to place yard signs and for word-of-mouth support in churches and mosques and on social media.

“The other side has a lot of money,” Bashir said, “but we have a strong will and a strong team.” ••

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